I've been looking for PROOF that they've requested this!!! Is there a PDF of the letter??? I have people lined up who I want to show it to!
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Shredding the Organised to Accomplish Our Ministry book
by scotsman injust read through the 2011 letters to usa boe and the 8 february one on disposing of old wt books/magazine struck me as apparently the co needs to authorise their disposal.
what really intrigued me was that the om book was required to have it's cover removed and the pages "shredded".. was everyone in the congegation asked to shred their personal copies too?.
Credit Donation Machines in Assembly Halls
by leonbus23 ini just received an email from the ex-jw meetup group coordinator in phoenix.
she stated that the jws are putting credit donation machines at the assembly halls.
is this true?
Encouraging DEBT??? Isn't debt usually reviled in their assembly demos? Sure, it will also take debit cards, but now, the cash-strapped familes of 6 with $20 in their checking account will no longer have an excuse after driving 100 miles on $4/gal gas and paying for 3 nights in a hotel. Dave Ramsey needs to see this link--he WILL discuss it on his show, guaranteed!
"Debt is dumb, cash is king!"
"Live like no one else, so later, you can LIVE. Like no one else!"
JW's Thoughts on Medical Cannabis
by bushido8000 ini've wondered this for sometime.
to all of the jws on the forum, what is your opinion on medical cannabis?
i support it for a couple of reasons.. 1. i've battled clinical depression since age 9. after my anti-depressants stopped working when i was 21, i heard about cannabis' positive effects on depression through the internet and a couple of documentaries so i tried it.
I tried brownies for the first time this summer and the effect was much more powerful. Holy CRAP. It takes longer to kick in, but once it does, you're not yourself for at least 6 hours. My experience with THC is 50/50. It's literally Russian Roulette. Will I enjoy myself, or go into a DEFCON 1 panic attack? As a result, I decided not to do it anymore. The negative experiences are far more effective and memorable than the positive ones. But that's just me. I'm high-strung by nature, and while I'm living a lie to my close family and friends during my 2-year fade, I'm sure that internal conflict manifests itself when I decide to toke it up.
I do recall back in the 80's, a 6-year-old childhood friend of mine (whose mom battled his unbelieving dad over the blood issue) was suffering from non-hodgkins lymphoma. The doctors did offer cannabanoid edibles to him as well as the use of a vaporizer. At the time, my parents discussed this with my brother and me during family study night and we got a kick out of the idea of him sitting in the hospital bed high as a kite. Ultimately, the mom decided against it because of "pharmakia," and didn't want to risk opening his mind to the demunnzzzz. Since then, I've found no information in the WBTS publications that even mention medical marijuana in edible or vapor form. I imagine any hardliner elder will pull out the "Well...it's the PRINCIPAL" argument and use the "We don't want to cause others to stumble" reasoning. As for people who eat brownies for recreational use, the bOrg can always come at you for disobeying "Ceasar's Law."
For the board atheists....
by Jack C. inthis is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
Don't forget... using the Bible (or any "holy" book) to prove God exists would be like Harry Potter trying to prove HE exists in the pages of one of JK Rowling's books.
For the board atheists....
by Jack C. inthis is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
@ ozbrad: don't forget, the Christians also get to claim the GENIUS of Kent Hovind lol!
For the board atheists....
by Jack C. inthis is a personal observation and certainly not representative of all atheists.
i enjoy discussions with folks of this persuasion; in general they appear well read and somewhat more educated than many believers.
as a group most atheists cringe and become insensed when discussing the existence of a deity with believers especially fundamentalists.
It enjoy debating theists by using their own holy books (qua'ran, torah, bible) against them. However, I can see where this can come across as a strawman fallacy if you're simply a diest rather than an apologist for a specific religion.
There are plenty of other means to trample the idea of an almighty creator, though. The evidence for evolution is solid. Fossil records and discoveries in genomes across all living organisms fill in empty spaces exactly where evolution predicts they will be! Vestigal features, the nested heirarchy of species, genetic plagarism, "unintelligent design" arguments and distribution of fossils not only favor evolution by natural selection, but rule out any claims in support of a creator/god.
The unpleasant by product is coming to terms with our own mortality and I'll admit, that's a very difficult thing to face and admit to yourself. At first, I had a very difficult time accepting that the few decades of "being" are all we've got. But, on Dawkin's scale, most Atheists are a 6, meaning that they're not dogmatic. They're open to any ideas that would change their current understanding of things if ever presented with verifiable evidence to the contrary. Much is left to be explored in quantum physics, neurology and the understanding of what consciousness is. I'm open and even attracted to the idea of our awareness being some fraction of a greater thing from another level, but it's important to rely on research and evidence to verify these claims eventually. What better proof than to find the answers when we die? I like to HOPE it's not a mere "acid trip" of dopamine and dimethyltyiptamine at the last microsecond of our lives, but even if that's all it is, it's comforting to know that our brains evolved to provide a pleasant exit for us. If there's more to it, I'm open-minded enough to accept the new reality when I get there. ;)
What can I do when I feel i can't keep going....
by Free!! ini have been having an awful week/month/year/life and i just feel like i can not move forward anymore... is like life is passing me by and i am just observing from the side lines.... i am so tired, i just want to sleep and never wake up..... has anyone felt like this?
i tried therapy (twice) an it did not work, i tried volunteering and surrounding myself with other people and things to do, and it works until i have to come home, then that feeling of emptiness returns.... .
i am so tired... i do not know what else to do.... .
Free!! I've been like this for the last 2 years since I "woke up." I know it will get better once I just man up and tell my family, but my fade has gone successfully unnoticed from afar. However, the guilt, deception, fear, doubt and dread are manifesting themselves by way of fatigue, low appetite, stomach ailments, guilt-ridden nightmares and absolute dread of the future. It's almost paralyzing. Ain't it unreal how such strong, physical effects come from such a stupid concept as not agreeing with the framework of a specific group? The evidence of mind control becomes very real when we hit this fork in the road. Hang in there, you're not alone.
Child abuse - the emotional kind
by Mickey mouse ini had to complete some mandatory training today for my job on child protection.
one of the types of abuse described was "making a child feel responsible for the abuser's happiness/unhappiness.. then i thought of this:.
This picture says it all. "You're on your own TOO, mom and dad!" Where are the elders in this pic? Does the bOrg offer any consolation to the parents when they're suffering so much? Answer: FAT CHANCE! "But dammit, they'd better comply and shun his ass or THEY'RE NEXT. Mwha-hahahahaha!!!"
I bet the GB/FDS gets a chubby when they publish shit like this. The amount of control over millions of personal lives has got to be boner-ific.
New Ex-JW Documentary To Be Released
by discreetslave inabout filmtruth be told is a feature length documentary that explores the lives of several individuals raised in the jehovahs witnesses religion.
the title of the film refers to the tendency by jehovahs witnesses to regard their beliefs exclusively as the truth.. the documentary is not an indictment of religion but rather a retrospective.
in a series of informal interviews, former jehovahs witnesses discuss life experiences within the organization including the impact the religion had on their childhood and family, schooling, adolescence, and approaches to dating and marriage.
i just found out about this...
What age should you get baptized?
by newcomer1982 inas from today i am disfellowshipped.
my parents cant talk to me and alot of issues have arisen which i have mentioned in my other posts.
i got baptized at 14 and i think it is way to young to make such a decision which will affect your whole life.
Even the KKK doesn't allow anyone under 18 to join. No, I'm not a member. Some racist punk who rode my bus in 8th grade was pissed that he couldn't join yet.