Let's review... (You know the rest)
its all all about public shaming.
i have always asked myself that question.
why new people visiting kingdom halls give comments at meetings while a reproved brother can't?.
who is more worldly?
Let's review... (You know the rest)
its all all about public shaming.
august 2015 awake .
quote in title taken from article footnote.. anyone have information on who gene hwang and yan-der hsuuw in the article are?.
why do they repeatedly state that apes turned to humans when that's not what evolutionists teach at all?.
GET SCREENSHOTS of before Richard Dawkins raises hell and after. We need to capture as many of these "eRevisions" because the bOrg can perform them in real time.
4get 607, 4get the UN, 4get the pedo scandals---those are all things the bOrg & it's followers immediately have responses for. These misquotes when captured and time stamped in screenshots from their own page are PROOF, not hearsay. They cannot excuse or undermine it.
the fact that the only scientists they misquote SUPPORT evolution and the only scientists they quote correctly are JWs must be made known as loudly as possible. OMG, I'm still faded, but this shit makes me angry enough to speak out. I just may come out of hiding over this.
if we are in the congregation, do you think our comments or questions actually reach elders or others in the congregation?
do our comments on this board affect witnesses to the point of questioning their faith?
One needs only to count how often we see, "Long time lurker, first time poster..."
hell YEAH our comments on this board reach elders; and help them escape! This board helped the living eff out of me.
let's just say i sometimes don't know how to keep my trap shut.
i really need to learn to keep well enough alone when she attacks me.
keep in mind i never start the fights about the borg.
this is going to trip you out, after talking with a jw friend who left the org and has great rage against god he's turning to satan.
he lives with his jw brother and decided host gathering for people interesting in worshiping the devil.
how will this outcome work with holy people claiming to be jws seeing some guys and girls dressed in dark robes?
i made a thread on reddit regarding questions jw's can't answer.
was wondering what you guys can add to it..
Why did the number of annointed shoot up to almost 13,000 from 8,300 since 2008?
How did all marsupial mammals (and only marsupial mammals) get from Mt. Ararat to Australia 4,300 yrs ago?
Why is there evidence of many languages before the incident at the Tower of Babel?
How did brother Lett ever get tapped to be a member of the GB?
How did brother Lett ever get a "G" in the Theocratic Ministry School--let alone EVER get approval to deliver anything beyond talk #2?
How did brother Lett justify partaking at memorial during an era when the 1935 doctrine was still heavily in place (when partaking while young was highly suspect) and NOT get marked in some way (either as nuts or "running ahead of the organization")?
How was brother Lett selected as the best choice for the first "public face" of JW dot TV? How THE Hell....?
i see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
hey, good afternoon. I have an honest & sincere question for you:
i noticed you refer to some of the teachings that they've abandoned as "wacky." About 8 years ago, I was struggling with some of the "wackiness" as well as we were covering the Revelation book for book study. 8 years ago, 2007, I was home alone and I lurked on this forum as well as a few "apostate" YouTube channels in an effort to see if I could defend the wackiness. Several really good points were made that justified my doubts, but, I noticed a few posts & comments that confirmed my bias about exJWs. For example, lots of anger, snark, profanity, etc. it really made me uncomfortable & I ran back to my "spiritual life" in an attempt to wash all the muck away.
...BUT... even as offended as I was, the few good points that I'd read stayed with me. My last ditch effort to cling to god's chariot was pitiful. I could not suppress or ignore the facts I'd discovered--even if the delivery was unsavory for my pure JW eyes. The point is, SOMETHING brought me here that very first time. Although initially turned off, I came back here even after sincere efforts to boost my involvement in the organization.
SOMETHING brought YOU here too. My question to you is, WHAT? Why are you breaking a rule that could put you into a judicial committee by not only viewing this forum but also joining & posting? I get it that when you read some members' choice of language & tone that it can be a culture shock, but realize that some of us are irreparably hurt. Some of us have been out for decades & simply talk like regular folks do now. I highly suggest you focus on the "WHAT" that brought you here in the first place and just ignore the posts that make you uncomfortable.
if you're here for a reason, if you believe some things are "wacky," focus on THAT, not us. Otherwise, you may over-correct like I did and suffer very unpleasant symptoms of cognitive dissonance by ignoring the underlying issue that's bothering you about the organization. My rebound cost an extra 2 years of unnecessary guilt, fear and lying to myself and everyone else.
you may just need a break. Get off this forum, don't watch YouTube videos and ALSO don't read any WT material either; take a break from all of it and research specific topics at your local library. See what scholars, scientists, historians and archeologists have to say & forget all this drama for awhile. If you have the truth, it WILL endure scrutiny. Go out and confirm that for yourself away from exJW AND current JW bias.
im still a JW, btw (for many reasons), so I can empathize with your viewpoint. But for real, take a break from BOTH sides and research your issues yourself. I promise it will improve your situation.
keep us posted on your progress too. Most of us really do care, even if we don't agree. We all want the same thing: truth. So go out there & get it! Good luck :)
does the new world translation ever reference the holy spirit as a "him"?
if not, does it refer to it as an "it"?.
I refer to it as "the force from Star Wars." It's not as powerful or believable tho.
(yes, I just blasphemed the Holy Spirit; the only unforgivable sin. Cry me a river. I'm off to celebrate more Memorial Day now)
i am not a regular visitor to this site, every now and then then i get twisted up about something i come back lol.
i am sure this has been discussed many times so a link to another thread would be great or if someone has the patience to explain again please?
i have read the july 15 2013 wt many times but i simply don't understand the significance of 1919 from the bible.
Why 1919?!?
you're kidding, right? Do you remember the Daniel book? Every paragraph seemed to tie in Daniel's "prophecies" to 1919.
That's also the year we became "smokelike." (See my thread from a few weeks ago about that made up term)