I think maybe the difference in jw relatives and other religions and ordinary folks, is that the treatment is a GROUP thing. I don't know of any other religion that REQUIRES its members to be RUDE and HATEFUL to those who have left; there probably are some, I just don't know about them.
The other thing is, and someone already mentioned this, they CLAIM to be so loving and caring.....and I've known jws who are, but it's INSPITE of the org, not because of it. [Actually one I thought was just the best person in the whole world, I'm finding out is a real psycho bitch to her husband and daughter. Can we use that word on here?]
There was an article on how to treat 'faithful jws' who have df'd relatives. It counseled against ignoring them or treating them rudely and coldly, which tells you that they WERE treating them that way, otherwise why counsel against it? So when I'm out shopping with my young daughter, who is still a jw, they really have no reason to treat her like dirt just because they want to do that to me.