The brief name of ORAL REVIEW. GOD I hated that!!! I asked my mom one time if she was prepared for "this week's anal review--oops, I mean, oral review" and surprisingly got a chuckle from her. She rolled her eyes and said, "Really...what WERE they thinking???"
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Things that made you cringe at "the meetings"
by i_drank_the_wine ini always cringed so hard when a "brother" or "sister" would make some overly heartfelt comment about jehovah-something, usually related to a personal experience of theirs, and get all teared up and/or start crying.. once this fringe dude that's been df'd twice now was giving a talk and kept having these long awkward pauses where he looked like he was real stressed out, then he would start up again, stutter, slip up, and repeat the process until he looked down and went "i, i just can't do this" and walked off the stage and left the hall.. it also made my spchincter pucker when a young person would give some super devotional comment on how much they love big j and whatnot, which would make the congregation all smile in their hearts and wag their heads in approval..
Things that made you cringe at "the meetings"
by i_drank_the_wine ini always cringed so hard when a "brother" or "sister" would make some overly heartfelt comment about jehovah-something, usually related to a personal experience of theirs, and get all teared up and/or start crying.. once this fringe dude that's been df'd twice now was giving a talk and kept having these long awkward pauses where he looked like he was real stressed out, then he would start up again, stutter, slip up, and repeat the process until he looked down and went "i, i just can't do this" and walked off the stage and left the hall.. it also made my spchincter pucker when a young person would give some super devotional comment on how much they love big j and whatnot, which would make the congregation all smile in their hearts and wag their heads in approval..
That Godawful song about "succor" and "beating off molested bees."
Curious: How Does 1 Tim 6:4 Appear in the Interlinear Greek (aka "purple bible")?
by DarioKehl inwe've all seen the line-by-line comparison of john 1:1 with the addition of "a god" when "was god" is visible in the left margin under "theos" in the infamous grimace/barney/grape crush purple bible book.
i'd check for myself, but unfortunately, i hastily rid my house of all things wt in a purging fit while beginning my fade.
and let me tell you, the fire was spectacular!
there's no way JWs can honestly claim "context" in this case. The greek word for disease is different from the greek word in Matthew. And nothing involving "mind" or "mental" is in the 1 Tim scripture, it's just implied within that greek synonym. It just seems like the GB has had this "weapon" all along but held off on using it til July 2011. That's what perplexes me.
I just can't do this anymore
by Awen indear friends:.
for years now after my exit from the wtbts i have searched for god.
as i have previously mentioned in other threads i looked into many other religions, including druidry, zen and tibetan buddhism (not really a religion), asatru, native american shamanism, kemetic orthodoxy, gnosticism and pandeism.
nice post, awen.
Losing your religion is a gut-wrenching experience. It feels like you're on a runaway train or a sailboat in a storm without a captain at the helm. All that vastness of "not knowing" is very intimidating. You have my empathy. You've read many "holy" books in your quest, but may I suggest a few others you should look into? They're very well-written, easy to understand and will turn even more pages in your awakening mind. It's never bad or wrong to examine all sides of an issue--and you've done well so far! Try these:
"The Black Hole War" by Leonard Susskind
"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
"The God Virus" by Darrel Ray
and view the following YouTube channels:
I'm interested to hear your analyses of these! Have a good weekend.
Curious: How Does 1 Tim 6:4 Appear in the Interlinear Greek (aka "purple bible")?
by DarioKehl inwe've all seen the line-by-line comparison of john 1:1 with the addition of "a god" when "was god" is visible in the left margin under "theos" in the infamous grimace/barney/grape crush purple bible book.
i'd check for myself, but unfortunately, i hastily rid my house of all things wt in a purging fit while beginning my fade.
and let me tell you, the fire was spectacular!
Anthony Morris---johnny on the spot! Thank you, sir, yoou rock! Wow... anyone see the difference? DANNNNG. Ok, this is deep!
Do you sense that the Watchtower will implode?
by AK - Jeff insince leaving the organization 8 years ago, there have been more significant changes in the actual, physical activities of the organization than occurred in all the 40 plus years i was 'in'.
bethel closings.
bethel layoffs.
I remember in 1992 when the Proclaimers book was released, the JW growth was skyrocketting. Since the internet became available in most homes by 2000, we can see the beginnings of effects that forums such as this one have had as exJW could further increase their reach. People inside had anonymous ways to research and learn. However, look at how the internet has changed since 2000. YouTube is only 5-6 years old. Social networking has only been around for about 8 or 9 years. Now everyone has smart phones with wifi, secured and anonymous browsing. Even 5 or 6 years ago, it was tough for kids (or sleazy spouses) to cover their naughty browsing history on the family computer. With smart phones, wireless laptops and ipads all under $500, even the strictest JW households cannot monitor everything their curious family members investigate on the web. The major changes brought up in this thread only started snowballing recently. Since 2004, we've had:
major editing on the blood issue,
removal of studies from private homes,
TWO (2) changes of the understanding of "generation" (one in 2008, the other last year),
a new, stricter elder book,
a new TMS structure,
shortened meeting times on Sunday,
2 propaganda DVDs in the last year, QFR articles and WT articles focusing on the 3 main weaknesses that we apostates exploit: early JW history, "don't bug us, research yourself or ask a local elder" and the 587/607 debate,
privatizing the study articles in a separate edition of WT,
focusing on 5 new threats: atheistm, apostacy, DFed people, internet and college education (while false religion, sex, governments, bad association and the threat of persecution have been placed on the back burner).
