I love this quote "After trying to explain the 1914 doctrine to a new friend, she told me she could never join a religion that you needed a calculator to understand."
Good one Sabine :)
as i look back at my life as a dub, now that i have my eyes open, sometimes i really feel like a fool, because some of the things we believed are just dumb, shows the power of fear and mind control.
I love this quote "After trying to explain the 1914 doctrine to a new friend, she told me she could never join a religion that you needed a calculator to understand."
Good one Sabine :)
one of the most interesting things that i have noticed about being a witness is the awe that is given to bethelites.
it seems that if you are a bethelite, you are accorded special privleges in congregations.
you are honored when you visit a hall.
Bethelites - The chosen ones :) But I'll say something nice about them - Since I was an orphan child my mother wanted them around me as much as possible. There was one that lived in the Queens Assembly Hall as a caretaker. I spent the night at the Assmebly Hall with him a few times. We had a lot of fun, eatng all the left overs from the Assemblies - Remember the Orange Floats? Hmmmmmmmm. He was from CA. and he dressed funny. Remember, as a kid growing up in the inner city, Plaid was a no no in the early 80's. Kinda reminds me of Barnaby Jones :) His name is Dave P. He taught me many things - How to write an outline, Give a talk, and most important, he taught me about beer :) Yes, I learned how to drink at Bethel (of course I was under age.) That's all the guys did, especially after playing basketball at a place near Bethel called the 'hole.' I also remember one time he was engaged and he brought his girlfriend on my study - they couldn't keep their hand off each other :) Anyway, he was a nice guy and he made being a JW fun. I wonder what ever happen to him.
On another note - Raced played a major factor in the views of Bethelites. Many Black mothers considered it a privileged for their daughters to marry a white Bethelite. These guys were treated as Gods - a savior even. Many sisters would pioneer just so they could be accepted into Bethel. In many cases, not all, The Black family would consider it a 'step up' and the White family would always say "Couldn't you do better." Personally speaking most Black JW's I know don't like being Black or what's associated with being Black. When I was growing up I never saw any Black images in Dubs home, In fact if any hint of Blackness was to surface they would discourage it. However, other cultures were acceptable. My mother even said "She didn't like Black people." I think that's one reason why she loves the Borg. - It's a White Organization. Oh man, you should see how she catered to them, treated them like Kings or Faithful Men of Old. I wonder if she would feel the same if the organization had an all Black GB - I seriously doubt it. Remember the 'Greatest Man' book and the picture it had of all the apostles? I wonder what the view would be if they were all painted as Black men. However, her views are just a reflection of the western world we live in. If Jesus or God was always portrayed as a Black guy I wonder how many Christians we would have. If color doesn't matter why not paint Jesus Black for the next hundred of years and see what would happen. If the Pope was Black or if the Priest that molested all these children were Black I wonder what spin the News would put on it. Actually, the one ex [Black] priest that admitted to molesting a child was put in jail. I wonder why the other priest weren't arrrested? If the founding father's of this country were all Black I wonder how patriotic Americans would be.
For what it's worth - Peace - LL :)
well it looks like i find myself in the middle of the jw battlefield once again fighting the borg for nothing less then the soul of my younger son.
many months ago i had forbidden my full-blown dub wife from bringing my young boy to cult programming, i mean meetings anymore.
at issue was the shunning and blood issue.
I feel your pain my brother really I do.
Remembeer childen are smarter than we think.
Peace - LL.
there have been alot of post about feminity.
i am sharing a bit of writing done by my daughter.
my 10 year old daughter.
Amazing what we can learn through the innocent eyes of children.
LL :)
*laughing just thinking about it*.
did anybody out there lie on their service reports that they maintained the 'national average' when in reality you got .005 hours of service in any given month?
i magically always used to always get "10" hours out in service, while nobody ever saw me at the groups, no one ever caught on, or seemed not to -- maybe they just didn't give a shit.. i always lied so i could keep my microphone 'privelidges' -- that being, the privelidge to walk around at the back of the hall giving my deflated ass a break from those awful chairs they had.
Hell Yeah! Maybe an hour or two a month, but those hours add up over 20 years. I always reasoned that I spoke to folks on the job and never counted it. Street work was a joke, we did the 'pioneer shuffle.' And I always rounded up the hours to the highest number. 8 = 10; 17=20; 27=30; 54=60, etc. Hey Jah knew my heart :)
LL :)
PS - When I was reaching out and the CO was coming to town I kinda inflated the hours a bit ;) Funny thing is I always felt justified :)
anybody read the book "beyond mormonism - an elders story"?
i'm about to read it on line ( www.
beyondmormonism.com).. i'm trying to read books about folks from other religions being excommunicated.
Thanks for the info. I'm going to check out those books - The True Believer, The Haj and The DISCIPLINE OF THE MEETING OF FRIENDS HELD IN NEW-YORK FOR THE STATE OF NEW-YORK AND PARTS ADJACENT. Good looking out. Peace :)
PS - Queenie - Sorry to hear about your brother, I'm sure he was a great person.
anybody read the book "beyond mormonism - an elders story"?
i'm about to read it on line ( www.
beyondmormonism.com).. i'm trying to read books about folks from other religions being excommunicated.
Anybody read the book "Beyond Mormonism - An Elders Story"? I'm about to read it on line ( www. beyondmormonism.com).
I'm trying to read books about folks from other religions being excommunicated. I've read "Little X" - Story of a female who grew up in the inside the nation of Islam. Also, "Inside the Nation of Islam" - Story of a chose follower of Farrakhan that left. Anybody know of any books regarding Jews or any other religion where the member was ostracized for their beleifs or actions? BTW - What is the name of the Jewish practice where the family members considers the dissenter Jew dead?
Much Thanks - LL
the background to this thread is that i love wearing (?
) a beard, but my wife hates it.
i've changed my profile pic to reflect four states of facial hairiness (if it doesn't show, hit "refresh" on your browser).. i'm interested in your opinions.
No. 4
i was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.
Joanna - I've thought about it and...
When asked why I left the Borg, I often say "My love for people out grew the love that I was taught."
Peace - LL :)
i was thinking about this the other day.
since i've left the borg, i find myself loving other humans more.
like all the little children being abducted, the miners trapped in the mine last week, the victims of car accidents that i pass on the road, a woman crying in the car next to me while waiting for the green light, the homeless that i see every weekend at a local soup kitchen where i volunteer, etc.
So true - Much more love and understanding. In fact, that's why I don't follow any religion, b/c most of them have the same mentality. When you look at things from a universal prospective you see the futility of branding yourself with a religion.
But you made me think about when I left the Borg and started visiting my non-jw family, the ones I rejected or had minimum contact with for years. Once I got to finally know them as individuals It shocked me that the were good, caring, and loving parents - Not to mention having decent and loving families. That really opened my eyes to the indoctrination process - Damn, with all these frivolous lawsuits, I should sue the Borg for keeping me in ignorance for the majority of my life :) I guess the bottom line is people are people, some good some bad in any venue of life.
To add insult to injury, I loved when disasters happened b/c I thought it would prove the Borg and it's phophecys right. I never give consideration to the human element and the fact that 'worldy' people had feelings. Remember, the Borg alway used the example of Noah and how his family were the only ones to survive, so we shouldn't feel sorry for 'worldly' folks if they die b/c they were warned by Jw's. A twisted and sick mentaility!
Yes I have much more love and understanding. In fact, I wish I could apologize to all the people I judged while I was on a judicial committee and all the family members I judged as un worthy of association.
Peace - LL.