Posts by bafh
Governing Body Helpers ----- Who are they? Are they future GB in the making?
by adjusted knowledge inso after nearly 15 to 19 years of not attending a convention, i can't recall exactly, i went to one last year.
the brother giving the talk was from bethel and was introduced as a helper of the governing body.
it was a title i never heard of before.
I happen to know David and unless he started partaking recently, he doesn't claim to be anointed. That could change though I guess. When he was appointed a "helper" I think there was quiet speculation about it. As far as I know nothing has changed. -
When elders approach do you/did you respond?
by Blackfalcon98 inso, back when you were still in, or even now (for those still in), how do you respond when the elders ask to speak with you in the back room?
You can just say you are not available, running out to another obligation, and do they mind calling for an appointment. When they do, just always be busy. -
Surprise ! Surprise ! 2015 Arrives and NO Armageddon or World's " End " - Go Figure
by flipper ini guess 99.9 % of ex-jw's here could have predicted as much .
armageddon didn't happen in 1914. it didn't happen in 1925. it didn't happen in 1975. and it did not happen in 2014. since the wt society first predicted a world's end when their organization started in 1879 - 126 years have passed which according to any dictionary in any human language 126 years comprises of 4 separate generations each totaling 30 years each.
plus 6 years into a 5th generation.
I was with my grandparents this morning and they were just talking about how disappointed they were that the nothing happened in 2014 and how they have been expecting the end since the 70s. They are in the late 80s, and I wonder if there is not a sense of doubt and regret. -
Status of people shunned before rule change?
by rebel8 inback in the early 1980s, some congregations were "disassociating" unbaptized people who committed alleged disfellowshipping offenses and weren't repentant.
it was announced from the platform in the same way, "so and so is disassociated," followed by 1 scripture about shunning and another about the specific sin that person had committed.
the ritual shunning was exactly the same as dfing.
I remember this because it happened to my best friends brother. Scarred him for life. He was an I baptized teen and was shunned just as any DF'd or DA'd person would be. I am not clear on what he did exactly but I'm sure it fell within the range of normal teen behavior. -
'Big Eyes' Movie is the story of art couple Margaret (an XJW) and Walter Keane
by AndersonsInfo in
tim burton 'big eyes' movie tells the story of art couple margaret and walter keane.
tim burton, a filmmaker known for his own brand of ghoulish cartoon characters, is taking on the world of wide-eyed artist, margaret keane, in a new movie aptly titled "big eyes.".
She is still a JW. -
LDC Semininar
by Sour Grapes inldc semininar @ patterson nov 15-18, 2014 .
entire ldc dept included remote workers/design/legal/real estate/purchasing.
As a Business Model – this would be utterly ridiculous!
The whole idea is like “branding” – or “franchising” – and very recognizable building / logo / message repeated over and over across the country.
Well. Uh, as a business model this DOES work it's called McDonald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Subway, blah blah blah. How do they think track homes work? Who are they fooling? I've seen comments from JWs talking about how progressive the WT is now that they are "broadcasting" - but it smacks of Jim and Tammy Faye, 700 Club, you name it. JWs aren't so progressive as much as they are about 20 years behind. Come on people - is it really so hard to see? sigh
U.K Human Rights Blog: Jehovahs Witnesses, and judicial review being a last resort
by AndersonsInfo in
r (o.t.a watch tower bible & tract society of britain) v charity commission, 12 december 2014, dove j, no transcript yet available, summary on lawtel ().
judicial review is an excellent and flexible remedy, filling the gaps when statutory and other appeals do not provide a remedy for unlawful administrative acts or omissions.
What does this mean?
Why JW marriage is a huge problem for the organization.
by kneehighmiah inthe difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
From a woman's perspective the choices are not that wonderful either. I am a smart, ambitious, educated woman. I own a successful business. One reason even if I was still attending I would never marry a JW man is for the most part they are dull, awkward and intimidated by capable women. If I went back now, there is no social room for a single successful business woman who is not pining for a man and who has no desire to regular pioneer. I can only imagine the level of quiet criticism I'd get for just showing up. I would attract the incompetent men who need someone to take care of them. THAT is not what I'm looking for.Lets not even get started on how the "headship" thing works with JW men. Just shoot me now.
It is no picnic for unconventional women.😄
Can anyone confirm this?
by bafh inmy mom today said the brother behind the children's annimation used to work at pixar.
is that true?
if so, can anyone confirm it?.
My mom today said the brother behind the children's annimation used to work at Pixar. Is that true? If so, can anyone confirm it?
My mom is a regular-pioneer-true-believer-needs-religion-so-drank-the-koolaid kid of person. And she was going on and on about how thrilling it was there were so many changes that she "just can't keep up" and how the society with their website has always been "so ahead of everything" - I almost laughed out loud. Instead, kept my composure, listened and when it seemed natural to do so, changed the subject.
I have got got to say the new branding maneuvcer is working, at least on some people. SIGH.
Anyone else realize they are still "waiting"??
by bafh ini have been gone for about 5 years now.
and am making good progress towards building a network of friends, and outside activities.
it takes time though, and it has been harder than i expected.
Yes, I was born-in. Your suggestion is great. I realize that I do plan for my business, but not for myself. And you are right, when I think ahead about my personal life, it is pretty fuzzy. You gave me something good to consider. Interesting.
Do you think this is a common experience for a born-in?