The seed was planted in 2006 due to the mistreatment I suffered at the hands of these people.
2009 was when I made up my mind to leave the cult once and for all. Best decision I ever made in my life. we can get paid $$$$$$$$.
i was listening to this meditation talk by anthony morris and he said in the talk that jehovah is more important then having a job.
i can link the talk, but i cant do it in google chorme.
i threw out my old public talk outlines and notes!.
i spent ages, researching, and writing my talks to try and make them interesting.
so i was rather reluctant to get rid of them.. but today i need the folder they were in for a work project, so hey ho they had to go!!!.
a jw will always rationalize the errors of wt leaders by arguing that they are simply imperfect men, who have never claimed to be spirit-directed.
let's assume, for argument's sake, that that's true, that they've never made such claims.
the question then becomes, "why aren't they?"..
"Imperfection" is only a valid excuse for the Watchtower organisation when it comes to error and misjudgement. When it's anyone else, they're a part of Babylon the Great and being used by Satan.
The Watchtower are just the modern day Scribes and Pharisees who look down their noses on anyone outside their worldwide clique.
do you think some elders stay in the organization just because of prestige and getting horny at some judicial committee meetings?
...i was told but they usually were as i look back.. as a lad i'd sit and look to see who the lights would fall on.
i'd get an almond and see how long i could suck it before i chewed at it.
i'd imagine playing rock'n'roll on the congregation's piano.. how did you get through the meetings when you were bored?.
When I was a boy some of us used to go to the gents toilets one at a time at the back of the hall and just play about. A few people caught on to what we were doing and put a stop to it - much like they do with anything that brings joy and fun.
As I got older, just sneak looking at my watch: "only 45 mins to go.....30 mins....10 mins...etc". No other way unfortunately, it's not like I could play the PSP or anything lol. I found Sunday meetings a little bit more bearable for some reason.
When we were fading, sometimes we'd just walk out as soon as the public talk was over. Then when it was most bearable was when we stopped going altogether!
do you think some elders stay in the organization just because of prestige and getting horny at some judicial committee meetings?
do you think some elders stay in the organization just because of prestige and getting horny at some judicial committee meetings?
As long as they remain inside the organisation they can always be big fish in a small pond (you reading this, David Bailey??), so many have no reason to leave. If they were to go out in the big wide world and face the reality, they will see that they are not the gods they think they are.
mistake number one for faders, df'd and apostates: caring what the folks at the kingdom hall think of you.. they are your "friends", right?
sorry to break it to you.
they are not friends.
This is the main reason why we left.
You have no friends at all in the organisation, that's the bottom line.
Witnesses for the most part don't even care about each other. Before I left totally, just about every person I spoke to was unhappy because of the lack of love. Even some people who have left will say they still love 'Jehovah', but hate the organisation. It's just pure favourtism, back stabbing, jealousy, pettiness - all the traits they accuse 'the world' of is in the "happy' organisation ten fold.
All those lovely pictures you see in the magazines are simply false advertisement - much like those pictures of Mcdonalds burgers looking all plump and juicy and when you order one its all flat and messy. That's what the Borg is like.
If our friendship has to be conditional and you can switch it off in the blink of an eye, then we better part ways and keep it moving. Life is way too short.
As far as actually "caring" what they say once you've left - they didn't give a damn about you when you were there serving faithfully, so what's the difference now?
There ain't gonna be no 'paradise earth'. The very idea itself is absolute foolishness and doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. I heard one crazy 'sister' say in paradise we may all be naked again because that was god's original purpose.
Why the hell shouldn't a resurrected one being able to enjoy sexual relations? Why shouldn't someone who has lost their partner be able to wait until the 'new system' so they can reunite with that indidivual? Imagine, your wife/husband dies today. Three years time, the Big A arrives. According to JW doctrine, those who die last will be the first to get resurrected. Say, another three years go by, that person comes back. You're overjoyed and still love that person like it was yesterday and naturally you'd want to pick up from where you left off and/or renew your vows, but "oh, sorry, I'm 'like an angel' now we can't be together!" How cruel is that? I take it the person who came back would still have genital organs, emotions etc? So what possible reason could there why why marriage couldn't take place? Wouldn't the many parents who have lost their children because of the fake blood doctrine want to see their resurrected kids get married so that they can become grandmothers and grandfathers?
You see how ridiculous and illogical it gets?
But of course, the answer is always we'll "have to wait and see" in the new system, because the big prick in the sky knows best and doesn't feel the need to tell us in the here and now, just why for whatever reason. SMH.
And just to think I believed that nonsense once upon a time.