academic dishonesty at its best.
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
WTLIB 2011 items different from WTLIB 1999
by itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat ini was asked this some time ago for anyone who might care and i just ran accross the paper where i had figured out what was dropped through the years from the public view in wtlib..... .
babylon - bf 1963. bible stories - my 1978 revision-2004.
A sure sign the End is Near....
by King Solomon inthe end of the month, that is, and someone apparently needs to get their hours in.... this resourceful jw (in the left side of the photo) set up shop for a few hours outside a local starbucks, with a wt and awake laid out on a table.
and i i don't think he talked to anyone the whole time he was out there (a few hours).. sure beats all that walking from door-to-door, which would likely result in a bunch of not-at-homes on a weekday: most people are at work.. (i approached him when entering, and asked him about the parable of faithful and "discreet" slave, and asked him what he thought the difference was between a parable and prophecy.
after getting a non-answer (that basically meant he didn't know), i wished him a good morning and went on my way.... .
My washing machine is broken so I had to go to a laundrymat the other day. Sho 'nuff! I saw a WT and AWAKE! lying on a table. They weren't back issues, either! They were the newest ones! Have JWs changed their policy on that? In my old hall, only older mags were left behind as "time counters" at break. Oh well... I did my public service by removing them. And it couldn't have been at a better time because I had JW relatives come to town for a visit and no one knows about my fade. Seeing them lying on my ottoman squelched any doubts they had about me.
Can Someone Explain "Operation Juicy Steak" Please?
by DarioKehl infor the past few years, i've seen references on youtube about "operation juicy steak" but i've been unable to locate any vidoes or blogs where this is explained in any detail.
now, the vaa t-shits have the "juicy steak" date on them.
november 5, 2017. .
For the past few years, i've seen references on YouTube about "Operation Juicy Steak" but I've been unable to locate any vidoes or blogs where this is explained in any detail. Now, the VAA T-shits have the "Juicy Steak" date on them. November 5, 2017.
What is supposed to happen on that date? Why then? Is there some special significance to it? The Youtube user LuciousVBoogeyman used to trumpet this thing like crazy (he may have even started it). Lately, I haven't seen much focus on it other than the date on all the T-shirts. LuciousVBoogeyman (Dustin is his real name, I believe) seems kinda nuts. He's funny. And I respect his military background, but the guy's vids are pretty hard to watch. I'm mostly concerned that this "operation" is going to lead to something unfortunate. There many mental and emotional vicitms with the JW and EXJW community who may go rogue with something like this and I'd hate to see some lone nutcase with an axe to grind do something illegal, crazy or violent against someone--no matter what evil they may be responsible for.
Could we use that date to stage a mass exodus around the country or world like the Mormons did this past June? They assembled peacefully and declared their resignation from the LDS church publicly (and filled out the proper paperwork). I think that would be great to see doubting JWs do on a large scale. Who knows? Maybe by then, a lot more people will be frustrated by this system lasting 103 years since jc's invisible enthronement. And I'm certain we'll see a lot more "noo lite" come down from the top. Major doctrinal change is inevitable at this point. It must happen. My prediction: "The 144,000 selection process actually began in 1914, not Pentecost 33 CE so there's plenty of room for new partakers!" A change like that must happen if they want to keep people in. Whatever changes are made, by 2017, people are going to be fed up, IMHO.
So, please explain what Juicy Steak is and can we make that an official exit date? I think if YouTube campaigns begin now, many people will have time to plan their exit strategies. What say you?
Can someone recommend me a history book?
by slimboyfat innot on a specific subject, just in general.
history is my favourite subject and i'd like to maybe try something i wouldn't normally pick up.
has anyone read any really good history books recently they would recommend?.
I highly recommend the Ancient World podcast. It's only a few episodes, but this guy does a great job!
The Ex-Mormons Did It! Why Can't We???
by DarioKehl inthis happened in june of 2012 and i just recently discovered this inspiring video.
of course, the majority of mormons are more centrally located in and around utah, but imagine if the doubting jws who are still inside (myself included) had the chitzpah to pull off something like this!.
another obstacle for us is the df policy.
How big of a deal is Kingdom Hall Weddings ?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inhas you all know i was engaged to another lady before i married my wife, but part of the reason my ex and i broke up was because we couldn't get a kingdom hall wedding.
to make a long story short why is it such a big deal ?.
There seems to be a stigma about couples who don't tie the knot at a KH, but, I've known a few who were in good standing but chose to hold it elsewhere for a variety of reasons. One reason was convenience. There are a few spots in my town where the reception hall also has nice space to conduct the wedding ceremony. It's great when you only have to walk a few yards to another large room that's well designed for feeding a large crown, contains a dancefloor with nice acoustics and has in-house catering. It's a one-stop shop and I love it, especially when I'm in a wedding party because we don't have to mess with coordinating a commute or make guests wait while we have our photos taken.
Another reason I've heard that has merit is, the couple wants a place that's photogenic. I've been to weddings where very good-standing JWs took their vows in parks, gardens, beaches, near waterfalls or inside historical landmarks with interior beauty. I mean, let's face it--who wants their pictures taken in a drab room with industrial carpet, low-lying suspended grid ceilings, fabric conference chairs, flourescent lighting, vinyl wallpaper, a skinny, handmade podium, microphone wires and a tacky poster with the year's text in bold font letters in English and Spanish hanging off to the side? No amount of floral designs or chair rearrangements can make that look any better.
Despite that, anytime I've attended a JW wedding off site like that, I hear murmuring about it. Usually among the elderly or parent-age generation. Sometimes, the murmuring happens at the event! But it usually takes a day or two to surface as car group fodder. The following week is when all the pioneer crones and retired sheriff elders start running their mouth about "how bad it looks not to marry in a KH." "One of them must have done something wrong and cannot qualify for a KH wedding." blah-blah-blah...
IF you marry in a KH, all the bridesmaids and groomsmen are subject to extensive background investigations to prove their worthiness to participate in the ceremony. If held offsite, the bride and groom can select whoever they want to be in their wedding and the elders can say or do nothing. I see no advantage to marrying in a KH. None. And I feel pity for any EXJW couple who married inside a KH and have a permanent reminder of their former lives forever sealed in their wedding photos. How sad.
Bottom line: Witness or not, don't do it! It's worth dealing with people's gossip and rumors.
"Why" could easily be answered with misleading or unsatisfactory replies like, "Because I said so," or "Because God made it that way."
"How" and "what" require more detailed explainations and filter out a lot of bullshittery.
I've just always felt that "why" is more open-ended and subject to various ideas than "how" and "what." I guess they all have the same degree of legitimacy in making inquiry. Little kids seem to ask "why" a lot more and adults seem more concerned with the mechanical "how" and "why" solutions. Just my observation.
The Ex-Mormons Did It! Why Can't We???
by DarioKehl inthis happened in june of 2012 and i just recently discovered this inspiring video.
of course, the majority of mormons are more centrally located in and around utah, but imagine if the doubting jws who are still inside (myself included) had the chitzpah to pull off something like this!.
another obstacle for us is the df policy.
I can't make the damn thing clickable... I'm doing the process for creating a hyperlink and it's worked before. Is this forum no longer iMac friendly?
The Ex-Mormons Did It! Why Can't We???
by DarioKehl inthis happened in june of 2012 and i just recently discovered this inspiring video.
of course, the majority of mormons are more centrally located in and around utah, but imagine if the doubting jws who are still inside (myself included) had the chitzpah to pull off something like this!.
another obstacle for us is the df policy.