Unplugged fans & water canopies--it's all crap.
it's as true as the walking smurf legend.
i cant recall the scripture, where it says than only a few men will he live to be 80 years or so, can anyone recall that?.
so then im wondering, if it is a fact that men lived long years 900 in some cases, for what reason would god limit our lifespan if our time is so short compared to his?.
how on earth does man go from living 8 and 9 hundred years down to 80 to 100 ?.
Unplugged fans & water canopies--it's all crap.
it's as true as the walking smurf legend.
so today's wt seems to put out the idea that during early christian times it was god's hand that made the romans build roads, have strong laws, etc.
to make the preaching easier.. anyone else notice that?
some here really banged on about how great it was that god did that, just for them.
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
not sure as I am also faded. But I believe this book is no longer in print.
im not sure if it's even in the library at JW dot org (I heard that the trinity brochure was erased from history as well).
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
It's funny how relatively new this book was and how recently it was covered in book study.
If you follow the trends, it seems since the 2006-2008 era, that's when the big shift began: a wave of "newly annointed," a wave of mass exodus or fading, the alert from WT about following direction even when it may not make sense "from a human standpoint," the dissolving of book study...
that period seems to me to mark the end of 20th century J-dubdom and, in some bizzarre molting cocoon phase, a new slick polished shiny refined ultra modern high-tech commercial 21st century incarnation arose. Coupled with that, however, was the emergence of YouTube in 2006 and social media (YouTube was where I first saw exjw videos). While online activism began with massive outreach, JWs were learning about how our church leaders' time in the slammer fulfilled bible prophecy. We saw the number of annointed rise every year since this 4th time in the Climax! book. People woke the eff up---I mean, look at the evidence! I can't believe how many friends of mine sat thru that book study and are also free from this crap today.
2007-08 was not that long ago and look at the massive changes. Look at how they've buried this book--you can't find it anywhere. They're ashamed and embarrassed by it and they know it woke people up to TTATT.
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
Yes! Faye I remember saying the same thing to friends! When did 1919 become such a big deal? Every damn scripture in Isaiah, according to them, was fulfilled by that violent alcoholic/racist/anti-vaxer being released from jail.
L ron Hubbard was scorned by the American psychiatric association because dianetics was pseudoscience. And he never let up about that! It humiliated him so he declared psychology an enemy.
rutherford, a sociopath and narcissist in my opinion, couldn't get over his arrest so it was written into the canon of JW doctrine. It's pure madness.
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
Then they extrapolate the account. Nothing in revelation says anything about christendom's "sun" being blotted out (but surely it would be if smoke were around!). Nor does the passage mention any "air" or "ruler of air."
they are adding elements to a story about a story, then ripping buzzwords from scripture--out of context--that match the elements of the narrative they just fabricated.
this whole thing hinges on the claim that "evidence" spread throughout the rest of christianity when these bozos got out of jail. What evidence?????????
none of them would've had a clue! I'm pretty sure the everyday procedures thru-out Christendom continued relatively unperturbed.
this whole explanation makes heros, martyrs and victorious underdogs out of ex-cons by creating a conflict out of thin air and plugging it into ambiguous language of an ancient "book of nutzoid."
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
Reason being, they invented a compound word: smokelike.
They then used that word to shoehorn the stupid idea that booze hound Rutherford and his cronies fulfilled an ancient peyote trip.
Writing Committee: "huh. Well, I guess when they got out of the clink, that was kinda? like? "smoke?" ...Somehow? We could just SAY it was "smoke-like" and call it a day!"
GB: "sounds good to us, but make sure you throw in the word "evidence" in there so it sounds legit. You don't need to cite references to any--hell, the sheep are so busy and bogged down with all their other obligations that none of them will bother to inquire about it any further--they'll believe us. But make it one word: "smokelike." Drop the hyphen."
Writing Committee: "but that's not how--"
GB: "it has been decided. The hyphen goes!"
from that nutty red book of insanity, the grand climax at hand book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8. .
i had my doubts since childhood.
i went along with it to please people.
From that nutty red book of insanity, the grand CLIMAX at HAND book, chapter 22, paragraphs 7 & 8.
I had my doubts since childhood. I went along with it to please people. Finally, after our 4th time going thru this horrible book (after the lovely 2-page KM insert with all the "nu lite" revisions), this passage nailed the coffin shut on my belief in the efficacy of JW "truth." It is so ridiculous how the R&F just gobble this up without a second thought. We studied this THREE OTHER TIMES. How... HOW did I not recognize the crazy much earlier? Here is the passage that justified the need to fade:
"As John observes, the release of the locusts is accompanied by much smoke, like “the smoke of a great furnace.” That is how it proved to be in 1919. The situation darkened for Christendom and for the world in general. (Compare Joel 2:30, 31.) The release of those locusts, the John class, was actually a defeat for Christendom’s clergy, who had schemed and plotted to kill the Kingdom work for good and who now rejected God’s Kingdom. Evidence of a smokelike pall started to spread over apostate Christendom as that locust band was given divine authority and began to exercise it in proclaiming powerful judgment messages. Christendom’s “sun”—her appearance of enlightenment—suffered an eclipse, and “the air” became thick with declarations of divine judgment as “the ruler of the authority of the air” of this world was shown to be Christendom’s god.—Ephesians 2:2; John 12:31; 1 John 5:19. "
BTW: "smokelike" isn't even grammatically correct. It should be 2 words. How happifying.
we were waiting for my mother in law to come out of surgery.not much was talked about on "spiritual" matters (since i haven't been to a meeting in years).however, i got to hear about :government conspiracies to shut down alternative energy.. gmos are bad.
gmos are bad.
gmo's are bad!!!
I remember hearing JWs denigrate the space shuttle program from the platform. It kept coming up during Sunday talks--not sure if it was on the outline or if the locals were just tossing in the latest unfounded tall tale, but, apparently, every time the shuttles launched, it adversely affected the weather. Something about the atmosphere being "punctured" when it's not supposed to be.... IDK.
nutrition has always been a pissing contest as well. Heated debates & mitigation by elders was common in the 70s, 80s & 90s, especially with all the MLMs: phone cards to hand lotion, to vitamins and OMG you'd better drink your Mona Vie & Noni juice!
i faded when the "organic" craze was just taking off. I can only imagine the furor with this gluten free fad. The circuit overseer and his wife must be harder than ever to prepare food for now. Ugh... I'll never miss the layers and layers of bullshit.