Posts by bafh
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette ini couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
You are strong. There is nothing weak about avoiding people or situations that are disturbing to you. :-) -
Circuit Overseer Guidelines (tg-E) October 2015
by wifibandit incircuit overseer guidelines (tg-e) october 2015.
It is disturbing that:
- 1) it appears they put more weight on whether or not someone has a "scriptural marriage" than if someone has been accused of child sexual abuse
- 2) They appear to believe that asking someone directly "are you a child molester" will yield an accurate answer should someone actually be child molester
- 3) Communication with the Branch about sexual abuse of a child is required to be conducted by phone (no paper trail).
The Watchtower Corporation gets to legally keep all the money and property assets, even if it does fail or reduce in numbers
by Finkelstein ini think its vitally important to realized that the wts now has as of this year probably close to 2 billion in overall assets worldwide that it can live off for a very long time.
i get this gut feeling that the wts heads are positioning themselves and the organization in tentative survival mode for the long run.. so many cut backs, the selling off of many branches, the down sizing of much of its operations, are all tell tale hints that even the heads of this organization are preparing for the eventful devolving of this organization.
the wts gb leaders say that jah's chariot is moving along at a faster pace but in reflection of how this organization been conducting itself as of late, that wouldn't necessarily be the real truth of the matter.
If they were planning to dissolve the US Non-profits, then I would expect to see all of the assets being "given" to the other entities they have set up in other countries. There may be a country where they can shelter the assets without repercussions. -
Unbelievable! Is this even allowed? Two elders from my hall RANDOMLY stopped by my apartment!
by macys inok wow.
i am really really pissed.
i had to really hold back and bite my tongue.
If you are trying to get reinstated, it might be good just to play nice. It's annoying, but there isn't anything to say they can't come by, they are elders, so they are probably checking up on you. You have to play along if you want to win the game.
Fading is never 100% successful is it?
by nicolaou inmum phoned last night to see how we all are.
after fifteen years away from meetings and my old jw life you'd think my fade could be called 'successful' and for the most part it is.
.. my resentment at being lied to and having wasted over thirty years of my life has left me like a glass of water full to the brim, it only takes a tap to make a mess.
It's over when you are over it. It's not what happens to us, it is how we respond.
Therapy helps a lot.
2016 2-29-BOE-Skills Questionnaire!
by Atlantis in2016 skills questionnaire boe, instructions, and form combined in this pdf...
.. .. atlantis!.
That is sort of a stupid questionnaire. It's really more like an inventory - 10 attorneys in Oregon, 9 CPAs, in California, etc. It doesn't say, "Hey, we need ______. What (if any) is your experience in this area?"
Heaven forbid they show a "need".
Are JW Celebrities Getting paid to say they are JW?
by Luther bertrand ini have always wondered why prince and michael jackson stayed in good standing for some of the stuff they released as jws?
or how the williams sisters could stay in sports without all the bs?
after all the revelations about the org that i have heard... i wonder if they are paid and the reason they get away with it is that they are pr strategies and really they could give a crap about the org?
It's my understanding that the Williams sisters were never baptized, so there isn't anything for them to be condemned about. Michael Jackson eventually disassociated himself in the late 80s/early 90s.
As far as Prince goes, he was "in" - my mom went to a concert he gave soon after his baptism, and he started "preaching" from the stage. Perhaps his faith has, like many people, "weakened" aka he's come to his senses.
Protest for Mandatory Reporting?
by Luther bertrand inon another thread, i have been having a discussion about protests in connection with watchtower policy.
one of the biggest and more re-occuring rebuttals to protesting at kingdom halls and assemblies is that it does two things: 1. it re-enforces the apostate "mentally diseased" narrative heaped on the xjw community by the gb 2. it causes people to withdraw and get closer to the borg.. what if we as a group took the protest to city halls and government authorities to raise awareness of the need for mandatory reporting laws, rather than protesting @jw events?
hell even geoffry jackson, when he gave his testimony at the arc, agreed that it would be "helpful".
What needs to happen it seems is more clear guidelines around mandatory reporting as it applies to religious groups. Given the recent lawsuit where the WT claimed to have an exception due to clergy-laity privilege when a child and parent reported abuse, there needs to be legislation that is explicit and requires that all religious affiliates are mandatory reporters and to explicitly define the clergy-laity privilege as applying to the admittance of guilt, and not the reporting of a crime. -
2016-1-12-BOE--Mentioning Donation Arrangement to Householder!
by Atlantis in2016-1-12-boe.
"apply yourself to the field ministry," the "initial call" assignmentdirects the student to mention the donation arrangement..!
It has been a long standing practice to mention the donation arrangement at the door - at least that is how it was when they first stopped charging for literature and went to a donation basis - we were instructed to mention it at every door, and with every visit.
The "we don't take collections or pass the plate, we just ask for donations at the door and hound you with accounting "reports" " dance has been long standing.
Any ExJw Millenials here? If not which Gen do you fall under?
by Hidethevelociraptors inif anyone had to guess, what do you think the average age of the community actually is?.
are more millennials actually waking up or is it pretty even amongst previous generations as well?