If the GB really believed that rubbish, they would still have book studies and other meetings in homes and would leave the money where the local congregations would be able to use it to care for themselves during the GT.I don't know about that. They might really believe it - they just think it wont include them because they are a protected people. They may be in for a big surprise.
Posts by bafh
by DATA-DOG inwell, once again my "friend" has shared their notes with me from the latest co visit.
besides the usual 1914 assertions/ world getting worse all the time/ our day is the worst of all time nonsense, the co mentioned some interesting things.
number one won't surprise you.
AMIII about child abuse
by Gorbatchov inhow great to see amiii stating @ tv.jw.org that the watchtower society was the first institution addressing child abuse in a time others were naive about this typical behavior of gay's.
the 1982 awake magazine is such a spectacular example about adressing the problem that they decided to erase it from their digital archives.
will amiii tell the judge that "watchtower" has not any control about him?
I think it is telling that they make it sound like the abuse is happening from people the kids don't know or for those on the outside. This says nothing about being careful about people you do know. The research shows that the majority of sexual abuse happens with someone the child knows and trusts not from some creepy green blob.
It is fine to reference articles, but how about explaining how that is handled in the congregation and making THOSE policies and procedures clear? They can't because it would increase rather than decrease their culpability in the eyes of anyone actually paying attention.
WT Society Makes Light of Child Abuse Crimes by Portraying them as Cartoons
by flipper ini commented on this on another thread- but i believe this has enough importance to create a thread about this situation in and of itself.
at the current district convention as you know the wt society released a " sophie & caleb " video allegedly warning parents about the dangers of child abuse.
they don't really use the words " child abuse " in the video - but just say if " someone tries to touch you in a manner you aren't comfortable with " and portray it as a cartoon !
I haven't been able to watch it yet - but do they address that the perpertrators are generally someone you know and trust, ie an elder, ms or any man in the congregation?
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
I've been thinking about this more and I have come to the conclusion that I think the Bible discusses two types of forgiveness:
Divine/Moral: Bestowed upon humans by God for sins they commit. This forgiveness is given to humans for the benefit of the individual receiving the forgiveness and is realized inside of the moral/spiritual structure outlined in the scriptures. Scriptural references: Law given to Israel, Acts 3:19, etc.
Human: Bestowed upon humans by other humans for real or imagined wrongs. This forgiveness is given to fellow humans for the benefit of the one doing the forgiving although it may lead to repentance, reconciliation a healed relationship. Scriptural references: Matt 5:39, Matt 18:22, etc.
I Don't Get It!
by John Aquila inthere are literally about thirty young single very good looking sisters in this one kingdom hall under the age of 30. that is just one kingdom hall.
in the circuit there are literally hundreds of young beautiful jw girls under 30 who are single and anxious to get married.
about two years ago, this one single good looking brother who is about 30 years old and who is an elder married this plain looking sister who is 59 years old.
Why is this an issue? The men in the congregation have always done this. -
How do you feel about exJW's who resist our efforts to effect change?
by nicolaou ini've met a few.
i'm not talking about the jw who, whether df'd or not, falls off the radar and just gets on with living a normal life - good luck to them and may there be many more!.
i mean the former jehovah's witness who is now enjoying all the benefits of a cult free life thanks to the efforts of many bloggers, posters and activists, but is critical of the efforts of someone close them to free more jws.
I do think bringing information to the forefront about the organization as a whole is helpful - but I do fall into the camp of "if they want to leave, they will." This is based on my own experience with True Believers as friends and family.
You can't have been a JW very long before you experience first hand the hypocrisy of the Elder arrangement or the constantly shifting Tide of "current thinking" Religion being the opiate of the masses isn't just a clever saying - it's true.
There is a lot of security in having The Truth and being right or more right than the next guy. There is a lot of responsibility avoided by not having to think too much or to plan too far in advance.
Given that some people , my mom for instance, needs and thrives on that structure - I don't think it is my place to disrupt her faith. Even when I have brought up valid points of contention that they, even momentarily agree with, I find they are still able to dismiss any evidence that threatens their belief system in some way.
i think when people,are ready, the information is there. And we are here to assist in the difficult transition out.
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
bafh - So christian forgiveness is nothing more than choosing not to harbour a lust for revenge. It has nothing at all to do with the other person. It is nothing you wouldn't find in any self-help book or the advice column of a magazine.
And your point is....?
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
The question is what does that mean in practice
Crofty - here is my answer which I posted last week:
Forgiveness is letting go of negative feelings such as anger or revenge toward the person who has harmed you. It an action a person takes for themselves, not for the person who they forgive. It is a way to free oneself from the upset around a bad experience. It does not require the other person to do anything, not even apologize.
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
Now this same slave was owed a little money from a friend of his, also a slave. His friend could not pay it back yet and he too asks for leniency, but the first slave has his friend thrown into prison for the debt. This news gets back to the first slaves master.
The forgiveness wasn't "undone". He was being punished for not showing mercy to his fellow slave. This is unrelated to his original debt and punishment that was canceled by his master.
(Matthew 18:32-34) "Then his master summoned him and said to him: ‘Wicked slave, I canceled all that debt for you when you pleaded with me. Should you not also have shown mercy to your fellow slave as I showed mercy to you?’ With that his master, provoked to wrath, handed him over to the jailers until he repaid all that he owed."
The point here is that we have all been forgiven even large debts and we are expected to freely forgive others. -
"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?
by cofty inthe children of one of yesterday's shooting have told the media that they have already forgiven the killer for what he did.. dylaan roof has not apologised for what he did.
he hates black people and probably regrets not killing even more.. what does it really mean to forgive?.
if the legal system asked the victims relatives what they want done next would they ask for dylaan to go free and unpunished?.
I think what has irritated me about this is that it isn't authentic.
Christians respond to events the way they are expected to react. JWs do the same.
Here we have adult children of a murder victim saying they already forgive the murderer of their parent less than 24 hours after the event. The murderer is still filled with hate and has expressed no regret.
There is nothing authentic about this. It is a pre-programmed reaction. They are performing for the watching world.What right do you have to judge what is or is not real or authentic for another person?