w11 7/15 p. 16 par. 6 Will You Heed Jehovah's Clear Warnings?Thus, my choice to "stay away" is justified and scriptural by their own teaching. 😎
"How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? The Bible's counsel regarding how to deal with them is clear. (Read Romans 16:17; 2 John 9-11.) 'Avoid them,' says God's Word. Other translations render that phrase 'turn away from them,' 'keep away from them,' and 'stay away from them!' There is nothing ambiguous about that inspired counsel."
Posts by bafh
Turning disassociation around on the org
by tim3l0rd inrecently i was researching the scripture used to justify why da'd ones were to be shunned the same as df'd ones and decided that this could easily be turned around.
they use 2 john 9-11.. 9 everyone who pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the christ does not have god.+ the one who does remain in this teaching is the one who has both the father and the son.
10 if anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.
"Keeping up with Jehovah's Chariot"
by FusionTheism inclarified understandings / new light of the past 7 years or so:.
* the faithful and discreet slave is only the governing body and only since 1919.. * the faithful slave was appointed in 1919 by jesus but it will not receive its greater authority until the judgment of the sheep and goats.. * charles taze russell was not part of the faithful and discreet slave.. * there was no slave for 1900 years before 1919.. * there may not have been any anointed during those 1900 years, but it's possible there were a few.. * 1935 was not the cut-off date for the selection of the anointed-- this selection is still ongoing.
* 1935 has no special biblical significance.. * 1918 has no special biblical significance.. * gog of magog is not satan, but is a coalition of nations, who may be ruled by the mysterious king of the north.. * there is no evil slave class.
w05 5/1 p. 22 par. 18 The Resurrection Hope—What Does It Mean for You?
We realize that should we die before Armageddon, a continued course of conduct displeasing to Jehovah could put us in the same position as those who have no prospect of a resurrection.
Uh, what happened to " the wages sin pays is death" and the resurrection of the "righteous and unrighteous"?
How do people not see these blatantly unscriptural comments and is anyone on the GB or writing department really doing a quality control check before this shit gets printed? -
2015 Regional Convention Anthony Morris Governing Body encourages coerced baptism of unwilling children ...again
by Watchtower-Free inthis is from the last talk of the convention ......... clip 1:30 minutes longhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrej8tlyiso&feature=youtu.be.
If I was still in and if I had kids - I would start talking to them early about waiting to make those kinds of big decisions until they are much older. Christ set the example - and was 30. We know now that humans achieve adult reasoning in their late 20s or early 30s.
This is another example of going beyond what is written. How can they say with a straight face they don't do infant baptism when the children are so young? It's really a technicality.
My Parents Lost Forever?
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inmy father served in the second world war.
he served in the south pacific.
he loved his time in the military and my mother was more than supporting.
I don't think that humans have the capacity to know the answer to that question. It is a wait and see.
Although it is hard, I think there is great benefit in practicing accepting things the way they are right now without hoping for an easy answer. I think humans like the idea of eternal life - obviously most cultures and religions have some version of it.
Regardless of what you choose to believe, there is no way to KNOW the answer until you die and see for yourself. You will either see them again or you won't.
Until then,you have to choose how to deal with the uncertainty.
Disfellowship, Disassociate, or fade. What would you do different.
by John Aquila inhindsight: .
many times because of the shock of learning ttatt, a person loses it.
you want to scream and tell the whole world that the watchtower is a big lie.
I faded and that is what I recommend to others...You are right though, some people are so angry (understandably so) that they are not able to contain it and they say and do things that are not in their own best interest.
Ultimately, it depends on what people want the outcome to be. I am a 4th generation JW, so there was a lot for me to lose if I was out with it all. I wanted to maintain contact with my family, so I faded. And I moved out of my old territory and never contacted the congregation where I now live.
I would advise people who are fading and who do not want to appear as a threat to their family and friends to keep opinions to yourself, and to be encouraging to them as people. If something is important to them, be happy for them, encourage them. It does not imply agreement or consent. It just means can love them just as they are with no expectation they will be different.
That said, if you have family who are mean or abusive to you - then keeping your distance is probably wise.
Get into therapy. Fight the training that "everyone is dangerous", quell the paranoia and start building your social network outside of the congregation so when you fade you have something to fade into. That was one of the hardest things for me to overcome - having no social support in the congregation and no social support outside the congregation.
You might find a group in your area like Sunday Assembly. Lots of people like you and me there and it is a wonderful group to fall in with.
Are You "Technically" Still A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ineven if you don't regard yourself as a practicing jw, some may view you simply as inactive, a lost sheep, etc.. if you were baptized but not disfellowshipped or disassociated, you may still be a jw---right?
your thoughts please..
I'm technically still in. My official status is inactive. I haven't attended for about 7 years. According to my friend ( an elder's wife) at the recent Elder's school - they were told to treat all of the inactive as if they were still sheep. So my friend said, "that is how I look at you - you are still a sheep and I want to bring you closer to the fold."
It is sort of sad to me that this was a big revelation. Like being nice to people is such a new thing to them.
Doing away with Calculating How Close we are to THE END
by FusionTheism inthe watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
It seems to me so much of people's faith and therefore their actions is based on their reward being "imminent". You can do or believe almost anything for a short time especially if there is some greater reward to look forward to in a very short time.
This has been a pet peeve of mine for a while now - the Bible says, "You do not know the day nor the hour, neither the Son. Only the Father." (or something like that). So it hasn't made sense to me for a long time that they have been obsessed with 1914 and predicting the time of the end.
Now that it has come to nothing, they are backtracking. It will be interesting to see how many people leave now that there is no timeline for the reward.
And I will be interested now to see if this gives them the opportunity to focus on what kind of people they are instead of what kind of works they produce that other people can see.
I think this is the beginning of an important turning point.
August 2015 WT - Let's Review the BS Children
by InjusticeSystem infound these gems in this edition:.
- keep in expectation!- prepare now for life in the new worldthe passing of time should not cause us to lose hope thatkingdom blessings will be realized.
there are solid reasonsto keep our scriptural expectations alive.
I don't see them being able to hold on to that much longer. Especially with the no type/antitype stance, the whole thing comes apart. I say that they abandon 1914 in the next year or so and within 5 years at the very latest. -
When did the WTS begin to require baptismal candidates to answer 2 questions. What were they?
by AndersonsInfo ini need some research done so if anybody has the time, please see what you can find on the subject as stated in the title.. i clearly remember attending my first circuit assembly.
on october 30, 1956, i definitely answered two questions, along with about ten other people including my mother, not at the assembly, but we were standing at the side of a small baptismal pool that was in the basement of a kingdom hall in ronkonkoma, then a small hamlet on long island in the town of islip, suffolk county, new york, united states.. i know for a certainty that in 1945 candidates for baptism were not asked any questions but they were informed through their congregation that there would be a baptism and told where and when it was to be held.
usually the baptism was done at a beach and when candidates showed up in bathing attire, they were dunked, no questions asked.. so sometime between 1945 and 1956 two specific questions began to be asked of candidates.
It seems to me, that even though the questions have moved to include the identification with the organization as a primary feature of the baptism process - that in the WT they proclaim our dedication is and should be to Jehovah and not to any organization. Therefore, if we leave the organization because it offends our conscience, we can still say we have not abandoned our commitment to Jehovah - if we were so inclined.
How would JWs respond to THAT?
Don't join a group that won't let you leave, or have an independent opinion. If you plan on having children, don't become a JW. I don't imagine they will treat you any better once you are married if you don't join - and if that is the case - do you want to marry a woman who continues to also think like that?
Run for your life!