I visit often, not counting my job's intranet:
NY Times
Drudge Report
This One
Yahoo (Spades Card Game)
LL :)
what is your fav sites that you frequently visit everyday?.
here's my list..... .
1) jwd here of course.
I visit often, not counting my job's intranet:
NY Times
Drudge Report
This One
Yahoo (Spades Card Game)
LL :)
hey mang!
i was watching vh1 talking about the 80's and you happened to be on it!
they showed a clip as i was flipping through the channels and i thought i recognized you from this board so i stayed on the channel for a bit.
well, i guess i can say that on my asian trip i knowingly consumed three new animals i had not eaten before (my apologies to vegetarians on the board who might cringe at the way that was worded).
first off, pigeon.
on my birthday in beijing we ate at a very pricey, fancy restaurant at the hotel and we thought we'd try to pigeon to see what it was like.
Leolaia - I'm really enjoying your adventures in China, please keep it coming, especially the photos.
If we could eat KFC's Chicken we can eat camels and anything else for that matter :)
Call the Colonel! KFC gets roasted for abusing chickens |
Officials from Yum! Brands Inc., which owns the fast-food chain, saw the video Monday. Kentucky Fried Chicken "will require that the employee or employees responsible will be terminated," KFC spokeswoman Bonnie Warchauer told The New York Times for a story in Tuesday editions.
Further violations at the plant will "result in termination of our relationship," Warchauer said.
The footage was secretly taken at the Pilgrim's Pride plant in Moorefield, W.Va., by an investigator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals who worked there from October to May.
A Pilgrim's Pride spokesman said that in light of the video, the company would reopen an investigation into earlier claims of cruelty at the plant.
In a July 22-dated letter to the plant, copied to Yum! Brands and forwarded to The Associated Press, PETA says its investigator also obtained eyewitness testimony about employees "ripping birds' beaks off, spray painting their faces, twisting their heads off, spitting tobacco into their mouths and eyes, and breaking them in half ? all while the birds are still alive."
PETA said it planned to ask West Virginia authorities to prosecute plant employees and managers under state animal-cruelty laws. The PETA investigator, who did not reveal his identity because he still does undercover work for the group, said he would testify if prosecution went forward.
PETA has been pressuring KFC since last year, when it sued the company and called for a boycott, demanding that KFC require suppliers to treat animals more humanely. The group has recently won similar concessions from other major fast-food chains, including McDonald's and Burger King.
Originally published on July 20, 2004
slim fast ran fast after whoppi's little vulgar display...she's no longer their spokeswoman.
fair or foul, and why!
Damn - Everybody is getting nailed:
By Jerry Fink
Aladdin President Bill Timmins ordered security guards to escort pop diva Linda Ronstadt off the property following a concert Saturday night during which she expressed support for controversial documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.
Timmins, who was among the almost 5,000 fans in the audience at the Aladdin Theatre for the Performing Arts, had Ronstadt escorted to her tour bus and her belongings from her hotel room sent to her. Timmins also sent word to Ronstadt that she was no longer welcome at the property for future performances, according Aladdin spokeswoman Tyri Squyres.
How much weight that carries is debatable, since the bankrupt Aladdin is in the process of being sold to a group headed by Planet Hollywood International Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Robert Earl.
Near the close of her performance, Ronstadt dedicated the Eagles hit "Desperado" to Moore, producer of "Fahrenheit 9/11," and the room erupted into equal parts boos and cheers.
She said Moore "is someone who cares about this country deeply and is trying to help."
Ronstadt has been making the dedication at each of her engagements since she began a national tour earlier this summer, but it has never sparked such a reaction.
Hundreds of angry fans streamed from the theater as Ronstadt sang. Some of them reportedly defaced posters of her in the lobby, writing comments and tossing drinks on her pictures.
Timmins told Las Vegas Sun gossip columnist Timothy McDarrah: "We live in a city where people come from all over the world to be entertained. We hired Ms. Ronstadt as an entertainer, not as a political activist.
"Whether you are politically on the left or on the right is not the point. She went up in front of the stage and just let it out. This was not the correct forum for that."
Timmins said she was wrong to bring her politics to the stage.
"Our first and only priority is the enjoyment of our customers," he said. "I made the decision to ask Miss Ronstadt to leave the hotel. A situation like that can easily turn ugly and I didn't want anything more to come out of it. There were a lot of angry people there after she started talking.
"If she wants to talk about her views to a newspaper or in a magazine article, she is free to do so. But in a stage in front of four and a half thousand people is not the place for it."
Squyres said half the audience walked out, an estimate that might have been high. But the number was substantial, nevertheless.
