Mum phoned last night to see how we all are. After fifteen years away from meetings and my old JW life you'd think my fade could be called 'successful' and for the most part it is. But . .
My resentment at being lied to and having wasted over thirty years of my life has left me like a glass of water full to the brim, it only takes a tap to make a mess. I haven't been 'tapped' since 2008 so I think I'm doing okay but last night was a bit of a warning.
Me and Mum disageed about something trivial (calling our dog 'part of the family') and for a couple of minutes neither of us would back down. I hate upsetting her but I couldn't back down or play 'avoidance' anymore.
It doesn't take a genius to work this out. There are serious issues we've never discussed that are simmering below the surface. Arguments about who's family and who isn't don't need much analysis in our messed up little cult indoctrinated family.
It was an argument by proxy. So here I am after a sleepless night telling you guys about it at 4.30 in the morning.
It's never really over is it?