JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Hell no -
Our CLAM meeting (vid): SELF-NEGATION is the first "treasure" from first meeting segment
by Gilgamesh inin the first sample video of the clam meeting (christian life and ministry) at about 5 minutes, 50 seconds in, a brother (steven phillips) is assigned the first segment of the new meeting, "treasures from god's word.
" ( http://tv.jw.org/#video/vodstudio/pub-jwbrd_201510_5_video ).
he shows just how sloppy the wts still is at trying to explain the deeper meanings of scriptures.
Fu***ing hell, I hate that. "...seems to indicate..."
bloody f***in' hell.
Effect on youths of Bethel and construction cuts
by Tornintwo ini know quite a few youths (late teens to early twenties) who have the goal of full time service, as bethelites or international construction, so they're doing the required slog of pioneering in order to achieve this goal.
this is a goal which has been excitedly set out for them the last few years or so at assemblies etc.
now they see the cuts, surely they are going to be discouraged and disillusioned.
What puzzles me is, they just had one of those bethel recruit meetings during Saturday's lunch at the distr---oops, I mean, "regional" convention this summer. Like 2 months ago! So, either the "higher ups" knew in advance about these layoffs but held recruiter meetings anyway (in which case, they were lying to all those kids), or, something utterly devastating happened to their finances that was sudden, unforeseen and shocking enough to pull the plug on everything--since the summer convention. -
My letter to Bethel about the flood
by Cornbread ini've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Setting: at the meeting with Haywood Jablomie and Holden McGoin after Cornbread entirely restates his dilemma in evidentiary findings that prove the flood account of Genesis impossible as described and interpreted by all religions including JWs---as were already well-presented in his ignored letter.
E: "well, you know, Cornbread... The bible clearly warns us about satan's cunning traps--especially in these last days. The faithful and discreet slave have provided much finely prepared and timely spiritual food reminding us of this danger. The bible is not a science book (modest chuckle). And although it doesn't lay out the answers for everything observed in the natural world, these questions don't have anything to do with our salvation. We've been admonished time and time again to "put on the new personality" and to use "the sword, the shield and the breastplate or armor." Admitedly, that takes work. It's not easy (modest chuckle). But allowing Satan to creep in and work on those cracks in our shield of faith by developing a spirit of independant thinking can have bad consequences. Why--some have even allowed their runaway belief in science to cause them to (gasp) leave jeHOooovah's organization; yes, sadly, some young ones have even become... ATHEIST! While we're certainly not accusing YOU of that, you can surly see where your questions might be a concern for us. Tell us, cornbread, do YOU feel questioning such minutiae might be signs of developing and independent spirit?"
C: (sits silently--cannot commit to answering either way. Blinks eyes. Thinks, "please get me out of this situation." Diarrhea churns)
E2 (the other sidekick elder): "cornbread, we're here because we LOVE you and we want to see you in the new system. We're here to help. If you have issues reconciling doubts because of "apparent conflicts" found in the bible, jehovah has led the slave to commission US to help you; to help you reason your way back into the fold by cultivating faith."
E: "we can certainly assist you with that, cornbread. Tell us: would you be agreeable to having a bible study once a week with one or two spiritually qualified men? The slave has really gone to great lengths recently to bring those who have drawn away BACK to jehovah. No one's going to judge you, pressure you or make unreasonable demands."
E2: "you don't have to decide this instant (nervous chuckle). But think about it; give it serious, prayerful thought. In the meantime, we've pulled a few relevant articles from our new web site, JW dot org---you know we're online now, have you heard? Anyway, we selected some articles for you to consider. This one hear talks about the dangers of independant thinking, followed by a great article reminding us how "it does not belong to earthling man even to direct his step." I mean--pffff!---scientist? Who are THEY? Amiright??? (Laughs, nudges E. E joins in laughter) They're just imperfect men who can't even put one foot in the other without their Grand Creator! So would it not be foolish to put ALL your TRUST in EARTHLING MAN??? And then there's a great Awake article featuring a former biologist who learned the truth after YEARS of believing science. It's a very encouraging experience."
C: "thanks."
(dad looks on with hope and gives the elders a 'job well done' glance)
My letter to Bethel about the flood
by Cornbread ini've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
Setting: sometime in the next 30 days, when your phone rings.
(brrrrrrINNNG... brrrrrINNNG...)
Cornbread (C): "hello. This is cornbread."
Local Elder (E): "oh! Uhhh... y-yes, cornbread... Hello. This is Haywood Jablomie from the Morningwood Congregation... how are you?"
C: "...fine" (nerves begin rattling)
E: "yes, very well... HEY, I'm just calling you in regard to something that was recently brought to the attention of the elder body here concerning a letter? you sent? to the society??? Would you know anything about that?"
C: "yeah, I sent a letter to them."
E: "oh, ok. Well... We wanted to maybe set up a time in the next day or two when we could meet with you to address some of the concerns you voiced in your letter. What evening this week would be best for you?"
Question: What would it take to get the BORG'S tax exempt status REVOKED?
by Black Man ini've always wondered about this.
i've always felt the main reason the borg made publishers do time slips/field service reports was to show that they are doing a community service to justify their tax exempt status.
we all know about their money grabs with the kh build scams, their selling off millions of dollars in real estate, etc.
If it ever does happen, you know what they'll say...
The wild beast eats the harlot? Yeah. It'll just make the R&F more resolute.
Help Me Undertand...
by DarioKehl inaccording to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.
