Bill - How can I get one of those T-shirts? Will you distribute them at the march?
Peace - LL
the pics above are the ones shot at my home with a satellite uplink to to cnn.
the cnn spot is done.
Bill - How can I get one of those T-shirts? Will you distribute them at the march?
Peace - LL
this is my first post at this website i discovered a week ago and just love.
it so hilarious sometimes.
i used to post on pro-witness sites long ago but got rejected after a apostate attack!!
Greetings Syn - Welcome to this site :) I spent a weekend in Amsterdam a few months ago, and let me say NYC has nothing on Amsterdam :) Anyway, yes you made some serious charges about the rituals. My uncle was telling me the same thing after he read one of David Icke's book. Did you happen to read his books? He's dubbed the most controversial speaker in the world. I consider myself open minded, but some of his ideas I can't fathom - Like the 'Shape Shifting' ideas or the Draconian/Reptilian Theories.
I look forward to reading your ideas - Welcome aboard.
Peace - LL
picture the scene:.
you are a young single brother with no other jw family members.
you manage to tot up 90hrs a month in "field service";spend five hours per week preparing your watchtower for the study, however you are not an extremely extrovert person and don't try to "impress" the elders and the co. it seems though that this "spiritual" person never seems to be appointed as a ms or an excesively long time passes by before he does become such.
Wow, what a question. I think every brother has felt he was overlooked for some 'privileged' of kingdumb service. In fact that was one of the top ten conversation topics among brothers. I was overlooked once. When I was a 'bloom of youth' teenager I was dating a sister and were invloved in heavy petting. All was fine, until I decided to break up. Afterwards, as her last resort to get back with me she said "I'm going to tell the Elders we were petting, my conscious bothers me." Since I was in fear of the older men at that time, I was really scared, in fact that was the first time I broke out in hives!!!! A meeting was called and I went in confessing from the start - I threw myself at the mercy of the 'kangaroo' court. I only got a reprimand - a slap on the wrist. At least I thought it was. A year later, as I was reaching out, I was selected to be in a part at the assembly hall. After a couple of rehearsals, the brothers start acting funny, and they did not tell me about the next rehearsals, so I asked when was the next rehearsal, and they said "well, b/c you had a problem with that sister from the other hall you are not exemplary and we can't use you." I was crushed, but it made me more determine to reach out for other privleges.
I'll stop there - I look forward to other peoples experiences.
Peace - LL
i'm curious to know if anyone has noticed different behavior from their dub family and friends since the aug. km about disfellowshipped ones.
i've noticed that my mother is no longer emailing me, nor is she responding to my emails.
i really wish that she would just come out directly and state that she will no longer talk to me instead of just ignoring everything, thinking i will go away.
W-Pen, Thank for opening this discussion. When I first read that KM last month, I went on the offense and wrote a letter to my JW family stating I don't anything to do with them based on that KM of 8/02.
Word got back to me saying they were all wondering how I got that information b4 them :) Hey, who was the first one to post that info. on this board?
The one I really feel for is my younger sister. She was in the BORG since birth, and I was her only father figure for a long time (my father died when she was still in my mother's womb.) So the natural affection for family is strong with her, although she give into the pressure and didn't invite me to her wedding. Anyway, last week I took a different route to the veggie store, and I bumped into her. I didn't even know she worked in the Wall St./City Hall area. She give me the biggest hug, I mean it was a bear hug, I couldn't get out of it, and all the while she was saying "I love you, I love you." Then she said "why did you write that letter?" I said "did you read the whole thing?" and she said "Yes, but you didn't have to write that." I said "The letter explains everything." She ended it by saying "I'll call you." However, that was before her Hall discussed that KM - I doubt if she would call now. I said all of that to say, I could tell she's torn between the BORG orders and her natural love for her older brother. Hopefully one day in the future the BORG will stay out of family affairs - wishful thinking :)
Peace - LL
evidence is growing that the society now recognizes the grave.
danger of holding on to the blood doctrine and is quickly trying.
to 'fade it to black'.. it is likely that most witnesses will passively go along with this.
"It is easy to imagine the Society publically asserting that blood transfusion was 'always a matter of conscience' " ~ I can definately see that happening in the near future.
I'm glad you mention the blood issue b/c the silentlamb issue is just the tip of the iceberg - the BORG has MUCH to answer for - more on that later :)
I think their downfall, like most organizations and world powers, will be time. I just hope it's during my 'generation'.
Peace - LL
hi to anyone that reads this post; .
i am, an inactive j w have been for 11 years,& proud of it.
i was baptized in 1958, therefore led a very active life involved in, .
Greetings and welcome aboard :)
Baptized in '58 - So you must have been to all of the Yankee Stadium / Polo Grounds conventions. Care to reminisce about that time? I love to hear those stories. If not, just sit back and enjoy :)
Peace - LL
everybody has their own timetable when it comes to leaving the organization.
some due to family and friends continue indefinetly.
others, when they see all the lies of the "truth", leave right away.
Once I 'open my eyes' it took about two years to complete the process.
Peace - LL
many years ago i heard that the jw's in mexico weren't allowed to sing songs or pray at the meetings due to the government not wanting to recognize them as a 'religion'.
is this true?
then i heard that jehovah helped them and now they are recognized as a religion and they can sing & have prayers in meetings.
Great Poem. Thinker are you the same 'Thinker' that was on H2O?
Peace - LL
if the watchtower society fell today , where should the money go?.
think of all those millions, even billions that are tied up in brooklyn bethal , in shares, in banks, assembly hall and kingdom halls.. where would the money legaly have to go?.
Reparations!!! I'll tell the folks down in DC this weekend about the money the BORG owes us. I want my 40 acres and a mule - oh wrong cause :) So then, I want my promised Paradise with the lion cubs & all the money I spent for gas, conventions, suits, publications, field service gadgets, trauma my daughter suffered for being chase and bitten by a dog in field service, etc. Not to mention the assembly hall and K-Hall donations, oh wait, I already wrote that off on my taxes :)
In all seriousness - The money should go to all the victims. Wishful thinking.
Peace - LL
like a typical witness goody-goody-two-shoes, i eschewed college in favor of "theocratic pursuits" when i was a teen (i.e.
over 5 yrs at bethel).
now, at age 26, with my eyes opened and purged of the witness insanity, im thinking about college again.
You already know the answer to that question :) I'm about to start college in September and I'm 38 - I can't wait :) Like you, it's not about the money or career, but it's another thing I've always wanted to do in life. Shoot for the stars :)