JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Crazyguy is going batshit crazy a Rant
by Crazyguy inyesterday some jw's came over to my house and were even being nice to me, most of the time if they do come by an elder or ms may say something but the others will not, its even hard for them to say just hello (how pathetic).
( they also do this behind my back as if i don't know).
i now realize by not being their i've handed my kids right over to them!.
Buy each boy a copy of Richard Dawkins' "The Magic of Reality." Have "family study" with them out of that book. It is wonderful--and beautifully illustrated. Five or 14--they'll love it. -
The social institution of the Kingdom Hall.
by The Rebel init is a warm sunny day, blue skies and i am excited by the prospect this sunday holds.
will i dismantle a motorbike?
paint a picture?
Cold beer, masturbation and a bike ride into the city (while listening to atheist podcasts). I'll close the day with a scary or demonic slasher movie--R-rated, of course--and whack off again before going to bed. Fuck the cult, fuck the hall, fuck meetings, may the GB get cancer, Hail satan!
can anyone suggest a good obscure super twisted horror movie? I've seen just about everything and I need to be wowed.
JW Threatened me with Violence Today :)
by cofty ini popped into the supermarket for a few things after work today and found myself walking up an aisle alongside a couple who used to be in my tuesday group.
i see them reasonably often and always say hello much to their obvious annoyance.
i noticed that ian was sporting a shaggy beard.
Resepctectfully agree with the naysayers on this one. It seems like taunting, especially if he has a beard. That indicates he may be out or awake to TTATT or trying to fade and when confronted with a ballsy apostate with nothing to lose, Ian has a legitimate concern. When I was fading, I agreed 100% with TTATT; I knew the bOrg was a cult. But holy cow if I was in a public place and a known, vocal apostate made a spectacle of calling me out, I'd have been mortified.
i don't understand all the "likes" on this thread. It's not constructive behavior. An encounter like that scared me out of my fade & delayed my awakening by 2 years. Consider circumstances & consequences. Play it cool with JWs who challenge the cult status quo. In time, you'll be pounding back beers in a pub together with many of those folks---please stop doing things to scare them back in. There's a difference between cathartis, activism and unfettered twattage.
What woke you up?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inin march of 2014, i was a very active jw, a ministerial servant, gave a public talk, was an attendant for the memorial, and one of 4 cleaning captains for an international convention of 40,000+ attendees.
so what woke me up?
an innocent comment from a co-worker about the candice conti court case rang a bell that could not be unrung.
Seeing stephen lett for the first time; saw him speak in person. That alone did more damage to their credibility than anything. I am *convinced* he's having the same effect on people now that his mannerisms are regularly broadcasted around the globe. Come ON! How can any rational person watch him and not experience profound cognitive dissonance? "THIS guy is one of our leaders? THIS guy will become one of christ's 24 co-ruling elders over all of humanity? *HIM???!!?!?* -
Local Congregation Takes Away My Dad's Phone Hook-Up (HE'S 85 YRS. OLD)
by NoMoreHustle inthis happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
This seems to be a recent pattern of behavior across the board. It used to be available for anyone to call in---my family did it all the time when dealing with illness. However, lately, it seems they're guarding those passwords like Fort Knox.
I'd be interested to hear a current elder's take on this; whether it not it's "new direction" and if so, how recently this was implemented.
My cynical nature points to only one reason: if butts ain't in the seats, bills ain't gonna find their way to the contribution boxes.
It's meant to discourage people from making a habit of attending remotely, especially now that they've launched such an aggressive real estate scheme. It wouldn't surprise me if they begin charging a nominal service fee to use the call-in feature.
Ask him if he ever got a "G" on Mannerisms, Personal Appearence or Expression in the TM School (and if so... HOW???). -
Royal Commission needs to call GB to personally testify
by RedPillPopper inthe gb needs to be subpenaed to testify just like losch was.
the commission needs to subpena each one individually and make separate fines when each one refuses.
Why can't they be made to testify anywhere? If I ignored a subpoena, there'd be a warrant out for my arrest. How do these pigfucks get away with it? -
More Inspiring Young Awakenings
by freemindfade ini just found these vidoes on youtube, maybe you have seen them already, but i thought i would share.
these canadian kids for me are courageous and inspiring.
more excellent public examples of non vitrial apostate awakening.
Hell, they're both cute lol -
Photobombing the Ministerial Servant's incentive rewards at the Regional Convention
by oppostate inwatchtower marketing incentive rewards for young single baptized males in the 0rganization.. .
the face of the photobombing brother in the background says it all.
like a child in a candy shop.
Cute little thangs, but they're 100% homeschooled train wrecks with no incentive to get an education & find a career. They've actually been moulded by the GB; they're a physical product mass produced by JW dot bOrg. Fembots!
the GB have fostered such a love/hate attitude about girls that trickles all the way down to local elder bodies. They're a much needed asset, but the deep pathological and institutional misogyny makes for a strange and awkward dipole situation:
"get baptized at 12, little brats. homeschool and pioneer, bitch. oh you made out with a teenage boy from the hall and he went up your shirt? give us all the sexy details, little slut. cry and whimper like a manga girl and if it's good enough to go into the committee's spank bank, we'll give you private reproof. YOUR job is to dress modestly, but remain molestable as hell. YOUR job is to perform free marketing for us, but never receive equal rights. YOUR job is not be a slut, but know when to use your ASSets to snag an exemplary mate. In the meantime, you pioneer. You attend every meeting, convention and assembly looking as hot as possible. You sit down, shut up and get spiritually fed--and you'd better fuckin' LIKE it. Fuck this up and we take away your daddy's privileges."
Labeling one self "Atheist" is Unscientific
by LAWHFol ini have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Complicated quantum system = Like Unnatural objects All Natural objects must be formed and brought into existence by an Intelligent being
this is flawed because you've just made a giant leap here. It's a bold assertion.
As you highlighted, atheism is a question of belief and that's all.
agnosticism is a question of knowing. You're correct in that no atheist should boldly assert "I know there is no god," but few actually do that.
Agnostic atheists do not (and cannot) know for a certainty that there is no god, just as they can't say with certainty there's not a pink teapot orbiting the sun between earth and mars.
Its a useless endeavor to prove a negative. However, the burden of proof lies on the individual(s) making the claim. If there is insufficient evidence for that claim, his audience should not believe it until such evidence is presented. And by evidence, it must be observable, testable, measurable, repeatable and falsifiable. Science allows for those requirements; faith, religion & theology do not and never have.
your conclusion that "all natural objects must be formed and brought into existence by an intelligent being" is merely a bold assertion and does NOT stop there. WHICH "intelligent being?" Oh, gee, thanks for showing me this... I TOTALLY believe in Allah now. Or Vishnu. Or Xenu.
what--that's not the conclusion you've reached? Ok then, you have more burden of proof and you've not even gotten off the ground.
demonstrate the mechanism by which all natural objects "must be" formed by an "intelligent being." Develop a protocol by which this claim can be tested--a protocol that peers can review, repeat & critique. If they come to the same conclusion, bingo! You've just won the Nobel prize! But even THEN, you'd have gotten us no closer to virgin births, walking on water and rising from the tomb after 3 days of death.
Go back to the drawing board.