I think this new media is driving these changes. It's having a devastating effect. They are having to respond to us for the first time! All we have to do is look at the 2011 service report in a few months. Subtract the number baptized from the difference of peak pubs in 2011-2010 and the TRUTH of what's happening will be apparent! In the meantime, I PREDICT the following issues will force more, dramatic changes:
Unthink's Austrailian law suit (will require a letter being read at all meetings much like the one after the Dateline incident and perhaps a global policy change on spiritual appointments)
Debit/Credit cards for contributions will result in more guilt-ridden articles about giving.
All their files being posted online (I bet they will make literature only available to regular meeting attendees or may even require minimum monthly service hours to "qualify" to get your KM and WT study copy)
2014. This is big. Too big to ignore. Many who are active, JW lemmings today will stop and realize something is definitely not right. The GB will begin publishing strange articles---even stranger than ones we've seen in the last year---to pave the road for escape when 2014 comes and goes and we're still here. 100 years is a significant milestone and I'd bet many many MANY JWs who are still in are just like I was 3 years ago: Still attending, still going in FS, still shunning, still avoiding apostates...but deeply depressed and struggling with cognitive dissonance because they know... but they're just gonna hold out til 2014. I bet many dubs have "bail dates" in mind.
If this newer, younger, stricter GB enforces the new elders manual as it's written and "demotes" brothers from spiritual appointments because they or their family members decide to attend college and starts nailing people under the "brazen" clause, we will see a massive, MASSIVE pushback from the R&F. MASSIVE. I promise...just watch!!!
Final Note: A few years ago (2007--2008), there was a WT study article that talked about the exodus of the jews from Egypt. I distinctly remember it because I was still clinging on to "da trooff" at the time and I talked about it with many friends because we all thought it was exciting. Anyone remember this??? The main point of the article was the strange, meandering detour Jehovah led the Israelites on in the wilderness on the way to the promised land. They even showed a map of the route. Then, the paragraph clearly stated that as God leads His Organization in these last days, they may be directed by holy spirit to instruct the flock in ways that may not appear to make much sense at the time. And whaddya know... sense that article, look at all the drastic changes in infrastructure, delegation, policy and doctrine that have taken place! They always give us a warning first to pave the way. COA insurance.
Curious: How Does 1 Tim 6:4 Appear in the Interlinear Greek (aka "purple bible")?
by DarioKehl inwe've all seen the line-by-line comparison of john 1:1 with the addition of "a god" when "was god" is visible in the left margin under "theos" in the infamous grimace/barney/grape crush purple bible book.
i'd check for myself, but unfortunately, i hastily rid my house of all things wt in a purging fit while beginning my fade.
and let me tell you, the fire was spectacular!
We've all seen the line-by-line comparison of John 1:1 with the addition of "a god" when "was God" is visible in the left margin under "theos" in the infamous Grimace/Barney/Grape Crush Purple Bible book. I'd check for myself, but unfortunately, I hastily rid my house of all things WT in a purging fit while beginning my fade. And let me tell you, the fire was spectacular! Had I known I'd become an apostate later, "mentally diseased" about critical anaylisis and research, I would have never parted with those books. I could KICK MYSELF for doing that because I got rid of the best weapons in my arsenal--their own words. Sooooo.... I was wondering if the phrase "mentally diseased" appears under the Greek words in the left margin.
If not, how come this has never been an issue before? We've surely covered this scrpiture in past WT publications. How is it that the bOrg hasn't used this "gem" until 2011? If it's always been in the Bible (well...their bible), why haven't we seen them using "mentally diseased" as part of their regular vernacular since Rutherford's regime? If they have in the past, why is it creating such a stir now?
What Was The BEST Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inthis thread could be a saver!.
Being able to procrastinate, excuse mediocrity and minimize others' achievements by finishing every sentence with: "the end will be here soon so it doesn't matter in the long run (whatever "it" is, no matter how large "it" is)."
"I'd like to get married and have kids someday, but..."
"I wish I could go to college instead of window washing and pioneering, but..."
"Wow, Brother Rich Elder has spiritual blessings and material blessings, but..."
That mindset is a quick-fix. It's mental comfort food: cheap, delicious, readily available but lacking terribly in nutritional value. Only when you try something else do you realize how lousy a steady diet of it makes you feel. The ability to shovel all concerns into a corner and dismiss them produces laziness, low motivation and feeds "impossibility-think." Although comforting while inside, I never realized how it squelches opportunity and ambition. Sometimes I still wish I had that "easy button" but if I did, I'd slide back into a little shell of worthlessness.
THEY came AH knocking again
by jam inthree months ago i spoke about a conversion i. had with a elder that came to my door.
i told him.
i walk with you people at one time.
That's unusual. They're trained to flea "A-words" like you, but they persist? Normally they try to sniff out the teeniest clues of apostacy and give 'em the boot but they're gravitating toward you. Next time, invite them in and show them a list of WBTS contradictions from their own publications. If they keep returning, they are PROBABLY curious and want to hear what you have to say. Or they're pioneers who are desperate to top off their service hours for the month.
Are YOU a Believer, Atheist, Agnostic, Active JW or WHAT?
by Greybeard insorry if this has been asked before but i would love to know the current ratio on this forum.. i'm a believer/christian former jw for 45 years... born in .
what are you now and what were you?.
Thanks, Greybeard and yes, we are all severely mentally abused. People who come to their senses and realize JWs are wrong become outcasts within a group of outcasts. I'm amazed at the evolution of government and religion. When a loophole exists, religion moves in and exploits it to the maximum. If WBTS weren't a church/religion, it would be criminally liable for so many things. Tearing up families is one that's all-too familiar for many of us but is too abstract to ever be dealt with legally. Amazing. It adapted to fill a niche in the environment and now it's optimally suited to be a dominant force.