Having lived on several continents, this is what I have noticed:
Americans when visiting other places tend to bring certain 'baggage' ... certian attitudes.
Americans tend to think they are the only people in the world and everyone else should be glad they (Americans) exist.
Americans tend to wonder, when they finally travel outside the USA, why people don't have what they have. Unbelievably naiive.
Americans tend to think the laws of other countries are just like this one and are usually suprised when the Germans take their drivers license for six months due to speeding. Or that the penalty for DWI in Mexico is death.
Americans basically have absolutely no idea what goes on in the rest of the world. We usually also have no idea what US policies are toward the rest of the world...leaving us to wonder again why such and such country hates us....Hmmmm?
Americans living in foreign countries tend to treat the citizens as if beneath themselves. Americans bring their hatreds and biases with them, whever they go.
Americans don't realize that everyone else in the world wants the same thing they do...Freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But they don't necessarily want it in the American style.