Bovine blood, huh? I thought even animal blood must be "poured upon the ground." In addition to refusing human blood for transfusion, animal blood must not be eaten. It too must be removed and properly disposed. How do they justify this case when the product was made with bovine plasma (one of the WBTS 4 main forbidden components of blood)?
The fact that bone marrow (where blood is actually made) transplants are a conscience matter for JWs proves that the GB has little to no understanding of basic biology and medical science.
The fact that every blood sacrifice in the Bible was an atonement (including Jesus's), meaning the animal from which the blood was spilled died, also shows the glaring error of JW interpretation on this doctrine. The people who donate blood or chose to preserve and store their own do not die. Therefore, no atonement sacrifice was made, assigning no sacred nature to the blood used in transfusions.