Larc - Yes and it was long overdue. Here are some excerpts from a letter I wrote to them:
To All My Practicing Jehovah Witness Family Members:
I have recently come in contact with the August 2002 Kingdom Ministry, entitled "Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped." Admittedly this article isnt "new light" it is just re-enforcing the organizations hardline position on the treatment of disfellowshipped / disassocated people. In view of the below listed quotes from the article, Im letting you know that you dont have to worry about how to deal with me, or concern yourself about being put in a compromising position because I am consciously cutting you off - permanently.
Although the article says "...Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum" I do not even want any minimum contact with you. I refuse to be accepted on a part time or emergency type basis, either you accept whole or do not accept me at all. My stance includes funerals, financial woes, illnesses, etc.
I understand how you have to be loyal to your organization so I do not expect or want you to change, because that is where you guys belong. But as a conscientious, responsible man who worked and has taken care of my family, giving my children what I never had, I can not be in the company of people who consider me worthy of destruction, less of a person, thinks I need some type of help, or am someone who "gives himself over to sin. " I consider your company anything but "sweet fellowship." Now that I am on the outside looking in, I cant believe you guys think you are the standard of righteousness - far from it. Especially in view of the fact that the organization has on file over 23,000 pedophiles - Which is not any startling news to Elders, because when I was in that position, those situations were common, along with drunkenness, depression and suicide.
Peace - LL