"The hotel's policy is that we hired her to entertain guests, not to express her political views," Squyres said.
According to Squyres, the 58-year-old singer did not create a scene as she was escorted out of the hotel and to her tour bus.
"She wasn't happy, but she was cooperative," Squyres said.
Attempts to reach Ronstadt and her manager were unsuccessful Sunday and this morning.
Squyres said a number of ticket holders had asked for their money back after an article appeared in a local newspaper last week quoting her making disparaging remarks about Las Vegas.
"She said Vegas isn't the best place to perform anyway," Squyres said.
Other fans asked for their money back shortly after the Saturday night show got underway, when Ronstadt informed the audience that ads publicizing the concert were incorrect. The advertisements called it her "Greatest Hits Tour."
Ronstadt started the evening with her 1983 hit "What's New?" and then set her fans straight about what they might expect during the concert.
"In case you are wondering what I'm going to do," she said, "Driving into town I saw this big billboard up there with my picture on it saying 'The Greatest Hits Tour.'
"That was news to us. We didn't know it was 'The Greatest Hits Tour.' "
Squyres said Ronstadt was wrong.
"Her management gave us the information and approved the ad," she said.
According to Squyres, Ronstadt lopped off about 20 minutes from the show, walking away from an encore portion of the concert, which I attended as the reviewer for the Sun.
The incident capped a generally lackluster, unenthusiastic performance by one of the top singers of the '70s and '80s.
The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra opened the concert. The highlight of the 30-minute segment was a rendition of George Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue," featuring pianist Terrance Wilson.
Ronstadt began with several songs from the 1920s, '30s and '40s she and arranger Nelson Riddle recorded, among them "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," "Someone to Watch Over Me" and "Straighten Up and Fly Right."
She performed Cole Porter's "Get Out of Town," Frank Loesser's "Never Will I Marry" and jazz great Billy Strayhorn's "Lush Life."
And then she gave fans some of what they came for, several of her hits from the '70s and '80s, including "Just One Look" (1979), "Ooh Baby, Baby" (1978) and "Somewhere Out There" (1987).
Although she still has that powerful, distinctive voice, Ronstadt was merely going through the motions.
The only song she had trouble with was "Blue Bayou." She stumbled over the lyrics, seemed to gasp for breath at one point and ended the song in Spanish, screaming the words rather than singing them.
Her performance was uninspired and generally flat. She lacked stage presence, doing little more than sleepwalk from song to song.
The fiasco at the end was the most exciting part of the show.
jws believe they are normal.
yet, they feel, that anyone not a witness, (aka "worldly") is abnormal.
for example, at a jw wedding, it would be inappropriate to "toast" and cling glasses to the happiness of the new bride and groom.
A normal person,,,,
Won't go around in F.S. sizing up people's homes.
Won't send their kid outside the classroom if another student is having a b'day party.
Won't cut off communication with their grandchildren or their own children due to different beliefs.
Won't say 'abstain from blood' but take blood components.
Won't call a 'worldly' organization (UN) the worst names imaginable and then join them for the benefits.
I like these remarks:
A normal person won't bow their head at a restaurant for two minutes pretending to say a heartfelt prayer. - Michael
A Normal Person would enter the church of his own father's funeral and not stand outside the door - Auntie Jane
Aren't expected to live in poverty with little educate and donate a sizable portion of their income to a book publishing company - Lady Lee
Peace - LL :)
i remember deliberately not telling people when i was growing up, and cringing when my mom made an effort to tell my teachers.
although i no longer hide it, there are still people i consider friends who do not know i grew up jw.
sometimes it?s just that the subject of religion does not come up often, and when it does, it would be weird to say something now after i?ve known someone for years and have never mentioned it.
When I first came out of the BORG, I told all my acquaintances. However, at this point I hardly volunteer that info, unless someone ask me or unless I see signs that the person is an Ex/Jdub - Oh, and of course if I'm out drinking :)
Peace - LL
do you believe the bible is the inspired word of god?
have you somehow attempted to prove this to yourself or have you just accepted it?
I suggest Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason (particularly part II). This is the first thing I read that really opened my eyes of understanding.
fyi - stumbled over this website.
http://www.savardsoftware.com/servicerecord/theocratic ministry school softwarecongregation publisher filetheocratic ministry school schedulingtheocratic research utilitiespalm service recordcongregation desktop organizer .
ever read the wt and awake articles and get tired of seeing words and prases like "the society's counsel on..."
