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Posts by bafh
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
I'm 42, almost 43. Left 5 years ago. Workaholic and introvert. Feel like a complete social retard. didnt think I'd be having such a hard time. Most days think jumping off a bridge is a pretty good solution to my issues. Thought I'd feel better on the outside and in some ways I do. It's just such a struggle; I'm not sure I'm up for it any more. I'm just so tired.
will probably drink several pints before the Sunday session.
Thanks to those who have responded I appreciate the support.
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
Let me be clear: my only attachment to this organization is the fact that my family is all in. I'm 4th Generation born-in. My preferece is that I'm not seen as dangerous - just spiritually weak. I own a business, and I work all the time - so naturally they think my business has distracted me from being a Witness.
The fact is, I'm not willing to say "they don't have the Truth" - they have as much a chance of being "the channel" as any other religion as far as I can tell.
If pressed, my plan is to say: "There are a lot of things that bother my conscience. I'm not saying the GB is not Anointed. I'm saying that my conscience is bothered. I'm not interested in going into detail, because I don't want people to get the wrong idea. I'm just going to wait on Jehovah with my concerns and see what happens."
And you are all right. I do need to join some clubs - and I have. It is just that when I work so much it is hard, plus there is this "instant" friendship thing that happens with JWs that doesn't happen on the outside. I feel a little socially retarded because I feel like I don't know how to read other people, and I expect that they will not like me. I don't feel like I fit in any where - inside or outside - so I'm having a hard time, and I'm not sure how to handle it.
so that's my story. Thanks for listening.
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
The thing is, this friend already went to the convention. Whatever happened on Sunday really got to her. She was desperate for me to attend. So the only reason she is going again is for me.
At this point, I'm not on anyone's radar. I never answer the doors when the JWs come by, and I don't think they know where I live. I've been faded now for about 5 years and with the exception of a few family funerals early on and the Memorial each year - I don't attend any meetings.
This is an appeasement move. I don't plan on going back, although I have to admit to considering it lately just because I'm having a hard time making friends on the outside. I feel like as long as I am open, and willing to talk and at least consider what they have to say it keeps them at bay and calm than just telling them I'm not going to consider it. I'd rather be guilty of leading them on a bit than have them think of me as dangerous because I disagree with what they believe. I'm not a spiritual danger to them because I don't care enough about what they believe.
anyway...I'll follow through because if I pull out that might be a big red flag to her - but I want to be able to anticipate as much as possible what will be thrown at me.
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
Thanks. I edited it for clarity.
Need a Game Plan
by bafh ini'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but i just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend sunday's morning session.
last weekend, my mom invited me too.instead of saying something like, "i'm sorry, but i have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - i agreed to go to the sunday morning session.
any recommendations?
I'm not sure what is going on at the convention, but I just got a desperate call from a friend wanting me to attend Sunday's morning session. Last weekend, my mom invited me too.Instead of saying something like, "I'm sorry, but I have no intention of going back," and having them completely freak out - I agreed to go to the Sunday morning session.
Any recommendations? What am I getting myself into here?
Advice on fading needed
by wallievase inthese 2 options are before me right now-.
1. write a letter to the elders and my family, not da myself but basically saying i have too much going on in my life and am confused, so that they will stop bothering my wife and stop asking me questions all the time.
after i write the letter continue to go to the hall less and less.... 2. appease my wife.
Maybe you need to fade slower. I wouldn't suggest writing a letter. I would go with the line that you are depressed, not feeling well, or some other generalized "illness" - fake your service time if you have to. If you can't do that - maybe start working more. If people want to know what is going on - give your wife something to say "he's sick", "he's working" or "you'll have to ask him.
What is the "new" date JWs are "hinting" at for Armaggeddon?
by booker-t inafter the 1975 "we did not say point blank armaggeddon was coming we only suggested it might come" fiasco what is the new date jws are "hinting" at for armaggeddon?
i know now they do not point to any specific date but hint that maybe it might occur such as before 2000 the preaching work will be finished.
this is a suggestion not a prediction so they can wiggle out of this one.
when will they learn?? Didn't the scripture say "no one knows the day or the hour except the father?" I would respect them a lot more if they focused on what kind of people they are and how to help others instead of what date it is all going to be over. That "the end is near" shit gives people an excuse to not participate in their own life, and to blame "the system" for why it is crappy. It's never, "boy I have a crappy life. What do I need to change?" it is always "boy, I have a crappy life. I can't wait until the New System comes and destroys all the wicked who are doing this to me."
Sigh. Makes me tired just thinking about it. All that wasted potential.
Sisters conducting meetings where there is a lack of brothers
by booker-t ini remember years ago when i was a little boy aroung 9 years old, our bookstudy conductor was in the hospital and at the last minute one of the elders asked my aunt to be the book study conductor.
this was the first time i have seen this happen.
my aunt did a very good job and the bookstudy acted as it was not something from outer space.
Yep. My grandma conducted the meeting during the yellow Babylon book. Probably the best conductor that bookstudy ever had. She was smart, well read, and logical. Except for the fact of course that she was a JW. ha!
why dont more elders leave?
by Crazyguy inyou would think that what they are exposed to more would wake up and leave, why not?
Many people have pointed to the reason I think people stay - status. When you are discouraged from being educated, or pursuing your talent, or being ambitious - then the only way for a man to gain status that is normally obtained in those other ways is to gain a title: MS, Elder, CO, DO, Bethlite, Bethel Elder, etc....even aux pioneer, pioneer, special pioneer, missionary - all status titles. And of course, women have no status in the organization apart from men, so if a husband gains a status, the wife will benefit and want that position as well.
I think that if people were able to meet those needs for ego fulfillment in ordinary ways, we would see less abuse of the flock because then the MS, Elders, etc. would be men drawn out of a want to serve, and not to fill a personal need.