Jan H - Thanks for the tip on James Randi's books. I look forward to checking them out.
Peace and Security - LL
from us news: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/020826/misc/26gotcha.htm.
strange but true: this is the golden age of hoaxes .
Jan H - Thanks for the tip on James Randi's books. I look forward to checking them out.
Peace and Security - LL
my name is donna.
i was directed to this forum through freeminds.org by randy watters.
i found his site to be very helpful to me and i highly recommend it to other newbies.
DJ - I'm glad you shared your story - Thanks. I wish nothing but good things for you and your family.
Peace - LL
*** rbi8 matthew 6:9-13 ***.
9 you must pray, then, this way:.
to just what stars or star groups these names refer we do not know today.
Just when you thought Heaven's Gates was unique.
Peace - LL
# 3
Peace - LL
everyone is on this board for one reason or another.
many of you because of wrong doings or injustices committed by someone.
whatever the reason, we are all on this board making posts that maybe interesting to others here.. instead of talking trash about someone you may not like on this board, let's do this:.
I vote 4 all 3.
Peace and Security
h20 was a smashing success for a long time, even with many moderators.
the board rules were basically good common sense, and expressed some issues as to matters of law, such as not violating copyright, etc.
i don't understand why h20 went down the tank.
H20 was a life saver :) Hey, does anybody remember Sandman, I think he is from 'down under' I use to enjoy his post.
Yeah, after H20 went down I wasn't involved with ex-jw boards for a while. Seeker told me about JWD, and even then I didn't have time for it. But now that my work load is normal (10 hours a day :) I have time to chat. I try to type every post like it's my last b/c I never know when I'll get another chance to contribute. Anyway, the 'Moderators' were a big problem @ H20, frankly I never understood the system - At one point I thought everybody were Moderators :)
So for my clarity sake - Would someone please tell me what's acceptable and what's not on this board?
Peace - LL
an ant standing on a ladder, poking an elephant.. a coconut falls from a tree, hitting the elephant on the head.
the elephant says, "oooof.".
the ant says, "suffer bitch.".
Francois - A quote from a book you recommended "The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice utmost humility, is boundless." - Eric Hoffer
Peace - LL
another thread today contained a link to "why jehovahs witnesses have mental problems" (http://www.premier1.net/~raines/mental.html) .
i really enjoyed the following excerpt (which, according to the endnotes, is from jerry bergman.
jw research vol.1 no 4, fall 1994, 28.
Great website - It should serve a useful purpose.
Peace - LL
i wanted to pull this out into its own thread...this is the press release that will be going out as soon as we reach our goal...please go to http://www.amazon.com/paypage/p2ranmtqodei4e to get us there!.
here is the text of the press release...don't send it around just yet!.
for immediate release.
Mike - I contributed to Silentlambs, was that the right place for your cause? Oh, what do you look like so I can shake your hand at the March :)
Peace - LL
this weekend i'm going to dc for the reparation march.
i know this is an highly volatile subject for some so i'm not even going to ask for opinions.
but, for the record here's my stand - i'm for reparations based on principle.
Hey folks where's the love :) I'm not the enemy. Although it just shows some things never change. Everytime a 'Black' person stands up for a cause, folks want to shoot 'em down, put 'em in their place. It's cool, folks said the same thing during the 50's and 60's. It wasn't until recently that folks said "yeah, they had a point back then."
Granted the Black and White issue is a smoke screen, it's just a divide and conquer tacit by the folks at the top of the power chain. The sooner we realize we have more in common the better. But in order to do that, we have to first come to gripes with the history of our nation and we have to have equal rights. No Justice - No Peace!
If you guys want to believe you proved a point, so be it - you got it. Let's not lose focus as to the point of this board. We have good momentum so let's use our energy towards that cause.
This is my last comment on this issue - Nothing but love for ya - LL