JoinedPosts by lauralisa
Cats With Their Own Website?
by ESTEE inhiya everyone!i'm sooooo niave about the world eating rule .
wander gingerly over to the food they just put out.
stretch your neck out and smell it.
Alert! Achtung! Warning!
by patio34 innow call me stupid (but not to my face), but i did not realize that if one types in, say, "patio34" on a search engine, my threads come up.
i bring this up because i did start a thread about a person and that person could, if they suspected it, find it on the huge web!!
they could realize this because my e-mail name is the same as my name here.
Alert! Achtung! Warning!
by patio34 innow call me stupid (but not to my face), but i did not realize that if one types in, say, "patio34" on a search engine, my threads come up.
i bring this up because i did start a thread about a person and that person could, if they suspected it, find it on the huge web!!
they could realize this because my e-mail name is the same as my name here.
Hi Patio
OH MY GOD. I just did a search on my username. I'm not sure whether to be amused or to have a cow right now.
Yikes! There's a "model" with my name and vital statistics.... and she's not an 'escort'... jeez
My brother was not shot by an italian either
The internet: JUNGLE
not stupid either but needing to adjust my assumptions about people in general AGAIN, lauralisa
I need to vent....
by CC Ryder ini've only been in and out on the boards to check and comment on some threads i was on.
tink and i have had a stressful few weeks.
my place of employment is taking a beating with the down swing of the economy.
Hi CC,
I'm so sorry to hear about this happening to you. Before 9-11, my husband and his business partners were having a hard time deciding which multi-million contract to go with.... you can guess where the story ends. It hit him very, very hard, and he still struggles with job-security fears. After seeing a newly hired co-worker in the boss's office a few weeks ago, obviously upset and then mysteriously absent from work for a few days, he was convinced the place was in trouble... (turns out there was a death in the guy's family.... ) Anxiety sucks.
Here's to hearing some good news from you soon, and wishing you both well
Okay, Someone "Enlighten" Me... Pleas...
by AGuest injust what is it that saddam hussein has done/is alleged to have done... to warrant a war by the us upon his country, and the most certain result of mass murder of innocent men, women and children, as a result?.
now, i also ask you: please be careful in your response, as all i want are facts, versus emotional vengefulness... and such facts that say this is what he has done so that the us is rightfully entitled to war against iraq.
to that end, then, i would also ask that you make sure your reply takes into account that the us itself has not done similar... or equal... anywhere else in the world... so as to warrant the same result on upon them.. i await your response... and i truthfully bid you peace.. sj, a slave of christ, who is still trying to understand the "thoughts"... of earthling man... though i serious doubt i will....
Hello there Shelby - (it's been awhile ... here's a big hug hello)
You are not alone here.... nor on your own. I also am staggered and unable to comprehend why the US is -as we speak - deploying weapons and personnel of mass distruction to "strategic areas", clearly hell-bent on war - as if we are not noticing ! It's not even open to discussion - justifying such actions by insinuating that there are 'informants' reports" suggesting .... whatever...
I'd love to know what those reports suggest, and if it supports the loss of several thousand human lives, ensuing trauma to their familes, the loss of millions of square miles of geology, potential for nuclear fallout, not to mention the disruption of every routine on the entire globe for many months to come.
I must clarify here though that I think it's just another work day, and not any type of prophetic event... George is leading the masses and they are just following. Gag moi.
Hope you are well. lauralisa
A Bit of Anxiety
by patio34 inwhy am i putting myself through this?
i am going on a coffee date with a man i've never met, but e-mailed for two weeks.
this is my 1st date in .
Hi Patio...
This is so exciting.... can he keep up with your intellect? (I'm being serious!!!)
I wouldn't worry about the "sparks" thing... those will happen later. If you could stand being with him for more than fifteen minutes, you are half-way there!!!
Waiting for updates, as they happen, and wishing you the best
edited to add: did you get the line "why am I putting myself thru this" from the movie The Fisher King?....
Edited by - lauralisa on 8 February 2003 17:48:16
About my Sister
by SixofNine inshe's 38 and never been kissed.
least i guess not really.
steve did i suppose maybe, but maybe he don't count.
A thousand doors ago
when I was a lonely kid
in a big house with four
garages and it was summer
as long as I could remember
I lay on the lawn at night,
clover wrinkling under me,
the wise stars bedding over me,
my mother's window a funnel
of yellow heat running out
my father's window, half shut,
an eye where sleepers pass
and the boards of the house
were smooth and white as wax
and probably a million leaves
sailed on their strange stalks
as the crickets ticked together
and I, in my brand new body,
which was not a woman's yet,
told the stars my questions
and thought god could really see
the heat and the painted light
elbows, knees, dreams, goodnightAnne Sexton
Six.... when does it stop hurting? Do you know?
by Grunt ini really do hate them.. every now and then it does me good to make my views on the cult known as jehovah's witnesses known.
i didn't come to this view slowly or rashly, but over a period of some thirty years or more.
when i think of the futures i have seen shredded, the hypocrites i have seen looking down their twisted noses from the bottom of a pit while they thought they were on a pedestal of righteousness, the children i have seen tortured over issues they needn't have faced, the couples i have seen turn on one another and break apart over this phoney "religion", the children i have seen turn on their parents, brothers and sisters, the selfish things i have seen charlatans posing as christians do, the ignorance of the bible i have seen expounded with the tones and knowing looks of superiority, the tears i have seen shed by caring puppet-people trying to serve god honestly but being forced to do uncaring things by the strings pulled in new york, well....... have i mentioned i hates'em!!!!!!!!.
You could be a 'normal' person if...
by lauralisa ini was going to add some thoughts to another thread, but it is now locked.
it took a long time to gather my nerve up to post a new topic, and i'll probably regret it, but i couldn't feel any crappier than i do today, (well, yes i could) so, whatever.. .
perhaps the following - taken from a book i've read a million times - will be of help to someone... yeah, it's another stupid trauma analysis ... however, if you've ever been a jehovah's witness, you have been traumatized, and no doubt must contend dearly with at least some afteraffects.
Rumor has it that YOU are really "Marky Mark", whose calvins we all saw in huge proportions a few years back...? Is it true what they say about men and their trucks? And what's so gross about the national product???
If I had a million dollars, I'd get you a new system, but only if it was an apple. (Only because I care, and mac owners enjoy immunity on a regular basis. Also, apples can say "bite me" on a regular basis and be, like, serious!) I've got your number tatooed on my right trapezius... I'll call you when I find a mirror
CCRyder: I've enjoyed reading what you have had to say in the past, and it's good to see you more frequently lately.... thank you