Can I just say I don't understand their obsession with facial hair? Supposedly God created humans with hair, all over, including their face. So, what is the big effing deal?
saw this while browsing through the good news brochure:.
is it any wonder people aren't listening to jws anymore?
what an absolutely delusional scene!
Can I just say I don't understand their obsession with facial hair? Supposedly God created humans with hair, all over, including their face. So, what is the big effing deal?
diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.
so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.
" and "we want to go with you people.
If the number is unimportant, why have they been taking a count all these years? Oh, because they didn't realize it was not important until just NOW? ok, so why do they continue to take a count?
I happened to be at a relative's house two weekends ago, and read the magazine. Talk about have to twist my mind into a pretzel for any of it to make sense...SIGH.
SO glad I'm not a JW any more. :-)
reading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
I'm inactive and even I would do the CART. I just stand there, drink coffee, and chat about the weather. Sometimes I see the CART out and the JWs are 10 feet away sitting on a bench. Even I could do that.
No problemo.
i couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
circuit overseer guidelines (tg-e) october 2015.
It is disturbing that:
i think its vitally important to realized that the wts now has as of this year probably close to 2 billion in overall assets worldwide that it can live off for a very long time.
i get this gut feeling that the wts heads are positioning themselves and the organization in tentative survival mode for the long run.. so many cut backs, the selling off of many branches, the down sizing of much of its operations, are all tell tale hints that even the heads of this organization are preparing for the eventful devolving of this organization.
the wts gb leaders say that jah's chariot is moving along at a faster pace but in reflection of how this organization been conducting itself as of late, that wouldn't necessarily be the real truth of the matter.
ok wow.
i am really really pissed.
i had to really hold back and bite my tongue.
If you are trying to get reinstated, it might be good just to play nice. It's annoying, but there isn't anything to say they can't come by, they are elders, so they are probably checking up on you. You have to play along if you want to win the game.
mum phoned last night to see how we all are.
after fifteen years away from meetings and my old jw life you'd think my fade could be called 'successful' and for the most part it is.
.. my resentment at being lied to and having wasted over thirty years of my life has left me like a glass of water full to the brim, it only takes a tap to make a mess.
It's over when you are over it. It's not what happens to us, it is how we respond.
Therapy helps a lot.
2016 skills questionnaire boe, instructions, and form combined in this pdf...
.. .. atlantis!.
That is sort of a stupid questionnaire. It's really more like an inventory - 10 attorneys in Oregon, 9 CPAs, in California, etc. It doesn't say, "Hey, we need ______. What (if any) is your experience in this area?"
Heaven forbid they show a "need".
i have always wondered why prince and michael jackson stayed in good standing for some of the stuff they released as jws?
or how the williams sisters could stay in sports without all the bs?
after all the revelations about the org that i have heard... i wonder if they are paid and the reason they get away with it is that they are pr strategies and really they could give a crap about the org?
It's my understanding that the Williams sisters were never baptized, so there isn't anything for them to be condemned about. Michael Jackson eventually disassociated himself in the late 80s/early 90s.
As far as Prince goes, he was "in" - my mom went to a concert he gave soon after his baptism, and he started "preaching" from the stage. Perhaps his faith has, like many people, "weakened" aka he's come to his senses.