They way they've restructured their corporations tho, isn't it possible that IF they get sued for a bunch of child abuse cover-ups that they could simply bankrupt a corporation they set up (just for that purpose) and get out of it all that way?
I also agree there may have been a bad investment in the last 10 yrs or so. They were listed as attendees to a conference on hedge funds a few years ago. Could it be something that simple?
Help Me Undertand...
by DarioKehl inaccording to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.
I have heard that the governing body only leads the religious side of things--that the actual corporation(s) handle the finances and operations. I can't see Lett or Herd being capable of understanding the complexities of running a corporation.
You're not the first person I've heard that conspiracy theory from an I think there may be something to it. The actual WT corporations of NY & Penn all have presidents & boardmembers that the average dub isn't even aware of.
Obviously, the GB aren't living it up gangsta style. Sure, they have the nicest accommodations and get to travel, etc, but they personally don't get to spend the society's money. However, I've heard rumors that the chairmen of these corporate boards might actually indeed be personally profiting from it in some way. I'm dying to know if that's true & how that works.
Help Me Undertand...
by DarioKehl inaccording to the 2014 annual report:.
"worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of jehovahs witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers.".
i don't understand how the borg is facing financial difficulty.
According to the 2014 annual report:
"Worldwide, there are 115,416 congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses and 8,201,545 publishers."
I don't understand how the bOrg is facing financial difficulty. With all the leaked info today, I'm confused about this 180 turn they're making.
For starters, I used to be the accounts servant in my Congo back in the late 90s/early 2000s. After paying the monthly utilities, we would have anywhere from a $300 monthly deficit to a $1500 surplus (our funds on hand hovered around $3000-8000). Under this new policy, ALL surplus funds go directly to the bOrg now. I understand that globally, the amounts will vary and there's also currency exchange, etc, but let's say for the sake of argument that each Khall sends in $200/month (probably a low estimate). That's still almost $277 MILLION annually.
Or, based on my observations collecting accounts, not everyone donated. Those who did would donate regularly by check each month. Those contributions varied fr $10-200. It would average out to be about $20 per publisher per month (that's probably a high estimate). If that average donation is extrapolated to the number of publishers globally, that's $1.9 BILLION. Annually. Not to mention the windfall they made earlier this year when they gobbled up the funds on hand from every congregation. Not to mention stocks and property left in wills.
Either way you look at it, this organization is making a BUTT LOAD of money. Selling real estate in Brooklyn heights and assembly halls, smaller branches around the world in addition to moving everything to a web site (so the pubs can print with their own ink or use tablets), reducing page volume and frequency of magazines and axing 1600 bethelites (and removing the traveling DO's), I don't see how it's possible that they're in a financial mess. Even if every molested kid settled for financial damages, it's still a drop in the bucket if they're always taking this much money in.
What I see is a hostile corporate takeover by a younger GB. It's glaringly obvious that they've hired a slick, expensive independant group to advise them on restructuring, PR, marketing and cost reduction.
The Conti case was an initial judgment of $18 mil with the bOrg successfully reduced on appeal ( with bethel lawyers who work for nothing). They know that in most countries, they can't be sued for the "2 witness rule" or for not reporting molesters due to protected clergy status. The most they'll do is settle for a modest sum and put a gag order on it. I truly believe they don't see the child abuse lawsuits as anything to worry about. In fact, the recent corporate restructuring puts greater distance between the bOrg and congregations. Revised verbiage also puts a distance between congregations and individual publishers.
What they've done in the meantime is liquidate, reduce expenses and drum up calls for more donations. May broadcast, this weeks wt article, the mortgage scam are all the average JW sees. The bethelites and eventually average dubs will hear the news of the bethel layoffs BEFORE they hear the info from the annual meeting. I believe this is 100% intentional. It will spook the average JW into thinking, "holy shit! we need to fork over even MORE $$$--they're obviously in trouble" when they're actually back stroking in cash like Scrooge MacDuck.
If my hypothesis is correct, my question is why? WHY are they sucking up so much money an what on earth are they planning to do with it? Warwick cannot possibly be that much.
If I'm way off, please enlighten me. If you're a bethel insider, PM me if you know what's really going on.
What's the craziest thing someone INFORMED on you about?
by Londo111 inthe culture of jws as encouraged by the watchtower is one of informing on one another, reporting to either the elders or ones designated head.
whats the wackiest thing that someone reported on you?
im not talking about a black-and-white watchtower rule that would land you in a judicial committee, but some judgmental nonsense that someone thought they should turn you in about?.
I was ratted out to the elders by a troublemaking ne'er do well for "underlining in Sunday's WT article during the preceding Thursday night service meeting."
One Sunday, after morning meeting, a big group of us young folks went to a local place for lunch. We were all early to mid-20s at the time; 5 guys, 4 girls, all single and only in the "friend zone." We saw a cranky pioneer sister sitting alone in a booth at the opposite end of the room. I knew her well, she liked me, I was an MS/pioneer at the time & attended pioneer school with this lady. We all saw her & felt bad she was by herself, so after placing our orders, we all got up and walked over to say hi (a rare thing for most young JWs to do). She was super friendly and we invited her to join us if she wanted to. She politely declined. Anyway FFWD a week and we were all individually pulled back to the B-room after the Thursday night meeting by an old nazi elder and his shivering sidekick. We were scolded for going out last Sunday as a coed group of singles without "proper adult supervision." The elders usually don't name names, but this time they did. They said, "Sister Solobitch was appalled that you all did such a thing." It totally surprised me. I attended that hall for 4 more years & for the rest of my time there, I only threw shade at her and never spoke to her again. ~DONE~