How about we throw money into a big fund then buy some commercial time during the super bowl about 1914 and JayDubs.
JoinedPosts by manthedan
2014 Event
by enigma1863 ini know its a year away but i wanted to inquire about the hundred year anniversary of 1914. it would be amazing to have a world wide event reguarding all exjws.
i am nowhere near capable of putting this together but i'd like to propose the largest assembly of exjws ever on october 1st 2014. can it be done?
am i the first to bring this up?
Why conservatives are losing
by free2beme ineverytime i see a facebook status about hunting, fishing, farming, 4 wheeling, and being a good old boy.
it is a conservative republican friend who is saying he or she is proud to be real an american.
this is common, to mention these good old boy jobs and mentality in such a way.
What does hunting, fishing, and farming have to do with Republican conservatives? If anything it shows that these " good ol' boys" share common values and skills: Hard work and sportsmanship.
Is it wrong to be proud of one's own heritage and country?
I would also disagree about hippies. A hippie wouldn't be integrates in law or becoming a judge lol. A hippie would more likely be an anarchist than follow a liberal ideology. A hippie's credo would be about freedom, love, nature; living off the land, something a hippie and a "good ol' boy" would value.
I would say the reason conservative values are not dominate like previous decades would be because Americas cultural values have changed. -
How Many Here Have Ever Smoked Pot or Tobacco?
by minimus inam i the only one who has done neither?.
I just packed my bowl.....
Lot's Wife Dot-to-Dot for Kids IS child abuse. Active parents - please read.
by likeabird ini'm posting this in the public section as i would like any active witness with children to think about this carefully.. .
for those of you who haven't seen it yet, this is the picture in question :.
(source : ).
How about children movies such as Snow White or Disneys Tangled, would these movies which introduce death and dying constitute child abuse?
Introduction - longtime visitor
by momentofsurrender injust a (slightly) quick introduction for now.
i am a 4th generation born in.
father an elder since i was an infant.
Greetings and welcome. I can relate to you in some ways about the holiday/birthday doctrine. Having children opened this question. I too was plagued with armageddon fear for time even after I left; it wasn't until I accepted death and wanting to live the happiest life until then that helped me to overcome this fear. So keep researching doctrine and yourself is my advice. The elders told me on my departure to get ready to see my children executed if I didn't return and my marriage to dissolve....2 years later we're still here alive and happy. My best wishes and pm me anytime.
wow that just hit me like a ton of bricks
by cptkirk init just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
Greetings captain k from a fellow generation y'er. Man it seems to me your watching to much tv, you tube, and pop culture; the world is run by the few and rich, and toss some chaos into the mix, they could care less about east coast, west coast bs, they flock where the money is easy and where the tools are available. I happen to reside in the southwest where zero attention is given and thats great for me. In the SW we run around like the taliban, driving through the hills with our AKs and rifles, stock piling food and ammo cause it makes let the economies fall.
Re: Will you attend the Memorial this year? Why? Why not?
by check inyou all had some interesting thoughts on that jw memorial thread.
some of you mentioned that you are going so that you can set some sort of example.
i gather that some of you believe that by going and eating, you are somehow showing them they can (or should) do it too.. that really confuses me.
I've been debating whether or not I should attend, not because I believe any of it but more of if i should partake, kind of a kiss my ass and to your ceremony.
Will the Watchtower Society benefit from the looming financial collapse?
by redvip2000 inif you have your eyes and ears open and can put 2 and 2 together, you have like many of us, have figured out that there is an impending financial collapse in the united states.
the type of financial collapse that likely has never been seen.. whether you believe this is being done intentionally by global power hungry groups bent on bringing us to our knees, in order to push their agenda, or whether it is being done out of carelessness and stupidity is hardly relevant at this point.. the writing is on the wall.
experts (and all who want to) can see it , high level officials expect it, and are already implementing the contingencies that are needed in order handle the civil unrest that will ensue.
I think as if anybody, you put your money in the right investments then sure you can benefit profitably in such a volatile economy; my faith is in the power of the internet to thwart any advancement made by the WTS.
As for the stock market, well its no secret the amount of currency being printed and pumped into the banks with little to no intrest being charged; in turn these same intuitions are essentially speculating with this free money hence gains in the stock market. But looking at inflation just as recent as this morning when I went to buy some milk and OJ, and then pumping a few gallons of gasoline; tells me also that the stock market dont mean sh*t to me.
RELIGULOUS...Please watch it.
by Fed-up ini know it's been commented on before here.
if you haven't seen it (i'm sure it's on netflix) please take a look.
it's the other side of the coin, presented in a funny way that really makes you think about religion and worship.
I watched that movie when it first came out. I heard about it listening to the sean hannity radio show, so I thought it to be very left biased propaganda and not very funny. But it was somewhat informative and I would buy it for that reason.
Whatever happened to the "Fall of Babylon the Great" and the "drying up of the churches?
by villagegirl ini am from the era of the babylon book, and all the wt predictions that the churches of christendom would "dry up".
the book babylone the great has fallen god's kingdom rules, said people would leave the churches of christendom, in droves and the ministers would have no more people in their churches while "god's organization" would see a tremendous increase, a huge overflowing great crowd, all streaming into the watchtower and coming to the "faithful and discreet slave" for instructions.
thirty years ago there were six million jw's , today after the "great increase", and " great crowd" is now ?
I had really bought into the fall of babylon scenario when I was in a couple years ago. I would even play out in my head various scenarios of this happening, shoot I even thought that the latest star wars movie had biblical references in it, the over throw of the jedi in a twisted coup symbolized religions near overthrow. I left the wt prior to the arab spring and had struggled with inner thoughts that this would soon culminate into religions destruction. Even now with the popes recent departure I still entertain the thought... What if the nations take the vatican now that there is no leader, a coup of some sort.