Big Tex said it all. I couldn't watch the show, had to work... probably a good thing, though, cause I always end up feeling just like you described.
When is humanity in general going to get a freakin clue.......????
"living well is the best revenge"
love, lauralisa
JoinedPosts by lauralisa
Please read this, these are the feelings I had come up again from CBS......
by Jesika inwell, i haven't been on silentlambs in a few months.
it makes me depressed and very emotional.
i didn't want to miss the cbs show tonite, but damnit, i am hurting all over again.
What personal campaign have you done against the Witnesses?
by Fruitcake income sunday morning, my friend and i are going to make poster boards and use ezekial 34:10 about "bad shepards.
this is what the sovereign lord jehovah has said, here i am against the shepards, and i shall certainly ask back my sheep from their hand.
" ezekial 34:10
sf.... what an amazing 'tutorial' you've put together here. You rock.
It's stunning, seeing this polemic phlegm in all its gloriousness in one massive congealed essay...
hug, laura (wow I had to look up how to spell 'phlegm') -
Orbiting the sun ...........
by Hamas in.
i must say you look very nice .
just proves my point about all the good looking witness girls leaving innit.....
Hamas.... Hamas... Hamas.
Just remember. If you want to get to her you have to get past both of her mothers!!!
*smile* lauralisa (watching out for Orbit klass) -
music groups that pi$$ed JWs off
by Pleasuredome ini always found it funny that jws hated pop groups with a passion.
here's some groups, that i was always being had a go at for listening to, or told that they shouldnt be listened to...
guns n roses - for sexist and viloent lyrics.
Does anyone remember the terrifying stories about "Earth Wind and Fire"????
---> jw urban legend: Earth Wind & Fire would ask any jehovah's witnesses in the audience during live performances to LEAVE THE ARENA. The stage show contained DEMONIC - POWERED stunts!!! If any jw's were there, the magic stuff wouldn't happen.
Great 80's funk band...
Also, a friend of mine had to toss all of his Pink Floyd before they would appoint him as an elder.... (wish I'd been around on trash day for THAT....) -
Trouble, Let Me Be...
by Witch Child inmy high functioning autistic son was put on anti-psychotic medication yesterday.
there was a huge incident at his school and here at home.
i am so afraid for him.
Cat knows all about it... at least he used to.
Seriously... you have my compassion. f**k with a child, the mother goes wild... it's nature's way
let us know what happens, if you are able.
Warm wishes. lauralisa -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
I'm confused... who is disagreeing with you?
Knowlege is power. I hope that most people arrive at this conclusion before they are into their third or fourth decade of life. Reading is fundamental.
Parents must be the ones who choose which course to take regarding their child's health. I think it is safe to say that one is wise to take in as much knowledge as possible from as many sources as possible before making a RESPONSIBLE decision about whether or not to medicate their child.
I think the point is well made: turning that choice over to someone else is ...
We still have a choice in such matters, as parents, fortunately... it is a difficult road to take, however; insurance companies have their agenda; doctors have their opinions; others who specialize in human suffering put out many an influencing argument. Here's a news flash * there exists propaganda*
Please make room for discussion and please, know that this discussion is not, at this point, (at least for me) not about YOU. -
Mackey... you wrote:
"I will do anything within In my power to remove the fear and guilt that have such a stranglehold on her. I have seen the happiness In her when I was able to remove that burden temporarily, when she was able to be "normal". My only focus now Is to remove It permanently. If I can accomplish that, the rest will follow"
I believe that the power of the love you obviously have for her is enough. Please be careful, though, of attributing to yourself what she, herself, has done, and needs to do on her own.... your love for her will enable HER to find HER way "out."
You can only support her in this. It is HER choice whether or not to lose burdens, feel normal, and learn how to lose the guilt and fear. HER choice.
If you force her to make these choices - in order to hold on to your love - you won't be helping her...
I am sorry to be so blunt, when you are so obviously hurting and raw. You have my compassion and complete understanding.... and wish you well in this situation where passion can cause feelings to run wild..
With respect and care, lauralisa -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
Sarah Annie: You have my deep respect for posting this. This is big.
I'll write more when I have more time, but THANK YOU for posting this.
lauralisa -
I don't want no dub, a dub is a scrub.....
by sf in.
....can't get no love from me.. hanging out of the passengers ride trying to hand me his watchtower magazineeeeeee..... i don't want no dub, a dub is a scrub...... roflolololol.
hey sKally! Pass it over .. to me...!
The Ultimate APOSTATE SURVEY!!! Check it out!! please respond!! ^_^
by NaruNaruChan inok, we all get them in the mail, but here's one geared towards us that i just wrote up.
feel free to add to it, as i'd love for it to go around a bit ^_^ .
copy and paste this into your response box because i just wrote it and i figure whattheheck, this could be good!!!
1. What is your name? Lauralisa!
2. Where were you born? Pensacola, Florida
3. Were u raised as a JW? Nope
4. If you converted to JW later in life, why? I had blind faith in the bible; the jw rhetoric was so comprehensive and seemed to answer virtually every question I could ask -
5. When were you baptized a JW? I was 31
6. When were you disfellowshipped, or disassociated, and for what? no
7. Are you Married? Yes
8. Did you ever pioneer/aux pioneer? How long? Agh - tried aux. pioneering once - ended up in a psychiatric hospital (really)
9. If you are Dfed or D A ed, do any active witnesses still talk to you in secret? No
10. Which teachings of the WTBTS do you disagree with the most? The one who has the biggest book bag is the one who wins
11. Which Teachings of the WTBTS do you agree with still? uh, maybe a few proverbial statements?
12. If you could take any of it back, would u? OMG of course
13. What was your worst experience at the door in the field service? Having to work with an unmedicated psychotic 'sister' who spit on the ground while I was talking to the guy at the door
14. What was your best experience in field service? Having a 12 year old sister feel safe enough to confide in me that she needed help with abusive home situation
15. What was the last memorial u attended? mmm.... 4 years ago?
16. What is one thing you wish you could say now that your eyes have been opened to an active witness? "I'M NOT INTERESTED" *lol*
17. Did you have to go through therapy after leaving? OMG - During and after
18. how did you deprogram yourself from WT thinking? Forced myself to think cognitively rather than out of fear
19. Has anyone else quit the religion because you left? I think so
20. What’s the craziest thing you ever heard at the kingdom hall? The whole justification line about what's his name sleeping with his daughters and how cool that was because if he hadn't, Jesus would not have been born... puleeeeze
21. Have you spoken to any witnesses who came to your door after you were Dfed about what you know now? yes - they never came back even tho I asked for a return visit
22. What teachings do you think the society should throw out? The society should throw ITSELF out
23. What did you do to your literature after you quit? Dumpstered it
24. Have you been to an APOSTAFEST, and was it fun? Yes yes yes
25. Did you go sex crazy when you left? definitely
26. Did you dye your hair, get a tattoo, or pierce yourself? I had my belly button pierced WHILE I was one
27. Have you picketed a convention yet, or will you? No... too much of a pacifist
28. Do you have any regrets? omg.... give me a decade to tell of them all.... the most difficult has to do with my kids and forcing them to be freaks in school.... *wet eyes...*
29. Do you think you will ever recover fully? Yes; I will recover even more when I can format my responses on jw.com beyond making paragraph breaks.....
30. Would you ever go back? NO NO NO NO times infinity