my 2 cents: talk to them each separately in person so there aren't "two eyewitnesses" to your "crime." avoid email or any electronic communication that can be printed or forwarded. unless you're ready to take a sail on the Big Boat (the disfella ship).
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Help me wake up my friends please!
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini know that this may be impossible and will surely get me a judicial comittee but i'm tired of keeping mum about how i feel.
so, i'm going to e-mail my two friends (two women under 35 who both got baptised within the last five years and one married a brother this year.they're both pioneers) and tell them what's bothering me and ttatt.. i'm going to do it tomorrow night.
i have some points already but i may have left out some.
Confused in choosing a career. What would be a better choice?
by will-be-apostate ini had started a topic like this a few months ago but i thought it might be usefull to ask you again.
i really need advise from persons who live in the following countries: usa, canada, uk.
Congrats on your decision to pursue a college education. I don't mean to be a pessimist, but I'm going to be very honest with you. Right now, in the US, the economy is horrendous. I have a college degree and it's been difficult finding a job. Companies seem to be apprehensive about hiring new employees due to the yet-unknown costs of Obama's health care law (that's my theory anyway). However, the economy will recover. While you're in school, it won't matter. Perhaps by the time you complete your degree, you will graduate in a strong economic environment. The medical profession is very "iffy" right now. Many doctors and med students fear that they will not make the same amount of money once Obamacare takes effect. Obviously, you seem intelligent and drawn to the sciences. Have you considered a career in research?
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
I've got some doozies!
The old worldy woman who named her black lab "Jehovah" and it attacked and killed her.
The walking smurf.
The story of the new bethelite who, on his first day, ran into Nathan Knorr in the elevator. He said, "How ya doin', Nate?" and was sent home for being disrespectful (there are many awful stories about this man and elevators...ever noticed?).
Elderly women JWs knocking on a door. A doberman runs around the corner of the house in attack mode and mysteriously drops to the ground until they leave the property.
Any JW prayers being answered by bags of groceries on the front porch at "just the right time."
Ouija boards flying across the room or cutting forearm flesh of worldy people who recently began studying.
Demonic trinkets from garage sales refusing to burn.
Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, KISS and the TV show Mr. Ed talking about Satan when played backwards.
Smurf merchandise being thrown out from every JW home in 1983-1984 (but every JW family I knew secretly kept their Thriller albums even after MJ was DFed and within a few years, he was acceptable music at JW wedding receptions).
JW fad/crazes: 1970's anti-sugar craze. 1980's aluminum/alzheimers craze. 1990's MLM crazes (mulit-vitamins, NONI juice, long distance phone cards and herbal lotions). 2000's post-9/11 "re-zealification," 2010's emerging closted apostamovements ;)
The cheating, unfaithful JW brother who was having an affair. He and his mistress went to a large sporting event (World Series was the version I heard) and the ball was batted into the grandstands. Elders in his hometown saw him on the TV broadcast making out in the row in front of the guy who caught the ball... hmmmm... has anyone ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off????
There were also many doozies published in some of the yearbooks. I forget the year, but there were countless experiences of prayer causing Jedi-like mind tricks on the SS and many JWs avoided many disaters miraculously (SS guard looked inside an oven full of WT mags and "didn't see" them?). Does anyone remember that yearbook? Which year was it?
A New Language
by mamochan13 ini remember years ago cos telling the congregation how important it was to know the "new language" because we would be identified by it and it could save us when the end came.
they gave examples like "rendezvous for service" which was popular at the time.
lots of others.
TTATT is another good one.
I also enjoy some of the witty vernacular like "watchtarded, Asleep!, Beth-Hell, Jayhoover, elderette, piosneer and Kingdumb Hell." Lol!
Believing in God - Challenge
by jgnat ini invite king solomon and anyone else that is interested, to discuss if believing in god may be helpful.
i am not restricting the discussion to the biblical god.
i'm ready to look if this belief may be helpful both from a societal and from an individual point of view.
No. It's entirley detrimental and a waste of time, energy, emotion and resources.
5 Reasons Why the DEAF Masturbation Video is different than anything before...
by BluePill2 inas some of you have noticed the asl video warning against masturbation (another guilt trip) is creating waves.
this is not small fry.
1. it is humorous - most topics (like other policies) are serious/depressing (blood, shunning, pedos).
I saw it on Jeff Ross's show tonight as well. Almost spit my beer all over the room. For people outside the JW/WBTS/exJW world to pick up on it means that the trends on YouTube are getting notice from people on the "outside." Keep postin', people!
At This Point In Your Life Would You Care If You Were Disfellowshipped or Disassociated?
by minimus ini'm curious..
Yes. It would really hurt my friends and family. I want out, but can't do that to them. It sucks.
A question for Athiests
by EndofMysteries ini really do not understand how any can be athiests from thinking real hard about it.
how can you think everything on this earth just happened?.
from my understanding, to be athiest, this is pretty much how it goes.
Night Owl, you're so sadly misinformed. First of all, you flavor everything with loaded and insulting language. No one is "demanding" anything. The burden of proof is upon the person making the claim. You claim God exists. I have a right to ask for proof and you have the moral responsibility to provide it to your claim. Otherwise, I do not have to believe it. Scientific proof comes from physical, observable evidence. Data is gathered by observation and testing, followed by a detailed analysis. This "proof" is then published publicly and under the constant scrutiny of peer review. Science is adaptable and changing. When solutions come along that disprove or qualifiy previously held theories, the world of academia is updated based on new evidence.