Phases from A - Z (check link) : http://bookshelf.info/wordlists/e/eec/www/index.html
"lovers of Jehovah"
"Turn in your time"
"Turn the meeting over"
"Let's sing song number"
"Babylon the Great"
"dedicated Christians"
"torture stake"
"Accounts Report"
"Active Publisher"
"assignment slip"
is there a connection between the society and nation of islam?.
Did anyone ever hear of a meeting between Judge Rutherford & Master Fard Muhammad (Nation of Islam) ?
And what do you really know of the relationship between the Nation of Islam and the Jehovah's Witnesses? Did you know that Judge Rutherford, the second president of the Jehovah Witnesses actually met Master Fard Muhammad in the 1930s? He looked up to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad's teacher. Anyone who writes about the relationship between the Nation of Islam and Jehovah's Witnesses should know that. Again, no one knows more about what Master Fard Muhammad taught than the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. You should get his view before you refer to others.
Using Jehovah's Witness theology, Elijah Muhammad denied that people went to heaven or hell at death. He taught the Watchtower concept of "soul sleep." It must also be pointed out, that the seventh-day Adventist teach the same thing. Like Witnesses, black Muslims deny that there is a hell in the afterlife but teach that "hell" is here on earth.
Following the Watchtower literature which proclaimed 1914 as the "beginning of the end," [C. T. Russell, Studies in the Scriptures, volume 2, "The Time is at Hand", 1889 and 1909 edition, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, page 99, see also pages 76-77, 101, 245] Elijah Muhammad twisted it to mean that 1914 signaled the end of the white man's rule and the beginning of black power. Elijah went on to prophecy that allah would personally intervene in the 1970's by destroying the white man and putting black people in control of the world. This fit in with the teaching of the Jehovah's Witnesses who were proclaiming 1975 as the end of the world [Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, 1966, page 29. See also, The Watchtower, 10/15/69. pages 623. The Approaching Peace of a Thousand Years, pages 26-27. Kingdom Ministry, March, 1968, page 4] The obvious failure of allah to intervene in 1975 as predicted by Elijah Muhammad is a tremendous embarrassment to black Muslims today. This false prophecy totally destroys any attempt to view him as a prophet, "When a prophet speaketh in the name of YHWH, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which YHWH hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him." [Deuteronomy 18:22] "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many." [Matthew 24:11] "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." [Matthew 24:24] The present black Muslim leader, Louis Farrakhan, has publicly predicted that Armageddon is near. According to him, the giant UFO "wheel" will soon destroy the white man.
The other serious embarrassment of the black Muslim movement in America was the murder of Malcolm X. The son of another black Baptist preacher, Malcolm Little converted to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad himself changed Little's name to that of Malcolm X. After 12 years of devoted service to the Nation of Islam, Malcolm woke up to Elijah's many moral problems, such as his 13 illegitimate children, his greed and jealousy, and the constant strife which filled Elijah Muhammad's life. These things began to bother him. How could Elijah Muhammad be from allah and do all the evil things he did? It was during his pilgrimage to Mecca that for the first time he clearly saw the heretical and racist nature of the black Muslim movement in America. They weren't Muslims at all. The whole thing is a sham.
He encouraged his followers to listen to radio broadcasts of Jehovah?s Witness president Joseph Rutherford, whose rallying cry at that time was "Religion is a snare and a racket." Fard also used Jehovah?s Witness literature to teach his followers that the time of "Gentile" (i.e., Caucasian) domination had come to an end in 1914; that the resurrection of the "so-called Negro" had already occurred as a mental and invisible fact, and that the coming New World was just around the corner. In just a few years, he claimed, the oppressed black man would receive the kingdom and the New World would arrive by 1936 at the very latest.
Then another plank in the platform of Muslim theology is that man has no immortal soul. Only Allah is immortal. This they derive from the theology of Jehovah's Witnesses, because in the 1920's Wallace Fard was a devotee of the writings of J.F. Rutherford, who was then the president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. And his literature reflects the influence of the Jehovah's Witnesses at that particular time. You wouldn't know that unless you did an analysis of the history of it, but once you get into the theology of it, you find Watchtower theology ingrained in different places in this particular theology of black Islam. And it's strange that the Watchtower theology and Fard's theology at this point are identical. And I don't think that we have too much difficulty finding out where he derived it from.
"The black will inherit the earth after Armageddon." Malcolm X said he didn't know when Armageddon was. They were postulating Armageddon around 1970. 1970 has now passed by, so Armageddon is now a distinct problem in their eschatological scheme. But so far as black Islam is concerned, the black will inherit the earth, the white will be judged for their oppression of the black, and heaven will be on earth, for heaven and hell aswe understand it in Christian theology do not exist in Black Muslim theology.