headisspinning - maybe we have the same parents !
I also was raised in the late 70's/early 80's and spankings were very common. There was even a room at the Kingdom hall to administor this "discipline" at. My mom was heavy handed. I even remember being out in service and my mom tossing me in the car, driving us home, spanking me with the wooden spoon, and then getting back in the car and meeting back up with the group in service. My mom did this really twisted thing - she would sit on the couch with the wooden spoon in her hand and she would make me come to her and so I would lay over her knee , on my own accord, so she could spank me. It was pointless to hide - just get it over with - and boy did it hurt !
I was always in second hand clothes. We were pretty poor though, so I am not sure that was because we were JW's but because we were just broke.
I do not have kids, nor plan to have any - I am afraid I would be to hard on them.