All I can say is WOW!!!!! You have an incredible talent. Wish you lived around me so I could hear you play in person. I love Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov hint hint hint!! Please keep playing and posting what you play. It is wonderful.
legend has it that this waltz was inspired when chopin saw a cat chasing its tail.
waltz in d-flat major opus 64 no.
1 (minute waltz).
All I can say is WOW!!!!! You have an incredible talent. Wish you lived around me so I could hear you play in person. I love Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov hint hint hint!! Please keep playing and posting what you play. It is wonderful.
i have read alot of the advice offered on this board and was hoping to broaden my thoughts on my problem any opinons will be appreciated.
i have been married for 3 years.
i don't have any children by this man but have 3 from a previous marriage.
Dear Nita;
Unfortunately you have married a child. He is self-centered, controlling and more then likely jealous. You are right when you say that he is jealous of your children. He truly believes that your time and energy should only be for him and they are intruding. I am married and I have a seperate everything. Seperate checking, savings, credit cards etc. I hate to tell you that more then likely he will never change. You need to think if you are better with him or without him. Obviously you can support yourself financially, so you will be surprised how much more you will have for yourself and your kids without him.
I do not know if he would be willing to go to somekind of marital counseling or not. It really has to be because he wants to go not that it will make you stay with him. If he does not go for himself then he will just revert to his old behavior. Good luck Nita and keep your chin up. Keep coming back and remember you are worth more than how he is treating you. This is just my 2 cents I certainly do not know all the facts. You are the person that has to live with your decision.
on this, the first day of 2003, i am pleased to announce the existence of the apostate new world translation commitee.
this anonymous group of devoted apostate men has been formed to produce a modern language apostate new world translation of the holy scriptures.
some may ask, why a new translation?
When is it going to be completed??? I want to buy one!! LOL. The sad thing about it is that everything you wrote is all true. Those reasons alone make me so glad I am no longer identified with that silly cult.
in every congregation there is always a brother who gives a marathon prayer.
in my congregation there was a brother whose prayers were so long that i decided to time his prayer with my watch.
it lasted about 3-4 minutes.
My girls when they were little would get so tired of standing with their heads down, that if the brother stopped for a second to take a breath all three of them would say AMEN!!! You could hear them all over the cong and people would either turn around or giggle. Can't tell you how many times their JW elder dad was counseled for not having his kids in tow. Or his wife for that matter. LOL I told all three of them if the brother is that rude to make people stand that long it was ok for them to say amen..maybe he would get the hint. As you can see no one is really surprised that I walked away hahah
funny test!
i love it!
have a great new year everyone!
I am just tapioca pudding. Not sure if I like that or not hahhaha
my wife and i have been witnesses for almost 50 years.
we are both third generation witnesses and raised in the "lie".
we raised our kids in it also.
I just wanted to say welcome to Robotnomore and sinner. Hang around there are alot of nice people here and all of us speak the same language. When you first walk away from the borg you feel like a fish out of water. Give yourself time it really does become easier.
Sinner I hope you had a nice first Xmas with your kids. Feels weird at first but the kids love it. Glad you have joined the ranks of those that are truly enlightened. The scales have been peeled from our eyes and know we can really see the truth. That we all were deceived!!!!
i'd like to tell you a true story about my father.
he isn't alive now, but he was the po of a congregation in the uk when he died.
i did once post this on h 20, so my apologies if it is "old hat".. he had an unusual experience during ww 2, this mystified him so much that he searched for answers for years.
The apostle Paul talked about the spirit of prediction. The spirit kept following him around saying that he was bringing them good news of salvation. Everything that the spirit said was accurate, but Paul expelled the demon from the woman anyways. Even though the spirit of prediction brought this woman money. So the borg always has said that what the demons say are real but you have to consider the source, which is from the DEVIL!!! And then they quote all those scriptures already sited.
last night at the book study they spent an entire hour covering 11 verses in the book of isaiah.
using pictures and scriptures from all over the bible every verse has a lesson for us today.
is this really true or is it just talented writing?
First welcome Far North!!!! Since you are beginning to reason using your own will not take long before you are sick of dealing with their silly cult thinking. Just don't let anyone yet know that you visit this board until you are ready to leave. There is alot of encouragement here and open thinking. Something right now you have not been able to use. Good luck in your journey of pealing away those layers that the borg places over your eyes. We are all here for you.
i need some advice.
i have been dating this guy for 3 years.
of those 3 years, he has cheated on me many many times, but i can only prove some.
You need to read your last post again. Why do you HAVE TO HAVE A BOYFRIEND to feel fullfilled. There is a big difference in needing a boyfriend and wanting one. You seem to think that your identity is who you are dating, not who you are. You need to find out who you are!!! What it is you want!!!!
When we live in an abusive relationship we forget ourselves because we are so wrapped up in making it work with an abuser. Just think of all the energy you expend in making sure that everything is a ok so he does not go ballistic. You need to talk to a domestic violence counselor. You can call 1-800-252-8748 and the counselor will tell you what DV program is close to where you live. When you have your self-esteem and self-worth returned to you then you can have a healthy relationship because you want one, not that you need one.
There is lots of issues in this post, please call a counselor you need support in whatever decisions you make.
since you drifted or fell away from the "truth", what do you now know that you never realized before?
was there anything that shocked or surprised you about the witness religion that you didn't know about til you left??
Personally what a wake up when I realized that "wordly people" where nice to me!!!!! I have been told all my life how bad "the world" is!!! I actually like being "a part of the world" LOL.