Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Just saying.
We are all at different stages in our journey since discovering TTATT. Is it really helpful to dismiss anyone's belief in pejorative terms? Or are some still hanging on to the witness way of trying to pull the religious rug out from under people with beliefs that do not match our own? That this life is all there is, not an easy thing to accept. It is like realising you have been handed a death sentence after years of doing what you thought was right to avoid it. Those that have accepted it come across as bitter and determined that no-one has the right to an alternative view. I find that bizarre. If an open mind makes me more sensitive and mild towards those who are struggling with their death sentence, I do not consider that a bad thing. Or a weakness of mind or intellect. Just recognising that all of us are in a different stage in our journey and defending each one's right to take that journey at their own pace and with their own thoughts. Many of us are mourning the loss of the best decades of our life and find the rich variety of opinion in this forum comforting. What reason have we to be harsh to others when we do not know how vulnerable they might be?