JoinedPosts by libra_spirit
Where are you ?
by sunshineToo in.
in which part of the planet are you?
i'm in the sf bay area, ca, u.s.a. i have been there for 17 years.. how about you?
How to get reinstated
by snowboardingguy inwhat kind of questions am i gonna get asked when i go to get reinstated?
how hard is gonna be?
It will all depend on the elders. No kidding, they have the power and you will have to submit to anything they think up to get back in. You may even try doing it in another location where no one knows you. You must get them convinced that you are once again righteous, and most importantly, correctly programmed! Read, read , read the literature, believing without questioning. If you are properly programmed then you will not be a threat to enlightening the flock. Do not watch the news or read any outside literature, do not listen to any apostates, like us, do not think or reason for yourself, and you will be welcomed back....after about a year or so of them rubbing your nose in it. However the stigma of having been DFed will probably stick with you forever and many in the congregation will still gossip about you if not all out avoid you, at the least many will probably always look down thier noses at you.
Good Luck, and know they will never Love you unless you apear as righteous. Kind of a fear based love, if that is possible!
I almost forgot, say Jehovah a lot, "Jehovah willing", stress your duty to preach Jehovahs word. Say something about how much you miss going in the field service, and how much you need to do Jehovahs work in this time of the end, and how you miss associating with Jehovahs righteous people, they love that kind of talk. Apear fanatical, like your life depended on getting back in and you are quaking in fear to get thier aproval. They will sense your underlying fear and pick right up on it. Let them know how glad you are that they are saving you from destruction. Tell them you are so relieved that they are there to be your sheperds during this time of downfall. Act shaken and worried, focus dramatically on thier every word, as though you were standing before the old testament God himself, about to recieve the ten commandments, they really get off on it, it will make them feel good. This is the art of stroking thier ego's, but they will not recognise it as that. When they correct the error of your ways, as defined by them, thank them for thier insight and love. Hug them at the end of the meeting and repeat how greatful you are to be in Jehovahs Organisation once again........and then start to cry....this will be seen as heartfelt. Remember it is them who are being asked to read your heart not God, so they must percieve a heartfelt submission to them.
Or get some dirt on one of the elders and simply bribe him, they also understand raw power and fear.
Once again Good Luck!
Edited by - libra_spirit on 12 July 2002 5:21:33
Who is doing the Judging in the JW's
by libra_spirit inthis is one of the things that strikes me as a blatant contridiction in jw doctrine.
it never ceases to amaze me how easily it is overlooked by jw's.. a quote from the elders manual under "the.
law of the christ".
This is one of the things that strikes me as a blatant contridiction in JW doctrine. It never ceases to amaze me how easily it is overlooked by JW's.
A quote from the Elders manual Under "the
Law of the Christ""Be just, righteous, and tender when judging sheep in
God's flock" (Then they give reference to an old testament verse to support this)Now it seems obvious to me who is doing the judging, not the annointed, not the GB, or Jesus, or even Jehovah, but the elders are recieving the training to be the judges. Kind of makes me wonder how any elder doesn't see this as a contridiction to the main doctrine that Jesus and his band of 144,000 are supposed to be in power, functioning in this capacity. I remember something about only Jehovah can truly read the heart.
Note that in the following section there isn't one scripture sighted from the new testament! Not one of these practices came from Jesus, but rather are supported by the very law he was supposed to have liberated us from.
Section: Sharing on a judical comittee
"When having a hearing between your brothers, you must
judge with righteousness. " ( Deut. 1:16 ) It is a serious respon-
sibility to judge matters that affect people's lives and relation-
ships with others. Elders must have a reasonably complete
picture when judging a matter so that their decisions will not
be based on partial knowledge or on personal feelings. They
also need heavenly wisdom in order to make proper applica-
tion of God's Word and to determine how far their showing
mercy should extend. (Prov. 28:13; Jas. 2:13)Sounds like Jewish legalism to me. I never made elder, too smart I guess, but it really makes me wonder just what kind of person a JW elder really is. Either willfully blind, or just plain stupid.
Am I missing something?
Southeast Alaska Support Group
by libra_spirit inwhen trying to recover and rebuild your life it is important to be around others who have recovered.
it can be so devestating to be shunned by family and friends.
it is important to find support, make new friends, and find those who will help you when family turns away.
When trying to recover and rebuild your life it is important to be around others who have recovered. It can be so devestating to be shunned by family and friends. It is important to find support, make new friends, and find those who will help you when family turns away. Many of us mistakenly feel that someday our family will change and be there for us, but after many years of being shunned I can tell you, they very probably will not. It is so important to read the truth about "the truth", and connect with others in your area who have also, and to learn and spread information. Please feel free to email me if you are intrested in meeting or attending a group activity in Southeast.
