New Chapter!!! You're amazing! Thanks for doing that---hilarious! FWDing the link now to all my apostaposse.
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Do I just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind...
by serenitynow! in...or does the picture on page 30 of the december 2011 awake look like the beginning of a certain act?
i mean that sword is at waist level, the shaft is long (:-d) and there is a little round dealy on the end.
the male in the submissive position has got his mouth open, the dominant male is looking like "oh yeah, get ready.
Crazy Brain Stuff
by breakfast of champions inbetween the latest news from cern and this, its's a big day for science.
check it out, it's pretty wild!.
scientists map images from human brain for first time.
That's tight.
No miracles needed, here, huh? Since god's taking so damn long to bring the Noo Sisstumb, we'll let science solve our problems.
Do I just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind...
by serenitynow! in...or does the picture on page 30 of the december 2011 awake look like the beginning of a certain act?
i mean that sword is at waist level, the shaft is long (:-d) and there is a little round dealy on the end.
the male in the submissive position has got his mouth open, the dominant male is looking like "oh yeah, get ready.
Is anyone on here smart enough to make an animated GIF that alternates the 2 pics above? It would look hilarious.
damn...maybe I do just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind
Do I just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind...
by serenitynow! in...or does the picture on page 30 of the december 2011 awake look like the beginning of a certain act?
i mean that sword is at waist level, the shaft is long (:-d) and there is a little round dealy on the end.
the male in the submissive position has got his mouth open, the dominant male is looking like "oh yeah, get ready.
pictures, dontplace! plural! look at the way the figures position things with their hands.
Do I just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind...
by serenitynow! in...or does the picture on page 30 of the december 2011 awake look like the beginning of a certain act?
i mean that sword is at waist level, the shaft is long (:-d) and there is a little round dealy on the end.
the male in the submissive position has got his mouth open, the dominant male is looking like "oh yeah, get ready.
omg are you kidding??? Are you sure you're looking at the right book? I'm gonna have to scan and upload. They're all just as suggestive and obvious as the one on this thread. And the Daniel book is FULL of stuff like this. There is a prankster in the art department. And I'd bet $100 it's a male.
Do I just have a dirty, filthy, perverted apostate mind...
by serenitynow! in...or does the picture on page 30 of the december 2011 awake look like the beginning of a certain act?
i mean that sword is at waist level, the shaft is long (:-d) and there is a little round dealy on the end.
the male in the submissive position has got his mouth open, the dominant male is looking like "oh yeah, get ready.
THIS IS THE STUFF I'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT!!! (see my other threads)
This illustration is, in fact, taken from one of the prophet books, either Daniel or one of the Isaiahs. Except in the book illustration, it's a full-color realistic painting. I'm surprised they REUSED this tacky picture! I remember showing it to friends in the early 2000's and getting a resounding, "O-M-G..."
Go on and open up the hard cover TMS guidebook--the new one. I'll say it till I'm blue in the face! LOOK. AT. THE. PICTURES. ON. THE. INSIDE. OF. THE. FRONT. AND. BACK. COVER. They're in the same league as the one above! Prove me wrong, please!!! I've been trolling for feedback on this subject and I stand by my affirmation: I am NOT a dirty, filthy minded apostate...the WBTS is making these pics, not me!
Sad and hilarious at the same time.
by Shador inlol.
so my parents are studying how to convince one of their bible studies that jws are not a cult.
they just checked two different dictionaries, realized that the definitions given could, indeed, apply to jws.
*** rs p. 202 Jehovah’s Witnesses ***
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a sect or a cult?
Some define sect to mean a group that has broken away from an established religion. Others apply the term to a group that follows a particular human leader or teacher. The term is usually used in a derogatory way. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not an offshoot of some church (What??? Ever heard of the Millerites? The "Great Disappointment?" Barbour and Russell's offshooting from Seventh Day Adventism??? Heck--JWs even share "common ancestry" to the Branch Davidians!) but include persons from all walks of life and from many religious backgrounds (OK, does anyone else see the bait and switch here? While totally IGNORING the history of its origins, they make one claim about not being an offshoot and then defend it with a statement that has NOTHING to do with the original claim!!!).