Your god only requires faith. He has no way of being measured or observed because, conveniently, he's always juuuuuusst out of reach. When the Greeks didn't know what thunder was, they attributed it to gods. Science eventually explained thunder. Anytime there's an unknown gap, the theists cram god into it. Well, now that the scientific method has had centuries of success, god's gaps are further apart than ever before and ridiculously small. Now, all you have to do is say "he exists outside of space and time and we can't measure his energy." Really... Well, Science will eventually debunk that claim as well. It will. It has gone that way since humans opened their minds to critical thinking and escaped the bondage of religion. NEVER--EVER EVER EVER--has something with a scientific explanation been disproven by something supernatural. It has always gone the other direction.
Now, you claim that the only proof we have of our "silly" (nice...) theories about life's beginning are a "bunch of flawed experiments in a lab" and you want "real world proof." LMFAO ARE YOU SERIOUS?????????? What experiments do you know of that are flawed? Please, if you know of one, you'd better publish a paper debunking the experiment because let me tell you, of all the thousands of scientists in the world who will bite at any opportunity to debunk a collegue, YOU are the only one who knows about "flaws" in a "bunch" of experiments?!?!?!?! Alert Sweden too, buddy, because if you blow the whistle on this and disprove evolution, dude, you will recieve the Nobel Prize and become more famous than Stephen Hawking. Seriously! You will! Get the word out because the entire planet of academics have either not noticed or ignored these giant flaws that you claim to know about.
Back to reality now, you need to take a look at these "flawed experiments" and see for yourself. Are you referring to Miller-Urey? Gee... did you perhaps first hear about their "flaws" from a, oh i dunno... CHRISTIAN publication?????? Did Kent Hovind "debunk" it in one of his infamous videos? Did Banana-Man Ray Comfort or "Croc-a-Duck" Kirk Cameron debunk it? If so, then THEY should have already won the Nobel Prize.
Tell me, Owl, what proof would YOU need from an atheist like ME to believe in evolution? And if you say "Show me a duck give birth to a tomato," then your understanding of evolution is totally flawed.
A question for Athiests
by EndofMysteries ini really do not understand how any can be athiests from thinking real hard about it.
how can you think everything on this earth just happened?.
from my understanding, to be athiest, this is pretty much how it goes.
"Chance" is the most misused word against evolution. Yes, random mutations occur by chance, however, the second--and more important process--is selection. Creationists love to ignore that half of it.
End of Mysteries!!! Take this advice only if you want to learn and expand your thinking. Do not do this if you will plug your ears, close your eyes and go "La-la-la!!!" Obviously, you're not a biology major and probably not that interested in Science, otherwise, you'd know better than to word the questions the way you did. I'm not trying to diss you, but it's always clear to me who knows about evolution and who doesn't by the way they present SO MANY logical fallacies in their questions. That's not your fault, either. ALL religions are guilty of using academic dishonesty, forgery, quote-mining and all kinds of dubious tactics to teach their followers a laughable and ridiculously flawed lesson in evolution. So, I don't blame you at all for wanting to know answers to some questions, but first, we gotta help you ask the CORRECT questions! So, follow the list below in order and try to absorb everyhing. Trust me, you will have questions going off in your mind that begin with "Well, yeah, but, what about this? This doesn't explain this..." Great! I WANT YOU to think those because if you keep watching and reading, every "well yeah, but..." question will be addressed eventually. At some point, you'll stop and think "OMG---this is it!"
1) Go to YouTube and visit the Thunderf00t channel (use zeros for the "o's" in "foot"). Scroll all the way down and watch him from the beginning.
2) For a lay person, get Richard Dawkins book for kids/teens called "The Magic of Reality." AMAZING. Well illustrated and perfectly explained!
4) Subscribe to "The Thinking Atheist" podcast. Seth is very well-mannered, funny and an all around nice guy. He also has a YouTube channel by the same name.
5) Read "Why Evolution is True" by Jerry A. Coyne. It's great--I read the whole thing while on a boating/camping trip over labor day a few years ago.
6) If you're up to reading at a higher level, definitely get Richard Dawkin's book "The God Delusion" and take your time with it. He has a brilliant section where he includes actual examples from the JWs very own "Life--How Did It Get Here, By Evolution of Creation?" book and exposes their dishonest quoting and use of long-debunked logical fallacies.
7) In the meantime, watch as much PBS, NatGeo and Science Channel programs as you can! Melt your DVR machine with these! (Avoid History, Discovery and The Learning Channel: they sold out to the idea of satisfying the needs of viewers in our modern Idiocracy: fat, intellectually lazy morons who gobble up pseudoscience topics like ancient aliens, ghost hunting, ufo chasing, cryptozoology affirmation and staged shows about feuding auctioneers, repo men and the worst humans alive on earth with "honey boo-boo." RIDICULOUS. There needs to be a Darwinian solution to thinning our gene pool down--and quick!)
Do you come here seeking?
by alias ini'm just curious at how many others might spend time on this website hoping to make sense of it all, despite being brought up or converted to jw after leaving.
i can't seem to fill the hole of my existential crisis after fading out.
the spectrum of atheism to beliving still doesn't fill the gap.
No. I disagree. Athiesm does the opposite. Rather than adopting a "why bother" approach, try a "make every second count" or "squeeze every drop out of life as you can, while you can" approach. That's what I started doing and I've never been happier!