JWs believe THEY are normal. Yet, they feel, that anyone not a Witness, (aka "worldly") is abnormal. For example, at a JW wedding, it would be inappropriate to "toast" and cling glasses to the happiness of the new bride and groom. Yet to a "worldly" or "normal" person, not only is this not objectionable, it is a sign of shared happiness for the couple to offer a "toast"...........Can you think of other things that simply show that it is the Jehovah's Witnesses that are abnormal, not the "normal worldly" ones????
What Are The Differences Between A "Normal" JW & A "Worldly"( Normal) Perso
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Normal worldly people don't ask so many goddamn vapid questions.
A normal person will attend a wedding at a church.
A normal person ditches the suit on a hot day.
A normal person does not litter their sentences with words like "pagan" and "satan's world". In some countries, such talk gets you on antipsychotic drugs.
They think it is normal for someone to leave home at 4:30 AM and start a stop-watch after leaving a magazine in a phone booth.
They think it is normal to walk around in a suit in 100+ temperatures and 90% humidity.
They think it is normal for a woman to walk around in a dress in freezing temperatures.
And the big doozie is....
They think it is normal to shun friends and family for not holding the same religious beliefs as themselves while at the same time writing letters to lawmakers protesting bans on JW activities.
A normal person does not participate in abnormal behavior such as going house to house and doing so every 6 months, disturbing the neighbourhood and generally pissing people off.
A normal person does not have five meetings per week, plus a family study, personal study, and any other 'bible studies' in the 'field'.
A normal person does not judge as the witnesses do.
A normal person does not go to three day conventions in searing heat to hear the same gooblegook over and over and over and over and over again.
A normal person knows what love is, and how to express it appropriately.
I could go on here.
A normal person doesn't sit in judgement of 99% of the people on this planet.
Whew!!! This is good!!
A normal person does not get agitated when the wife throws away old moldy wet-towers and books.