I was born in the 70's and my JW mother spanked us a lot... Actually, beat us is more accurate. I know of other people from the same generation (LOL!) and it seemed to be somewhat common during that time period within the organization.
I also remember wearing a lot of second hand clothing and having pretty dismal school lunches and we were simply not allowed to ask for anything - needs or wants. I thought it was just us but I have talked to several other people (raised as JWs) and it was the same for them - somehow JWs parents during the late 70s/80s were really stingy when it came to providing for their kids in comparison with how 'worldy' kids were provided for.
What are your observations and have you noticed changes over the years?
My observation is that people who were born-in during that time period and who are still JWs now seem to have gone to the other extreme on both counts. Most will rarely, if ever, resort to physical discipline and kids seem to be almost spoiled now. I am speaking from my own experience here because I simply cannot bring myself to spank my kids - it feels so very wrong to me. And not only can they ask for things they want, I actually try to be alert and anticipate what they might like so they don't feel deprived. I'm not saying this is right either but it's almost like I'm trying to overcompensate for my own childhood. One downside I've seen is that my children are much less appreciative of what they have then we were... kids almost take things for granted nowadays.