Even those whom I thought were such warm and kind friends, my door-to-door companions, made no attempt to ask why, or what might be going on with me
It was the same for me too! This is one of the reasons I started this thread, as so often, leaving can make you doubt yourself for a very long time. It can be quite traumatic when people feel quite happy to give you the .....cold shoulder.... (or worse!) One needs to realize that by leaving you are showing great strength and courage to leave the ....way of life......and all which that entails.... behind
I feel very happy at the moment, and believe it or not, I have for the most part 'left it all behind' I don't care anymore.
The joy I get from knowing that my kids are cultivating friendship with non-Jw's who, who knows.... may be around for a long time in there lives....they won't leave them for some silly reason like... beliefs.
Great to see you again! You were one of the very first people to make me welcome on this forum...all those years ago....