Paduan - I enjoy your post - keep it up.
Peace - LL
just wanted to leave you all with a happy thought of good news.
though you may have at one time been picked by birds when you were just beside the way, remember that the birds leave droppings - with seeds in them.
they've dropped you off, because they couldn't digest you - this time with what they waste - the fertilizer.
Paduan - I enjoy your post - keep it up.
Peace - LL
i am officially retiring my other two personas (mister biggs and mister 8iggs).
quick history: i chose biggs because i am a huge fan of ronald isley (and his brothers).
i initially added 8iggs because i went over my quota for posts one day.
Solid move Brian.
It killed me that as 'a grown ass man' I had to post and lurk in secrecy, like I'm a little kid
Actually, I met a Dub on a ex-jw web-site (H20) a while ago from the Philly area. We both started out will many questions about the BORG, but the one connecting point was the education issue, or the lack of. One day he told me he was traveling to NYC on business, so we decided to meet.
To shorten the story - He's a cool guy, he's name is Dave, and he use to go to a popular club in Philly ( I forgot the name) but there was a DJ by the name of DJ Ran. Did you ever hear of him?
Brian, that was a major move - watch how this will be a stepping stone to other major moves in your life. Thanks a million for sharing that with us. Peace - Lawrence L. Henderson Jr.
Edited by - Larry on 18 September 2002 21:57:52
in january of this year, a prominent elder resigned because he was criticized for continuing to talk to an inactive couple, who had been very close friends.
this couple are being gossiped about, as being apostates, although no action has been taken, and no announcement.
he didn't like the scrutiny on himself and his wife, and thought they were wrong to talk to him about this issue, so he resigned.
When I had a show down with my mother telling her I've had enough of the organization, she said while shaking her head "It's always the smart ones that leave." So yes, not only the 'good' elders leave but the 'good' publishers leave as well. As jjrizo said:
The really good ones (biblically wise) will see the futility of it all and eventually walk.
Peace - LL
at the link you can see the latest on the trip to the uk.
i am very busy but will post further comments later.
the trip was a complete success as you will see.. silentlambs.
That poor Bethelite - If he only knew the Lamb-ifications of accepting that lamb :)
Excellent work Bill !!! See ya in 9 days.
Peace - LL
Edited by - Larry on 18 September 2002 22:1:54
an emergency meeting has been called by jack dowson at london bethel.
all co's and do's were recalled yesterday and are meeting at 2pm today in bethel (most have left the visiting congregations in limbo.
the meeting is today(starts at 2pm), tomorrow and finishing on friday at 12 noon.
Thanks a million for the insider tip!!! Please keep us posted.
This is just the beginning. Can you imagine how the Boys in Brooklyn are planning to counter attact the bad press and the March on the 27th. The best thing the BORG could do is to follow their own advice from their current WT "Why Should I Apologize."
Peace - LL
how do you define evil?
is evil what you are told is evil or is it a personal matter that you decide for yourself?.
i ask, as many people will say something is evil.
How do you spell Evil? B-O-R-G.
Peace - LL
according to metatron's post the borg has an article entitled "why should i apologize?".
could someone scan the cover of this article (nov. 02 wt).
i don't believe the borg would publish such an apropos subject.
Thanks DMouse - The BORG surely knows how to piss off an 'apostate'
Peace - LL
according to metatron's post the borg has an article entitled "why should i apologize?".
could someone scan the cover of this article (nov. 02 wt).
i don't believe the borg would publish such an apropos subject.
According to Metatron's post the BORG has an article entitled
"Why Should I Apologize?"
Could someone scan the cover of this article (Nov. 02 WT). I don't believe the BORG would publish such an apropos subject. Are they kidding? If that's not the pot calling the kettle black. I think this is an article I'll be quoting from often. Is this some reverse psychology? What is next? An article entitled 'Why Should I Engage In Independent Thinking?.' They got some freaking nerve 'Why Should I Apologize?' Give me a break!
Grrrrrr - LL
hope you enjoy viewing these pictures and some of my favourite places within which to totally chill out and relax, unwind.. celtic mark - cornwall uk
Damn - The castle on that isle might be worth a visit! Thanks - LL
i'm looking for quality scan of that time article from 1982...i found.
few scans on the web, but they are low quality...can any1 make new.
Wow - I remember when I was forbidden to read that article, now it's all over the net. Thanks.
PS - Love that tie