Welcome Welcome Welcome Lookin!!!!!!! Those are the exact reasons why I left the borg. My girls are free to be what they want to be. They ARE NOT stepford kids. In fact both girls in college are majoring in women's issues. Makes their JW elder father crazy. Oh they also think the JW's are a cult.
Glad to have you here you will like it there are alot of nice people here that speak the same language that keeps playing in your head. It takes some time to wash it out of your head.
i was 28 when i got borganized....i wish i could remember the names of the sisters that studied with me....one of 'em's name is barbara, the other one was a pig...guess they're not that memorable....but the plano congregation had not been started when i first got baptised or it had *just* been started in 1973....my best sis friend was carolyn nelson, a six feet tall sis with two kids, harris and april....i was really dumb and married the first elder that asked me....it was a total flop of a marriage, his teenaged son caused all sorts of problems for us.....i "ran away" from it and went back to the "world" for a while....i suppose because they hadn't gotten the "worldliness" out of me very well at the time....when i returned, they publicly reproved me and we divorced....his name was bob repp....he was an elder in the white rock congregation....i can remember a few names...the farmers, steve scott and his lovely red-headed wife, but that's all i remember..... .
then i moved back down here with my older two children, where i was raised and later went back into the borganization....i moved to california in late 1988, got in an auto accident in late 1989, and everything went downhill from there, borganization-wise...i had seen so much cruelty from the platform....even a p.o.
who graphically and sneeringly described explicitly...the sights, sounds and smells of alleged sexual acts between two pioneers, as he disf'd the pioneer sister, while she sobbed her heart out in front of the congregation and only reproved the pioneer bro.....made me wanna hurl....the elders treated me like a meadow muffin the whole time i was in cal.
i'm new here and just wanted to say hello to everyone.. i walked away a few years ago, i just couldn't believe the new light on the generation they are forcing on .
teaching people.
i also got burned - out on all the gossip and the other social garbage.
The love they speak of is just lip service, like the rest of us you have found that it does not exist. The JW's are not about love they are about control and power over you. Glad you are here.
I hope you have a great day and year to come. Now go out tonight and enjoy yourself!!!! I am truly sorry about you not hearing from your kids..it is painful. I am thinking of you.
I would have to say YES!!!! I lost a true love, probably the love of my life or I felt my true soul mate. After I worked through all the pain and anger, I was left with wonderful memories. I had to work at it, but even now I still think of him and now feel thankful that he was in my life. He also is not my husband.
yup...just got here and already jumped in for a few posts....hope yall're all okay...my life's been a little sucky lately, but things are perkin' up....getting the detritus out of my life and takin' a new path where work is concerned....is everyone here an active jw or what?.
Welcome, welcome, welcome. Looks like you have a great sense of humor. I am looking forward to getting to know you better!!! I also sent a letter to DA myself in 96.
we have all read many posts here as to how women felt they had to be submissive in the organization.
how would you like to be a member of first christian fellowship for eternal sovereignty?
ravenna, ohio - a woman pulled over for breast-feeding her baby while driving on the ohio turnpike was shown on videotape at her trial wednesday refusing to cooperate with troopers until she called her husband for permission.. catherine nicole donkers, 29, also would not stand or speak as she defended herself in portage county municipal court until her husband gave her permission from the first row of the audience.. the first day ended with donkers finishing her questioning of the trooper.
What a silly woman, but how sad that more than likely she has been brainwashed into believing that she is doing the right thing. I would bet my last dollar that with a husband that has this much control over her, she is more afraid of him than the state, or the judge she is in front of.
Well I have to say Winston that you handled yourself especially well with those silly elders. It kills me that they would even try to handle such a delicate situation. As you mentioned to the both of them, they are not qualified to even talk to your wife. If indeed they really had her best intentions in mind, they would have been able to swallow their power and control issues and tell her to seek professional help.
You are doing a wonderful job as a supportive spouse and are to be commended. Living with someone with mental health issues is draining on all in the family. I would encourage you Winston to talk with someone in the MH fields about the fear that you experience when she is talking about suicide. I will be thinking of the both of you. Welcome to the board Winston!!!!!!
just discovered today that a woman named melissa died last week.
she worked at the village pantry c-store next door to the mission where i am staying.. apparently the next door neighbor broke into her house, raped her, tortured her for at least 2-3 hrs, then stabbed her 57 times and then slit her throat.. i was shocked to find this out this afternoon as i was getting ready to wait on the bus (i'm posting now at the radio shack store where i quickly check on my email and take a quick peek at the forum.).
the girl was only 22 years old.. the cops knows who did this and they're looking for him.
Wow that is so sad!!!!! I hope that the police get to him, and kick some butt before they book him. I know this is a shock to you Yiz, especially since it is in the neighborhood that you are staying in. Please be careful!!!!! and talk to someone about the fear and grief that you are experiencing. I will be thinking of you.