Well done Linda!!!!
I am OUT of the borg!
Absolutely fantastic!
tonight was the school/service meeting at the kh, and myself and dedpoet drove there at the end of the meeting to see the po.
we didn't go in the hall, we just waited outside the gates for the po to come out, then i handed him my letter, saying it was to get things over with and save the necessity of a jc.
he didn't ask what it was, i think he knew, especially when he saw dp give me the thumbs up sign, but asked me to reconsider, but i said my mind is made up, i am leaving, and i want it out in the open as soon as possible.
Well done Linda!!!!
I am OUT of the borg!
Absolutely fantastic!
i love this time of year, it's always fun to buy some big fireworks... any of you guys got your fireworks ready for this year?
Looks ACE!
How lucky....yes....lucky....you are to live near the coast!
(hey I can say lucky..lol)
i love this time of year, it's always fun to buy some big fireworks... any of you guys got your fireworks ready for this year?
We love fireworks!
Last year we were ready with our fireworks (so we thought).........
when the momentous time came to light them and thrill the kids.......we found that the garage had been been entered ...and removed of the fab fireworks we had :(
We had to enjoy everyones elses fireworks instead! Which to be honest.... is pretty fab from the position of our house!
Happy bonfire night everyone!
What a sad loss........
I'm sure he'd want us to be happy though......
Anyone remember the 'Pappadum rap' ?
He was ACE
there are so many to choose from over the net.
i usually use the basic wallpapers that windows xp provide.. i love using "azul" wallpaper to remind me of the summer, since our summers don't last long.. .
this time of year i turn to the "autumn" wallpaper with the nice colored leaves.. .
Mines either of my kids or my cats! How sad is that! lol
what changes would the wt/jws need to make in order for you to consider returning to them?
For me it would have to be to make meeting's and field service attendance a personal choice.
By taking the pressure away to attend...... maybe I would show up occasionally
Maybe the people would be more genuinely pleasant.....
I could never see that happening though......
post your steam engine blessing here.
all prayers appreciated too!
LOL Simon...so true! he he he
The more i read about this baby, the more I feel that it was really worthy of being blessed (cough, cough)
I'm so glad that they got the boiler problem sorted, it really struggled to get the steam up (sniff, sniff)
Hell, I'm beginning to sound like my brother who used to be steam train mad....even bought the steam train magazines!
Seriously, I love to travel on steam trains - there really is something about them.
I think it would be much safer though, to travel on one which was blessed. Hey they could even put the price up for the extra blessing! ............
post your steam engine blessing here.
all prayers appreciated too!
Post your steam engine blessing here. All prayers appreciated too!!
Church blessing for rail landmark
A steam engine is to be blessed with holy water to mark the 175th anniversary of commercial rail travel.
The Duke of Gloucester locomotive will be blessed by Canon Glyn Webster, Chancellor of York Minster, after it pulls into York station on Saturday.
The ceremony will mark the 175th anniversary of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, which launched George Stephenson's Rocket locomotive.
It was opened in September 1830 by the Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington.
Bucket blessingCanon Webster says he will perform the symbolic rite to bestow the Church of England's thanks for steam engines and the benefits they brought to the world.
It is thought to be the first time a steam locomotive has been blessed by the C of E.
Canon Webster said: "This is the first time I've been asked to bless a train and I am very happy to do so. All are welcome in the Church of England.
"I shall bring a bucket of holy water and won't be doing things by halves.
"When I was a curate in a sleepy parish, where the vicar had to make everything happen, if I was fed up and disillusioned I'd go out and watch the Mallard steaming by on excursions to Scarborough, and say thanks to God that there was one thing that moved in my parish without me having to push it."
The Duke of Gloucester, built in Crewe in 1954, will travel from Liverpool to Manchester and on to York, where it is scheduled to arrive at 1216 BST.
"I shall bring a bucket of holy water and won't be doing things by halves.
The Steam engine would of appreciated some coal as well... Mr Canon dude! LOL
Personally I don’t think that the engine will fully appreciated being blessed…what do you think ??? …..
Maybe it will stand a chance of getting in heaven after all……
Very funny! Thanks for sharing!
the following article found in the october 22 awake magazine is about witness youths and chat rooms.
only the main paragraphs are given.
pg 17
Thanks for sharing Truthseker! If what you posted is the main part of the article, then the ‘borg’ missed a great opportunity to address the ‘real’ problem. There are loads of far more serious reasons for youths to avoid chat rooms. What a shame they just had to lower themselves to 'have a pop' at those who have left their air-head society! Yes....lets call them names ..they say!