My computer froze up while I was typing a response to you, causing me to have to reboot.
I do not see it. Can you prove this point first instead of taking it as a given? From what I am seeing in the texts, all resurrection will take place at the same time. If there is any delay then it is a minor one of no consequence.
I think what accounts for our difference in viewpoints here is the difference in the way we understand 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. You likely see the resurrection spoken of there as referring to all that are to be resurrected. I, on the other hand, see it as referring to only Christ's bride, and of course Christ's bride is not all that will be resurrected. Those that are not of Christ's bride, their resurrection will follow (but not immediately, for Christ's resurrected bride will join Jesus as he fights the battle of Armageddon), in an orderly fashion, all being taught righteousness under the reign of Jesus and his chosen bride.
There is no such thing as two resurrections or an early resurrection. The first resurrection is one of quality and justification not first in time.
That's sure a strange interpretation you have there. Revelation 20:5, 6 shows that those who will rule with Christ participate in what you agree is called "the first resurrection." Unless there is a resurrection that follows, it shouldn't be referred to as being the "first" one? Am I just being bullheaded? I don't really think so, particularly if people are due to be brought back to life needing to be educated in the ways of righteousness. To try imagining EVERYONE of those unlearned people being back on the scene simultaneously, needing education, etc. ... weeeell, to me it's much more reasonable that the resurrection of the multitudes start off slowly and then pick up momentum as there are more and more learned ones to help instruct more and more resurrected ones. As you can perhaps see, I believe that Jesus and his bride will educate the masses via people here on earth, in the way I described above. Jesus and his bride will merely oversee the operation to make sure that it all proceeds as it should.