Does this formula make sense? Let's try it:
"Star Trek The Next Generation wasn't a spinoff from the original Star Trek series, rather, it has a mutli-cultural fan base and is enjoyed by millions around the globe."
...uhhhh.... what?
GREAT New Podcast and a Shout Out to MadSweeny
by DarioKehl infirst of all, i have a public message to madsweeny.
dude... you rock.
keep up the great work.
First of all, I have a public message to MadSweeny. Dude... you ROCK. Keep up the great work. I listened to your latest installment last night. Very consice, very accurate and wonderful delivery. There are several lousy exJW podcasts around, but your delivery and finesse behind the mike are a welcome treat. I look forward to your upcoming episodes!
Now, has anyone else listened to the newest exJW podcast on itunes? It started this spring. It's called "Witnesses for Atheism" and it's hosted by 3 irreverent goons from the Chicago area. And it's GREAT. I love these guys and I would really like to get in touch with them. Probably not the best show to convert friends who are still loyal to the bOrg, but it's a terrific place to go when you wanna just sit back and say, "RIGHT!!! SO RIGHT, I AGREE 100!" in addition to laughing your ass off at their explicit, juvenile sense of humor. They remind me of myself and all my goofy buddies who sat in the back 2 rows at every meeting, secretly ridiculing everything we were told to respect. One symptom of growing up in a high mind control cult is having a delayed or stunted maturity factor. I have it. Most of you probably have it. These guys DEFINITLEY have it LOL! But rather than psychoanalysize them, why not just kick back and freakin' CELEBRATE it? That's what these guys do, and, as a born-in JW lifer, I say they've earned it. Don't get me wrong tho, it's very well researched and accurate. They've actually brought up several topics I've never heard before! So, if you want some informative escapism, a good laugh and don't mind the F-word, I urge you all to check them out and give 'em some feedback on itunes.
One request to the creators tho: 6 weeks between episodes is excrutiating--I know you guys are busy, but we want more! You're KILLIN' me, here! If you're on here, George, PM me, k?
'Apostates' being labelled 'mentally diseased'. Is discrimination against mentally disabled people by using it as a 'hate crime' term?
by punkofnice insorry if i'm not expressing myself very well but i wasn't allowed an education due to wbt$ regulations.. what i'm trying to say is that the wbt$ using the term 'mentally diseased' as an insulting term against those fictitious 'apostates' they want everyone to 'hate', is surely very discriminatory against those that have a genuine mental illness.. it's like calling a white person that has caught a suntan the 'n' word isn't it?
offensive, inappropriate and utterly destructive.. in the uk the press can be pretty sensitive about such name calling that implies that mental disease is somehow to be used as a hate crime word.. is it worth writing to the press to complain about such discrimination?.
This claim is just as offensive to the mentally ill as the claim that the offspring of Ham were cursed "and that's where blacks come from." I cannot believe, in 2011, this kind of uneducated, close-minded rhetoric would be used. It's inflammatory, it's disparaging and it's disgusting. Taking one innocent group and labeling them with another innocent group to make a CLAIM that one of them is BAD.
Apostates = Mentally ill
Mentally ill = BAD
Therefore, Apostates = BAD
For the board atheists....
by Jack C. inthis is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
Right on, Wobble!
Atheists are often asked, "Well, where do you get your MORALITY?" As if we need some IMMORAL murdering god to write a book for us! Morality is instinct. Altruism is an evolutionary advantage. Bottom line: if you're a mean, nasty, selfish, violent, cheating person, you harm the population as a whole and solutions have always been in place to deal with these social outcasts. If people contribute beneficially, society as a whole benefits. BAM. This trait is favorable for our environment.
As far as the Golden Rule, if a person sees a hot chick or dude and wants a hug or kiss from them, they cannot expect to run up and "do what they'd like done to them" and expect a pleasant result. For atheists, we'd flip the Golden Rule this way: "Do NOT do unto others that you do NOT want done to you." That's a little more accurate. Can't the OT authors get anything right???