New York 44M - R U an Ayn Rand fan? Isn't she incredible!
Grits - Thanks for the compliment. Sorry you had to spend so much time defending feelings, viewpoints, actions, etc. I feel ya.
Jeannie - You owe me a lunch date
Peace - LL
New York 44M - R U an Ayn Rand fan? Isn't she incredible!
Grits - Thanks for the compliment. Sorry you had to spend so much time defending feelings, viewpoints, actions, etc. I feel ya.
Jeannie - You owe me a lunch date
Peace - LL
this march is about a cause for protecting children.
all: erica!!
i came here today in support of all the silent lambs.
Thanks Jan :)
Peace- LL
Hey partner - This is the place. But you need to have thick skin for membership :)
Your brother - Larry
Edited by - Larry on 30 September 2002 17:57:56
i received this message from the observador - of course i complied :)i'm looking at the pictures of the march you posted on simon's board and i'd love to get the small pictures to build a thumbnail....i'm trying to give expositions of the silentlamb cause to the portuguese speaking world.. .
check it out -
peace - ll
I received this message from the Observador - Of course I complied :)
I'm looking at the pictures of the march you posted on Simon's board and I'd love to get the small pictures to build a thumbnail....I'm trying to give expositions of the silentlamb cause to the Portuguese speaking world.
Check it out -
Peace - LL
to learn more about this development visit:.
And I appreciate the years you put into your efforts for reform. Keep up the excellent work.
Thanks - LL
what do you think will be the next big jw issue that should be brought out into the open?.
i think it could be the extreme physical abuse of women and children.
with all that bill bowen is doing, i don't think that he should be the one to take this on.
The Blood Issue.
But one issue at a time.
Peace - LL
where are the reports.
what exactly happened when the media went into the doos of bethel.
were they threatened.
Ok - I make a retraction - Yes, question everything, always. We are humans before we are anything else - Trust no one, not even yourself. But when you ask what is he doing now? It's unfair - what are you doing, what is anyone doing? Does it matter? I think the question should be 'What has he DONE lately?' Plenty!
Criticize the movement - no movement is above criticism. If we learned anything from the BORG it's that. But god damn, the man has done so much to help many people. He can't do everything, and he is not perfect. I think his intentions are sincere.
Let pool our energies on changing the BORGs many wrong policies. Silentlambs today, another life saving movement tomorrow.
Peace - LL
just a few more :) could some one provided me x-tra details, as i forgot some names (sorry).
[pic 1] who was that masked man?
i loved his signs.
Patio - Here's a link with a pic of Bill and I:
And, me and my family are on Simon's slide show - Number 80-something.
Peace - LL
just a few more :) could some one provided me x-tra details, as i forgot some names (sorry).
[pic 1] who was that masked man?
i loved his signs.
Where is the audio?
Thanks - LL
where are the reports.
what exactly happened when the media went into the doos of bethel.
were they threatened.
Izo - You have done GREAT work in your region of the world - Much thanks. No matter what you say, I will support b/c you serve an important purpose. You are furthering the cause for the victims.
But please dont question Bill.
where is bill bowen anyway?
Bill is away from his office and computer. He is still in NY handling very important business. Bill doesnt have to account to us.
my first impression of bill bowen was good, he was sympatical, simple man with one mission, he has been making candles for 30 years and now he wants to change the system...maybe a little naive, maybe even intentional...those were my first thoughts...and I still have that impression.
You are entitled to your opinion - much respect. If Bill is what you describe, who are you and what do you want is your intentions?
But hey, if you believe in conspiracy, you can think, that the Watchtower hired Bill to do all this, so that "the prophecies are fullfiling" and "god's org" is being attacked and the publishers are getting this "urgency" feeling again...heh, wow, that woud be a revelation!
Izo - Give me a break! But it was a good laugh - thanks.
Lets work together - Peace my brother