konechiwa. as we say in america "be a man, use your hand. now dont go sharing your song book. confucius say; man go to assymbely with itchy crack... wake up with smelly finger. oh god i am either drunk or wasted.
Posts by chase
Re: Only using one sheet of toilet paper at assemblies
by Luo bou to ini have been living in china for several years now and my only fear was that one day, i would need to use one of their squat toilets.
i cant squat that close to the ground but the chinese can with their feet flat on the ground and without raising their heels .
so the day finally came when for several weeks i was forced to use one.
if i am a sinner for digging that and employing my god given sense humor... crucify me. check out blasphemy ( the victimless crime).
Update on my chemotherapy and my sister
by MsDucky inmy sister lost her battle with breast cancer last week.
http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/kansas/obituary.aspx?n=mayola-d-walker-johnson&pid=149005242 her funeral was today.
i had just been dismissed from the hospital the day before and she was admitted to icu the next day.
respect. dont know you but sympathy for your suffering.
self explanatory. let me know if i am wasting space.
So my dad called today...
by DanaBug inwe had a tornado watch today.
my dad called to check on us and tell us they had what he thought was a tornado near their house.
the tops of some trees went missing.
i hope he does not loose rank for love of fellow man or family. i knew an elder who lost position for conducting his sons wedding. some people need acceptance in religion like i need southern comfort.
like george strait said "love without end".
Here i am....
by makersmark inhere i am - born in truth, hard-core spiritual everything all my life, early reg.pioneer, ms, elder, assembly parts, tour at bethel, etc, married now...... i'm trying to examine jw teachings a little closer...... i've spent the last two weeks reading many many posts, info , references on where ex-jw's are coming from.
i'm kind of concerned about a few things lately..... honestly - some points make sense to me - some don't - here are my general thoughts:.
-wt getting un membership for access to library - doesnt bother me - some passports and other governement documents have similar forms and requirements..... -blood issue - some counterpoints to the jw 'rules' makes sense (original intent of scripture is unbled animals, white blood cells similar in mothers milk) etc -however a lot of 'apostate' reasonings and proof are inaccurate.
your story sounds very familiar to my own, welcome. my best advice is to do your own research, stay open to ideas, take others opinions with a grain of whatever and make your own conclusion. i have decided that anyone who claims ownership of salvation, is questionable. good luck
I've decided to take the plunge, but....
by ColdRedRain indon't tell my girlfriend.
secretly, i've had feelings for a person she doesn't know about.
we've been seeing each other for the past 3 months, and so far, he's been the best thing that's ever happened to me.
i am not judging you but you need to be real.
Most-Ignored Scriptures by JWs
by Mad Sweeney inthe watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
judgeth not!
ark of covanant... idol worship?
by chase inwhat was the difference between priests communicating with the ark and the pillar that daniel and co. refused to worship?.
what was the difference between priests communicating with the ark and the pillar that daniel and co. refused to worship?
28 years young today (I was born Feb 16 1983) HBD to me.
by Joliette ineven if i dont really celebrate it like...i'm suppose to be going out for karokee tonight with a friend, then doing something with another friend on the 26th.
two more years and i'll be the big 3-0. man, how time passes.
just some years ago, i was just a breast fed child running wild!.
celebrating birthdays is evil.