Hey, Lola-Rabbit! Exactimoniously!!!!!! I REFUSE!!! I'm 41 years old. I'm starting to have aches and pains that I didn't think I'd ever have! I'm just pissed!!! I've lost my beautiful Dad! All he ever wanted was to live and have a good time in life! I cry just thinking of the look on his face in those last few weeks of his life. He was PISSED!!! Up until the last day, his last breath, HE KNEW HE WOULD NOLONGER EXIST AND SEE HIS FAMILY. Hell!!! He didn't even die 'an old man'!!!!! I'm sure in his mind he was praying EVERDAY, " Jehovah, please let this system end and let's get into Paradise today!
This religion, as well as all other promising CULTS, need to be prosecuted and disbanned!