Maybe a strong anti-bullying law...
We've seen culture shift in the 20th Century. Hell, some states still have laws against homosexuality on their books but they just don't enforce them anymore. The culture has shifted and people can face serious consequences for discrimination and even be charged with hate crime if a prejudice motive is evident in a crime against a gay person.
Another example is the huge cultural shift in public smoking over the last 20 years. People's personal objections to it eventually influenced policies within businesses and finally at the level of city and state governments. Similarly, I think we're seeing the beginning of a shift against bullying. Bullying is in people's sights now. It's such a general term that it could cover a wide range of situations. (Then again, the word "bigot" has done nothing to change JW's treatment towards gays.)
*sigh*...This is such a dicey problem. I'd love to see churches held accountable for human rights violations with shunning, but I'd actually be opposed to a new draconian anti-bullying law. Imagine: people could bring a case against you for simply hurting their feelings in an internet debate. Ugh... WT really has people by the balls, don't they? And they know it. Perhaps the best thing to do is let their slow bleeding run its course. They won't be this influential forever. People are waking up now and it's a pretty exciting time!