JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
@ RC: "For evolution to be true..."
by Scully inaccording to a jw contact, one of the speakers at the regional conventiontm stated that "for evolution to be true, two of the same kind would have had to evolve at the same time; one would have to be male and the other would have to be female, and then they would have to find each other".
apparently the crowd had a good laugh over how evolutionists overlook such a simple "fact".. i mentioned that bacteria and viruses use asexual reproduction, and that many sea creatures / fish, etc.
are hermaphrodite and do not require a sexual partner to produce offspring.. oddly enough, the conversation stopped there.
Right, billy! And ONLY the marsupials went there. -
@ RC: "For evolution to be true..."
by Scully inaccording to a jw contact, one of the speakers at the regional conventiontm stated that "for evolution to be true, two of the same kind would have had to evolve at the same time; one would have to be male and the other would have to be female, and then they would have to find each other".
apparently the crowd had a good laugh over how evolutionists overlook such a simple "fact".. i mentioned that bacteria and viruses use asexual reproduction, and that many sea creatures / fish, etc.
are hermaphrodite and do not require a sexual partner to produce offspring.. oddly enough, the conversation stopped there.
Yes, yes. There are genes and growth factors that go off at different times at crucial points during gestation and we are all indeed "female."
(great videos are out there of testes vs ovaries and clitoris vs penis based on sex hormone expression)
I was just trying to highlight the fact that mutations accumulate over a long period of time across the entire population of a species and NOT in parallel (as the speaker was arguing) so I omitted sex hormones entirely. That is a biggie as well (and, sex hormones are coded for by DNA).
fortunately, the fact that sexual reproduction "shuffles the genetic deck" is another fail safe against radical changes (in most cases) from one generation to the next that prevents this incompatibility problem the speaker is trying to promote.
@ RC: "For evolution to be true..."
by Scully inaccording to a jw contact, one of the speakers at the regional conventiontm stated that "for evolution to be true, two of the same kind would have had to evolve at the same time; one would have to be male and the other would have to be female, and then they would have to find each other".
apparently the crowd had a good laugh over how evolutionists overlook such a simple "fact".. i mentioned that bacteria and viruses use asexual reproduction, and that many sea creatures / fish, etc.
are hermaphrodite and do not require a sexual partner to produce offspring.. oddly enough, the conversation stopped there.
What an uneducated argument. Right off the bat, the speaker loses. Evolution by definition is "a change in allele frequency in a population over time." That's it.
An allele is an expressed gene. DNA mutates all the time, randomly. Most mutations are inert (they cause no change because the mutation occurs in parts of the DNA which already don't code for anything). Some are detrimental (like achondroplasia or cystic fibrosis). Others may allow an organism to thrive in their environment or better equip them to thrive in a changed environment.
The point is, the changes accumulate within a population over time. In other words, ALL individuals in that population will eventually have the new allele. So yes, male and female evolve together, over time, having their alleles positively selected for by the environmental pressures they're subjected to.
This guy is giving a false analogy. In his mind, he believes evolution can't work because genes rapidly change between genders of individuals within a species from one generation to the next. He would have you believe that male/female mutations are like lowering a window blind with one string at a time so it descends unevenly with each yank. Male and female members of a population are tightly "braided" genetically--both being exposed to the same environment--much like a braided or capped window blind drawstring, allowing the window blind (or balance of similar alleles) to raise & lower at an even level in response to natural selection.
In humans, 44 of our chromosomes are not sex chromosomes, only 2 are. Actually, pretty substantial changes CAN occur between male and female as long as they're still able to produce compatible germ cells. Look at male birds vs female birds in many species. There are huge differences in allele expression and yet they can still produce offspring.
But I guess the dirt man and rib woman in a magic garden who fucked up everything for the rest of us by taking dietary advice from a talking snake makes a helluva lot more sense. My bad! Sorry for murmuring.
Are the Governing Body Members Mentally Ill?
by Oubliette indata-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
Sociopaths are habitual and guilt-free liars. They knowingly lie to get what they want. But sociopathy is a personality disorder; one with possible physiological causes, but no cure. They're just naturally bad people and we're stuck with them.
tmo3 tho... He's like cheney, durst or madoff evil. He has no qualms about victimizing people on a mass scale. I'm convinced that man is a sociopath (and perhaps even a psychopath or sadist because he appears to enjoy the pain he causes). What horrid, untold secrets must his wife & kids know? Hopefully some day, one of them will write a tell-all book like Jenna Miscaviege did.