Much Love,
Dateline NBC available as a QuickTime download...
by peterstride ini was able to digitize, and compress the entire dateline nbc show into the smallest file i could manage.
the sound is ok, the picture so so....but you'll get the full impact of the show.. the only program that i have that can send files is icq, so if you don't have icq, just go over to, put icq in the search, install the latest version, get yourself a new icq number...and then add my number to your contact list.. my number is 161294253...or alternatively, you can find me under my e-mail address of [email protected].
I would love it if someone would put it up on Direct Connect, it is the fastest way I know to share a vedio file. Hundreds of TV run movies are on there all the time. Either an AVI file probably about 81 MB or even an MPEG at 450 MB. Then I could burn it to a VCD and watch it on my DVD player.
Is anyone else familiar with Direct Connect? -
Anyone from or in Alaska???
by terafera2 ini'm in anchorage now and it would be cool if any of you are from this area.
i used to live in fairbanks and have wondered about alot of jw's who seemed to live on the 'fence'.
if you are out, let me know!
I'm in Sitka, that is 800 miles south of you but in Alaska!
Liars for the Watchtower?
by JosephAlward inwere they liars for the watchtower?
some forum members have made much of the letter from the portuguese branch of the jehovahs witnesses, explaining why the watchtower affiliated with the united nations department of public information; they believe it contradicts a similar letter from britain.
in this post i rebut that argument.
Wow, that is a pretty good piece of work, thanks.
I was wondering though since they have had access since 1991, can you point to any such humanitiarian aid that has been given?
Or did someone just drop the ball on that?It is hard for me to believe that they could not get access to the lybrary information simply as Americans, because America is part of the wild beast(UN). Does anyone know is the lybrary online? Bringing up another good point that I believe Russel used to use. It does not matter where you get "truth", even if it is from the mouth of the devil himself. So gaining this information from the wild beast (UN) is justified even if you have to join his ranks and become a member to do so.
The sun revolves around the earth!
by AIRVIEW1 inyes the sun revolves around the moves from east to west.. this is why galileo a 15th century noted inventor, astronomer and mathmetical genius was excumminicated by the catholic church.
the scriptures state that joshua commanded the sun to stand still!
if the sun doesn't revolve around the earth then this command would be really stupid!.
Good point,
In order to learn we must change. This is the law of life, simply all things change.
Also that is a good arguement to put in front of a Fundamintalist Christian. How could the Bible be literal and be true. Literal to us was not the same as literal to those back then.
If this statement was in error, there maybe other concepts also in error that need to change. There will always be stubborn people with inflexable minds, sometimes I am one. At least I do not practice it anymore on purpose....LOLThe people who desire to dominate thoelogy and define it for everyone else can be the most stubborn. I think that the time for an Organization to be able to do it on a grand scale may be ending. The Internet and a generation of knowledge oriented people is definitly the enemy of such stubborness and narrow vision.
An Opinion Question
by DIMs Wife indo you think that it is better to be disassociated or disfellowshipped or do you think that drifting away is the best option?
Wow, so many good comments.
aChristian makes a good point. His option is from one who is well grounded in a faith. He knows where he stands and he has no question about what is real and what is not. To take such a stand is admirable and if I had been as well grounded to "my truth" back then as I am now I would have done exactly what he suggested. Stood and spoke my piece in order to show that I had no more fear from the JW teachings of fear. This would have an effect on others and my family.
However when I left, I was so indoctrinated and had little faith in myself or in God I would have not been able to stand up on my own and shout anything. It wasn't untill age 30 or so I even got a direction really and began to build a new faith in myself and later in Spiritual persuits and in God, many years after I had been out and deprogrammed the teachings of fear.I do feel that someday down the road after you find your own path and want to pass some truth on to others, ie your kids, you may find yourself speaking out publicly for what you believe in, just as aChristian is doing. However the important thing is to survive right now! Consider which path for now will enable you to come to a point of personal love and respect for yourself. The JW's will always be there, how will you feel when you run into them?
How will it effect your family? Do you care what they think? It's easy to say we do not care but it is rarely true.
Thier control over you is directly related to how you feel, not what they do. You must find a balance that allows you to have self respect and grow, the other option can lead to suicide, so this is an important thing to face. The wound must be healed in you first and they will be there to reopen it if they can bring in doubts and fear.Good Luck
DL -
Strike while the iron is hot...
by DazedAndConfused inwe all know, and anticipating, the dateline show.
i propose that we get together as a group and create flyers that we can download and print to distribute to people in our communities.
striking while the iron is hot is very important.
I think this is an awesome idea.
Please email me, I don't know what I can do for you but I am willing to participate, and would love to have access to the flyers.