...but next time, leave the finking to the JW's. The girl is a hypocrite but she deserves to come out of the closet at her own pace. Forcing her out of the organization will not take the JW out of her soul.
Agreed. She sounds conflicted which is how almost everyone is for varying lengths of time before they find the courage to leave. After that , there is still more time often before they figure out the best way.
I understand your reasoning about kind of making her make a choice, but when you went to the elders it's kind of like recognizing there authority yourself, which for me would be unthinkable .
I would not judge you, but from what you have written, I think if you examined yourself deeply-- ulterior motives may have had a little to do with you talking to elders.
she immediately takes everyone who agrees with me off of her friends list and makes people choose between her and me. it gets very ugly,
Did perhaps the ugly part come into play?
she must have special friends in high places. nothing was done, and she continues where she left off. lucky girl. I had to leave the JWs to pursue a higher education and go to concerts and find fun, worldly boys to date. the only good thing to come of this was finding a wonderful boyfriend in "skajester". we've been together for 15 months now.Maybe she lied-- or maybe like you said in your post...
--no hanky-panky activity goes on, but "I love you"s have been exchanged
They wouldn't probably do anything public over that.
As far as the worldly friends and online stuff-- that could all be spun very easily.
Anyway, good luck with your skajester -- best wishes.
That's my 2 cents.