My sister is being harassed by the elders
by opusdei1972 insometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.
this happened more than one year ago.
i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.
They're already getting more like scientology. It makes sense! Tomo3 is our new david miscaviege. We can only expect to see more toxicity. -
Are the Governing Body Members Mentally Ill?
by Oubliette indata-dog: i believe that many of them would actually be considered mentally ill, if they were ever tested.. .
great question and intriguing hypothesis.
lets take an armchair psychologists view and see what we shall see.
Not sure on mental illness since I'm not a psychologist or psychiatrist, but in my opinion, it appears that Lett and Morris in particular have personality disorders (ie: narcissism, sociopathy... basically under the antisocial personality disorders category).
i have met and spent time with lett personally. Don't let the wackiness fool you. This man was the most self-centered, domineering person I've ever had the misfortune of being around. His mere presence commands reverence (at least that's how he presents himself). He is actually very intimidating and seemed to jump on every opportunity to call people out publicly (in relaxed social settings--these were not theocratic settings but I cannot go into too much detail. PM for info). He mastered the art of gaslighting and manipulation of people to get his way via passive aggression. I felt as if I was in the presence of Bond villain-level evil; genius evil, that had been tested, refined and sharpened to perfection over decades of experience.
Morris, on the other hand, appears far more sinister. He's relatively new to the "truth" compared to many of us, even. From what I've learned about him, he was successful in the secular sense as well. He joins the bOrg, rapidly accelerates rank while raising a family and became a circuit overseer in no time (most of whom cannot reach that level without some financial security, the ability to hob-nob, and a ruthless spirit to pursue and obtain power). His accension to the GB was super fast and really kind of sketchy if you read his recent article. How did he do all that he did? I know FAR more "qualified" men who have struggled for decades to become a mere circuit overseer. How did Morris get thru so fast only to be tapped for GB within a few years after that? In my opinion, it's his dominating and fearsome personality. Carnegie, Rockefeller, even that bitch who resigned from Reddit recently all seem to have that same ruthless "mojo." They climb because they push and shove others out of the way. Bully elders at local congregations compare at a smaller level. I'd often wondered when every KH had "that one elder with the Napoleon complex who everyone hates" how they GOT that power and how they KEPT that power. These sociopathic people exude an extra perception that entire groups of people can be manipulated by. Morris is a prime example of this and now, he has a TV station and can infect every family home and local KH with his hypnotic control. He's dangerous. He's wicked and he's a cold, calculating motherfucker with absolutely zero empathy.
both Morris and lett do not care about others at all, in my opinion. They've achieved their position & rank even under questionable circumstances (partaking at a time in JW lore when it was highly suspect for anyone born after 1935 to do so). People looked down and said nothing. Their crazy mannerisms and personalities are also observed by even the most loyal JWs, but people look down and say nothing. It's that PERCEPTION of power by their calculating manipulations and dominating prowess that got them where they are and will allow them to continue. Unfortunately, they also appear very healthy. There is such a thing as bad people being too mean to die. They'll live for a very long time and will continue doing more damage and harm to the lives of millions worldwide because sociopaths & evil people like them always do. I wish they'd get leukemia or something, but it's just not gonna happen.
Nah, dude. It's satire and in the humor section where it belongs. Taste is subjective and varies from person to person. So I say bravo, lol and thanks for sharing. -
by DATA-DOG inbreaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
Hardtobeme: I love that meme. That looks like an actual Kingdom Hall auditorium. Is that picture real?
simonsays: *you're
if you can't differentiate contractions from possessive pronouns, no one will believe a thing you say.
What Jehovah can't do...
by C0ntr013r induring the rc today i heard this(i am paraphrasing and translating):.
"jehovah has created the physical universe for us.
he is a spirit and he can't enjoy physical things so he created it for us alone.
I thought that psycho motherf***er liked the smell of burning animal fat.
Well isn't this a bunch of BS
by Doctor Who inwell, our sister congregation just had their co visit this past week.
on saturday afternoon, i was talking to a couple of ministerial servants in that congregation and they stated that an unmarried brother is not fulfilling to the max what jehovah wants of us.
they stated that the co went on a tirade that if you are unmarried you are being selfish and not following what jehovah wanted for mankind since he created eve as a compliment for the man.
Who is the CO? What area is this? On the off chance it's the CO in my city, I will attend this talk and make a gigantic scene when he says that. If true, it is utterly ridiculous.
selfish? Fuck you, asshole.