perspicacia2 is counting the time incorrectly....... If you add 70 years to 537, you don't get 607. Why? Because time counts DOWN not UP. The correct thing to do would be to SUBTRACT 70 years. Time (as counted by Western standards) goes 606, 537, 482, 1 BC...AFTER the birth of Christ, 1 AD, 537, 607, etc. The years before Christs birth are counting down to zero. (by Western standards, and whos to say Western standards are correct)
Fact is, no specific years are mentioned in the Bible because YEARS aren't important. Counting time as specific years is something that man has recently made up ...but it isn't God's way. The Bible tells us to pay attention to the signs, times, and seasons...not to any specific year date.
I for one am sick and tired of MAN trying to guess when God's day is supposed to happen. It isn't for anyone to know; therefor anyone who claims to know when it is, is an outright liar and a blasphemer. Stop being like Adam and Eve, stealing and eating something that doesn't belong to you....Can't God just have his one tree? ... His one secret day?
Like God has to do things when WE say so. Unbelievable!
The Gentile times haven't ended yet...their kings (rulers) are STILL having their day!!!! Next thing you know, somebody will be saying they know what year Adam was created. NOT!!!
Truth is, we don't even know what year this truly is from the beginning of man's creation. Is it really 2002? How do we know? We don't know. ( We made it up!! ) The reason we don't know is because its not important. I hope your entire faith isn't based on a Year date. If so, your faith is in vain.
Edited by - Lieu on 19 June 2002 3:43:57
Edited by - Lieu on 19 June 2002 3:46:1