Some "brothers" simply didn't want to get married and frankly I didn't blame them. I can't speak for where you guys are, but as for my own locality (North London to be exact), most of the women in the congregations here are either so rude/disrespectful, vain/shallow, have their heads up their arses, or have ridiculously unrealistic expectations or are just simply crazy as hell that the men simply keep to themselves because they just don't need the hassle. Trust me, if there is anyone here familiar with the congregations around here, you'll know what I'm talking about.
They complained about "brothers" not wanting them, yet I've known COUNTLESS guys who have been really good men get rejected and then made fun of mercilessly by these same "sisters" because the "brother" 1)didn't "look the part", 2)didn't have a title, 3)wasn't part of any clique, 4) didn't have a high paying job, 5)didn't come from a popular family etc. I knew one "brother" who was an elder and pioneer who got rejected by this "sister", because, and I quote: "he only looks ok, but I want someone whose really good looking and has a lot of money".
They behave like this, then seriously wonder why brothers who observe just say "f**k it" and don't give them the time of day. Also, a lot of the "sisters" got jealous of other women from other parts of the country who would visit London and always seemed to hook up with "their" "brothers". My wife who is from the midlands faced a lot of jealousy from some of these women. I wanted to get married, but "sisters" from around here were a no-no if I wanted to keep my sanity.
The "brothers" always seem to get the blame for "sisters" being single or going out into the "world" for a partner, but don't be fooled. A lot of women in there only bring it on themselves. Life is way too short to be dealing with some immature broad in her 30s who still acts like a 16 year old.