"Chance" is the most misused word against evolution. Yes, random mutations occur by chance, however, the second--and more important process--is selection. Creationists love to ignore that half of it.
End of Mysteries!!! Take this advice only if you want to learn and expand your thinking. Do not do this if you will plug your ears, close your eyes and go "La-la-la!!!" Obviously, you're not a biology major and probably not that interested in Science, otherwise, you'd know better than to word the questions the way you did. I'm not trying to diss you, but it's always clear to me who knows about evolution and who doesn't by the way they present SO MANY logical fallacies in their questions. That's not your fault, either. ALL religions are guilty of using academic dishonesty, forgery, quote-mining and all kinds of dubious tactics to teach their followers a laughable and ridiculously flawed lesson in evolution. So, I don't blame you at all for wanting to know answers to some questions, but first, we gotta help you ask the CORRECT questions! So, follow the list below in order and try to absorb everyhing. Trust me, you will have questions going off in your mind that begin with "Well, yeah, but, what about this? This doesn't explain this..." Great! I WANT YOU to think those because if you keep watching and reading, every "well yeah, but..." question will be addressed eventually. At some point, you'll stop and think "OMG---this is it!"
1) Go to YouTube and visit the Thunderf00t channel (use zeros for the "o's" in "foot"). Scroll all the way down and watch him from the beginning.
2) For a lay person, get Richard Dawkins book for kids/teens called "The Magic of Reality." AMAZING. Well illustrated and perfectly explained!
4) Subscribe to "The Thinking Atheist" podcast. Seth is very well-mannered, funny and an all around nice guy. He also has a YouTube channel by the same name.
5) Read "Why Evolution is True" by Jerry A. Coyne. It's great--I read the whole thing while on a boating/camping trip over labor day a few years ago.
6) If you're up to reading at a higher level, definitely get Richard Dawkin's book "The God Delusion" and take your time with it. He has a brilliant section where he includes actual examples from the JWs very own "Life--How Did It Get Here, By Evolution of Creation?" book and exposes their dishonest quoting and use of long-debunked logical fallacies.
7) In the meantime, watch as much PBS, NatGeo and Science Channel programs as you can! Melt your DVR machine with these! (Avoid History, Discovery and The Learning Channel: they sold out to the idea of satisfying the needs of viewers in our modern Idiocracy: fat, intellectually lazy morons who gobble up pseudoscience topics like ancient aliens, ghost hunting, ufo chasing, cryptozoology affirmation and staged shows about feuding auctioneers, repo men and the worst humans alive on earth with "honey boo-boo." RIDICULOUS. There needs to be a Darwinian solution to thinning our gene pool down--and quick!)