I know one of the posters and it saddens me to see such misplaced loyalty. How they have swallowed the lie! They have practically clutched at it to keep the deception in place so that they don't turn and see the truth and lose the illusion.
yes i know you're all getting p*d off with my jwzone threads, but i couldn't let this one go by!!!!!!
so, i'm just going to embed the thread here and let you guys comment...hehe...some jwzoners are going to get their heads bitten off in this thread!
edited by - syn on 8 august 2002 13:43:36.
I know one of the posters and it saddens me to see such misplaced loyalty. How they have swallowed the lie! They have practically clutched at it to keep the deception in place so that they don't turn and see the truth and lose the illusion.
just wondered how many people this this is all true.
feel free to really think about this one and provide proof and examples.
Wait just a minute....Whether YHWH appeared in the Hebrew text or the LXX Greek text, it was spoken as 'Lord' [Adonai, Kyrios], remember? The correct way to pronounce YHWH was lost because of dis-use, wasn't it? So when the text was read, the reader said 'Lord'. It seems reasonable to me that the NT writers used what was spoken, 'Lord', when they wrote and copied their manuscripts because they were comfortable with who Jesus is.
As far as the NWT, I agree with those who have said the translation committee used other English translations and changed passages according to wts theology. [It doesn't matter really because a jw has to believe what they tell him the passage means anyway.] If they did not consult other translations, and they were not qualified translators, then there is the possibility they were divinely inspired to translate Hebrew and Greek texts by God's Holy Spirit. Anybody want to go with that one?
ps libra spirit I think the name you mean is Gruber?
Edited by - Liberated on 2 August 2002 21:35:59
personally, i do not believe god ever has or ever will exist.
i have my reasons -- i guess i could be considered an agnostic, rather than an athiest.
i was curious to see what the larger part of the former borg community believed, now looking from the outside in, rather than the opposite.
Yes, Libby believes in God.
you guys and gals have to read this...it's hillarious!.
Hi Carlo,
Very interesting website and beautiful picture of happy people. It reminded me of a question I've never received an answer to, not even an unsatisfactory one. Who are the people on the cover of the January 1, 1992 wt? I'm thinking they are supposed to be jws [which would be kind of misleading because we never worshipped that way] but they look more like born again Christians. What do you think?
Thanks, Libby
Edited by - Liberated on 2 August 2002 10:19:18
i'm in the process of making plans for my yearly vacation and although i am not really afraid to fly, i must admit to being a little .
anyway, it seems to me that if i were a famous person i would be even more apprehensive because so many of them .
I was going to mention WWII's most decorated hero, Audie Murphy [To Hell & Back], but it's been done already
i found this post on silentlambs and wanted to widen the search-------------------------------.
i am posting this message to let everyone know that i have been in touch with the office of the district attorney of brooklyn new york.
i explained to the person the situation about the pedophilia coverup within the wts.
Thanks for posting this Jesika. I was not aware of this and will spread the word too.
draffenville congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
judicial committee elders of:.
murray congregation of jehovahs witnesses.
There are definitely bigger issues here than being "in" or "out".
For one thing, the children, and changing the policy of two witnesses.
The other thing is, the wts has to be held accountable for its actions. They have to be made to follow their OWN rules or be exposed as the hypocrites that they truly are.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
Comforter, you said: Nobody has all the answers, ashi. No one but God. I can tell you this though. There are problems in the organization. Most everybody knows that. But I believe the WT teaches the truth overall. They are not perfect. But neither was Israel or the early Christians.
That's a cop out and I take exception to it. The wts demands total loyalty and obedience as though they are perfect. How would jw's lives be any different if the wts were perfect? How would your life change?
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
What!!?? leave this place and miss jewels like this: a worthless ``join-us-or-die' mantra
I love that....
Comforter---you're sure it's fowl? language? horse-feathers!!
my door!
can you imagine that?
don't they know i'm a filthy apostulater!
Do they at some point ask you if you were ever a jw or been to a meeting, etc?
I feel I would have to answer truthfully and then the conversation would be over anyway.