We are here for you!!!! Good luck!!!!
hi everyone, don't know if you remember me, i posted a topic a while ago because i was in need of advice about what to do in my life - so to all you who took your time and posted caring replys and good advice, i just want to say that i've made up my mind - i'm continuing my fade for the fourth month and i'm gone from the borg for good.
if some elders decide to stick their nose in it, i'll shut the door myself.
there's no future in staying in there for the sake of anyone else, lying to yourself and everyone else.
We are here for you!!!! Good luck!!!!
it contains this url:.
i thought it was very clever..... .
I thought it was terrific and emailed the link to my friends. Thanks!!!!!
hi guys,.
we are several people sharing this new account.
we hope you don't mind.
Welcome, and how many of you are in the box?
here is part of my story until i have more time.
i am know 30 years old, i have been married for almost 9 years to someone who has no relgous ties at all.
i was baptized when i was 19 due to pressure from my family, they wanted me to to get baptized when i was 16. i think i may hold the record for most comitee meetings probably about 20, i was publilcly reproved and disassociated.
Welcome Okie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vent away, there is healing in finally putting into words what has been unsaid in your mind for years. We are here for you, without judgment.
i have posted my story on here before.
i was dfed at 22 for sleeping with an 18yr old girl in my cong.
i was married and me and my "mistress" were both dfed.. i admit i was wrong by even the worlds standards.
Sounds like Hangin on really feels the need to return. Personally wish you would consider your new child....is this the way you want your child treated if she/he makes a deemed mistake by this religion???????
I have to agree with Snakes...if that is your wish get out of the congo that you are attending, and attend another. There is to much history and gossip going around in your current congo, and that is why the elders keep telling you that you are in an adulterous marriage. You have to go where there is not the gossip, and judgment of you are in the eyes of those that attend. You know the look......they look at you like they just swallowed a sour grape.
Good luck to you and your very young pregnant wife. Tell her that I am thinking of her also.
let me begin by saying that i never expected to even talk about my situation let alone discuss it on the internet but i guess im just feeling so sad that i must hope that someone will understand and give me encouragement...so here it goes.. .
but the more active i got, the more abusive my stepmother became.
ironically, he sent my stepmother to the wedding.
Welcome Cassy.......you should be so proud of yourself for what you have accomplished in life without the support of your family. My God girl you have a graduate degree, a loving husband, a life. What do your parents have......living in a cult that tell them not to love their own flesh and blood. I know it is painful, but you are free to be who you want to be.
Keep coming back Cassy....we are here for you.
bigdreaux's thread caused me to think back on similar threads where the poster's have been blasted for their exit threads.
most try to reason with the poster with positive responses and try to get them to stay with us, but a few have posted negative thoughts to being downright nasty.. i have noticed various post's stating "you'll be back" (in sarcasm) to those who outright state that we are better off without you (the poster who says goodbye.).
there have been good people here, bigdreaux included, who are ostracised for their post to say goodbye.
I am like Lisa...I never introduced myself, so when I am ready to leave I will be gone, but everyone needs to leave on their own terms. Some feel the need to tell others, others feel no need. Whateve floats your boat.
I always hope that when others leave, it is because they want to live life, not because they felt hurt in some way..
due to overwhelming e-mails i'm back baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i wigged out guys.
you guys are awesome.
Glad you decided to come back...
I wish someone would tell me how to post pictures!!
i've just been writing away the past few days about my thoughts and feelings since my husband and i decided to finally call it quits and stop going to meetings.
in fact, he's the one who told me about this website.
he's a lurker though, so i don't think any have heard from him.
Welcome Younglove and hubby!!!!! I am thanking you for your daughter's sake that you decided to think of her life, and not just staying in a religion to keep your friends and family.
I also left with my three daughters for the same reason. I wanted my girls to have an education, and express to me anything and everything they felt. My ex JW elder husband was already looking for an appropriate husband for my 12 year old when I deceided enough was enough. Just to let you know it was difficult, but would not have changed my decision at all. All three of my daughter's are college educated, but more then that they are loving, nonjudgmental young adults. They also recognize that the JW religion is a cult.
Good luck keep coming back!
my story is much like others.
i have found a faith to call my own, thankfully.
my parents don't agree with it, though they are very much still in my life, whether it's in my head or on the phone.
Welcome Lonewolf...glad that you are here with us.